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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Salazam

  1. теперь, когда у нас есть лимит призыва миньонов, и мы знаем, что можно удалить реликвии умений. Было бы интересно добавить критический урон миньонам, вызванным способностями, это очень поможет, особенно тем, кто был посвящен при построении 32-го набора. @Holmes @LeeLoo
  2. @Nolan a skill do encantador "pacto demoníaco" nao vai entrar no novo sistema de gosto de mana? Ou apenas foi esquecida?
  3. De uma forma geral gostei da maioria das mudanças. Talvez charmer encontre um lugar em qualquer guilda com essa mudança no fogo Sobrenatural. Ansioso pelos testes.
  4. É so vender as armas no NPC, armas por sinal costumam valer bastante gold nos NPCs
  5. Tkts de arena São itens muito baratos, isso não mudaria a desvalorização dos itens. Se fosse colocar algum outro consumível no lugar, poderia desvalorizar o consumível fazendo com que ele perdesse o valor.
  6. Salazam

    Safe place

    understand that there are some servers that the competition is not fair. but such a change would only mean that there was no way to prevent an enemy from picking up a rank at times of event. in case you are experiencing difficulties, the best thing to do is try to find friends, or take refuge in a big guild.
  7. such a change would be baseless. rangers and hunters have, in addition to attack speed, several good damage skills, being a mix between using skills and basic atks. some melee classes that do attack speed builds don't have good damage abilities, or are simply not worth using. making the only option for these classes to be automatic attacks. nerving the weapons would just make some classes have no decent way to do damage, even with a lot of attack speed. also, aside from BD which is the only dmg full speed class with resist, all the classes that do atk speed are pretty easy to deal with using stuns.
  8. the magician's barrier is a skill with a focus on pvp, after all, a magician already has a basic skill that works to increase his defense, and make him receive less damage. considering the pvp, the mage barrier is a very good skill, activates relatively easily and can even protect the mage from multiple hits. for pve, mages are not tanks, so the barrier is just an extra protective skill. however, in pve, it is more valuable to increase the defense and robustness of the solar armor. this if you want to do solo content. in a group it's much more valuable to level up your damage skills;
  9. paladin already has an ability that provides damage reduction, considering some adjustments to the sacred shield, this other ability could receive some improvements to compensate. I don't think the aura of light needs any change. it's already a skill that does its job well.
  10. this change would be interesting, chieftain doesn't have much power in some arenas, due to lack of controls this change would not help the chieftain's needs, besides this ability already has a very strong strength in pvps content this skill needs a rework, it doesn't match the chieftain's play style, it's a slow skill while the character is fast and agile. this was a skill designed especially for those who want to build a build based on physical damage. I don't know if this change would make the use of 2-handed weapons viable, it would only harm chieftains focused on attack speed.
  11. it would be great, especially considering that when you get hurt with a knife, you will bleed
  12. Salazam


    limits must not be changed, they exist for a reason.
  13. uma coisa legal que poderiamos ter no jogo, sao as ''dungeons de mundo aberto'' onde vc precisa de um grupo de jogadores, para realizar as atividades da area e obter drops, gold, algo estilo as missoes dinamicas da t5. mas com intuito de obter itens ou ouro.
  14. bem, o preço dos itens nao esta tao relacionado a quantidade que existem do mesmo em determinado local. normalmente itens desvalorizados, sao itens que nao sao relevantes para nenhuma classe daquela facçao. um bom exemplo disso sao acessorios com dano fisico e velocidade de ataque, enquanto no lado sentinela o valor de um desses itens é mais de 500k, no lado legiao, mal passam de 200k. na verdade a melhor forma de corrigir o problema de itens com valores de mercado muito baixo, seria colocando eles como reagente de produçao. um exemplo sao os aneis com bonus de dano mágico e energia/esquiva, no passado o valor desses itens era infimo, e hoje em dia sao extremamente valorizados, pois passaram a ser itens reagentes, que no caso sao usados para profissoes(fazer aneis aprimorados)
  15. bem, isso nao é um bug. toda habilidade que pode ser usada em aliados é assim. bugs sao falhas no sistema, quando uma coisa que NÃO deveria acontecer, acontece.
  16. Мне очень нравится идея быть призывателем. Я действительно хотел знать, что разработчики думают о классе в данный момент, грустно открывать игру и не знать, будет ли ваш персонаж по-прежнему жизнеспособным на следующей неделе. они говорили о паладинах, жуликах даже о рейнджерах (лучах). По крайней мере, мне было интересно, стоит ли мне искать сейчас другой класс или нет.
  17. Надеюсь, вы примете во внимание, что заклинатель вроде DD имеет только один эффективный навык урона. возможно, заклинателю нужно больше автономии (меньше зависимости от домашних животных) @Holmes @LeeLooбыло бы неплохо, если бы вы могли поделиться своими мыслями о чарующей на данный момент.
  18. Я играю в эту игру уже давно, если у нас не было анонса до сих пор, только в следующие выходные 17.12.2021, удачно 16.12.20
  19. a nice change, as a charmer i have many set options, and could have more options saved. do you mean the personal warehouse? I find it strange that they still haven't added the personal warehouse expansion to the Miraculous Store. anyway we have the battle pass that helps with that I'm against this, as it would reduce the flow of people in cities, and we would end up getting the impression that the game has fewer active players, it's not cool. well if you want to sell something just go into town especially for bosses this change should apply. would help a lot when completing a ''done quest''
  20. Я думаю, что на следующей неделе у нас будет объявление. может завтра будет спойлер.
  21. хороший вопрос. обратите внимание, что администраторы сегодня немного отсутствуют ...
  22. Bem, esse ano a reclamação sobre o evento do halloween foi unânime, ninguém dropou, ta todo mundo infeliz.
  23. nolan ta sumido hoje, nao postou quase nada discord. deve estar cheio de trabalho em traduçoes pra fazer hehe fora que as vezes é bom atormentar os outros adms tambem
  24. holmes vem aqui, posta um pato. será que entende portugues se alguem marcar ele? afinal, libera uns mimos ae pra gente
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