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  1. Thanks
    Arinar got a reaction from Geralti in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  2. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Evilend in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  3. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Питьчай in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  4. Like
    Arinar reacted to GudOmen in Pirata do Naufragio - GudOmen BR-TOURMALINE   
    Valeu men! O seu também tá muito bom!
  5. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Kemono in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  6. Wow
    Arinar got a reaction from Aikko Warspear in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  7. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Dryidikk in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  8. Wow
    Arinar reacted to GudOmen in Pirata do Naufragio - GudOmen BR-TOURMALINE   
    já parou para pensar que existe muitos barcos naufragados e quase nenhum traje de piratas mortos-vivos?
    pois este traje é para estas pessoas
    com sua roupa, chapéu e sua cara(esquelética) de um verdadeiro pirata! Sua mão esquelética que foi trocada por um gancho e seu pano rasgado na região da perna, você matará seus inimigos com o estilo pirata(amaldiçoado)!

  9. Wow
    Arinar got a reaction from Amaleo in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  10. Thanks
    Arinar got a reaction from Nolan in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    Done, mate
  11. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Pantsu Hunter in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  12. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Ahmedic in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  13. Like
    Arinar reacted to 100xp in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    This is a great job, congratulations
  14. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from 100xp in The Sealed Demon - Nick: Arinar, Server: BR - Tourmaline   
    WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.
        Enjoy the reading! 

  15. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Enot in Armored Vivid Fire - Fogo Vívido Blindado | Server: BR - Tourmaline > Nick: Arinar   
    Born in the lands of Nadir-sard, this armor has been known to take on a life of its own and fight across the lands of Irselnort against any evil.
            Everyone knew that when its horns glowed, any enemy would not be able to stand. Emanating a beautiful glow of fire, causing enemies to burst into flames.
            Its loyalty was to its master, who lived in the Norlant Swamps. It was said that this master was a great expert in creating armor and weapons, but he had never done anything on this level. This master blacksmith's name is Amirr, also known to know an ancient warrior from Arinar who wore a red cloak around his waist and walked around covering half of his face with his helmet.
            Several stories about the armor were told and witnessed, including the story of how this armor was forged. Amirr told the inhabitants of the Swamps that to forge it, lost pieces of the spear used in war were needed. When Master Amirr had collected all that was needed, he went to the volcano of Nadir-sard and created a forge from the volcanic remains there. Using lava as an ingredient and fuel, and putting all the resources together in order, he witnessed a spectacle the likes of which he had never seen before. Several lights appeared from the heavens and hit the forge followed by lightning and thunder. After a continuous hour of this event occurring, a humanoid being emerged from the ashes. This being became known as:
  16. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Regis in Arinar, BR-Tourmaline   
  17. Cool Story
    Arinar reacted to Nolan in [2023.03.03] Concurso de guias "Mistério da Sabedoria 2023"   
    Caros amigos!
    Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do tradicional concurso “Mistério da Sabedoria - 2023”! Bravos mestres de armas corpo a corpo, arqueiros precisos e sábios senhores da magia poderão compartilhar conhecimentos preciosos sobre sua classe e obter uma bela recompensa por isso!
    O que devo fazer?
    Você precisa escrever um guia sobre sua classe favorita:
    Introdução. Descreva brevemente as características da classe, seus prós e contras.
    Dicas para novatos. Voltando no tempo, como você se aconselharia a atualizar suas habilidades à medida que desenvolve seu personagem? Qual equipamento você escolheria? Minions?
    Direção PvE. Conte-nos como distribuir corretamente os pontos de habilidade para lutar contra monstros, compartilhe a escolha de relíquias, equipamentos, cristais e runas. Descreva os aliados desejados e as características da batalha contra monstros no mundo aberto e nas masmorras.
    Direção PvP. Conte-nos como distribuir corretamente os pontos de habilidade para as batalhas com os jogadores, compartilhe a escolha de relíquias, equipamentos, cristais e runas. Descreva os aliados desejados e como lutar contra diferentes classes no mundo aberto, na Arena e nos eventos.
    Items. Não se esqueça de mencionar os pergaminhos, poções, comida e lacaios mais úteis.
    O que vamos avaliar?
    Informatividade. Como mencionado acima, é necessário preparar um material sobre a classe em que você realmente conhece bem. Demonstre-o descrevendo tudo com o máximo de detalhes possível.
    Brevidade. Não sobrecarregue seu trabalho com informações que podem ser visualizadas no jogo (por exemplo, uma lista de todas as relíquias disponíveis).
    Disponibilidade de apresentação. É muito importante que seu trabalho seja compreensível para pessoas de diferentes idades, inclusive aquelas com entendimento diferente da mecânica do jogo e do jogo em geral.
    Projeto. Uma parte integrante do guia é sua aparência, formatação de texto, títulos, estrutura de seção, uso de imagens, gifs, capturas de tela, etc. Deixe seu trabalho ficar bonito!
    Não se esqueça de avaliar e comentar os guias de outros participantes, pois todos precisam de apoio e feedback construtivo. Durante a aceitação das candidaturas a concurso, o trabalho pode ser livremente editado e melhorado.
    É proibido:
    usar quaisquer materiais que violem o contrato de licença do jogo ou as regras do fórum;
    publicação de informações deliberadamente falsas para enganar outros jogadores;
    plágio e cópia de guias existentes.
    Para publicar um trabalho, você precisa selecionar sua classe de personagem principal NESTA seção e criar um tópico com o nome "[Nick e servidor do seu personagem]".
    E lembre-se, 1 pessoa = 1 trabalho!
    Os trabalhos são aceitos até dia 24 de março , após esta data, no prazo de uma semana, até 1 de abril, o júri apurará os vencedores e publicaremos os resultados. Informamos que durante esta semana estará aberta a votação na seção de cada classe, na qual os usuários cujas contas no fórum foram criadas até o dia 2* de março poderão escolher seus trabalhos preferidos. Os autores das obras mais votadas receberão 5.000 Moedas Milagrosas.
    * A exceção são as contas dos usuários participantes do concurso.
    1º lugar : 20.000 Moedas Milagrosas e 1 livro de habilidade sem classe de sua escolha (excluindo os livros “Resistência Mágica” e “Extensão Mágica”) + um emblema de ouro exclusivo no fórum ;
    2º lugar : 15.000 Moedas Milagrosas e 2 equipamentos diferentes (arma ou joia) de sua escolha da Ilha Bem-aventurada + um emblema de prata exclusivo no fórum ;
    3º lugar : 10.000 Moedas Milagrosas e 1 item de equipamento (arma ou acessório) de sua escolha da Ilha Bem-aventurada + um emblema de bronze exclusivo no fórum ;
    Após o término do concurso, os trabalhos de todos os participantes serão movidos para a seção “Classes” do fórum, e os melhores deles serão fixados nas seções apropriadas!
    Que a sabedoria esteja com você!
  18. Wow
    Arinar reacted to Dr Strange in [2023.02.22] Contest "Best Costume - 2023". Results!   
    Dear friends!
    This year, the skill and creativity of the competitors faced the jury with a difficult choice! For a whole week, heated debates did not subside, and finally we are ready to announce the results of the annual "Costume Contest - 2023"!
    In addition to the three main prizes, it was decided to award additional prizes to the authors of incredible works that deserve your attention, they will receive 5000 Miracle Coins:
    wusheng by @leilei

    White Tiger Armor by @Fishcat Link

    Mago sanguíneo by @Zaryusu

    Imperatriz da Lua de Sangue by @Lunar

    Fênix Lilás by @Liam Menezes

    Shadow Rose by @Lilypriest

    We are also glad to reward the works of the authors, who undoubtedly set the tone for the contest, they will be sent 10000 Miracle Coins:
    Beginner by @Katsuny

    Dungeon master by @Feminist

    Máscara Do Eclipse by @Sigma

    Two masterpieces that captured the hearts of judges and community members receive 20000 Miracle Coins from our jury:
    The black Cloak by @100xp

    Imperador dos dragões by @Ricardo Neto

    And, of course, there are three winners...
    3rd place: 
    Protetor da Lua @oiguigui

    2nd place:
    Vulpes @Zurp

    1st place:
    Armored Vivid Fire - Fogo Vívido Blindado @Davibicalho

    As a sign of gratitude, the rest of the participants, whose works comply with the conditions of participation, will receive an incentive prize - 10 Wild Fiesta Caches!
    Thank you for participating and see you in new contests!
  19. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Меджи in Armored Vivid Fire - Fogo Vívido Blindado | Server: BR - Tourmaline > Nick: Arinar   
    Born in the lands of Nadir-sard, this armor has been known to take on a life of its own and fight across the lands of Irselnort against any evil.
            Everyone knew that when its horns glowed, any enemy would not be able to stand. Emanating a beautiful glow of fire, causing enemies to burst into flames.
            Its loyalty was to its master, who lived in the Norlant Swamps. It was said that this master was a great expert in creating armor and weapons, but he had never done anything on this level. This master blacksmith's name is Amirr, also known to know an ancient warrior from Arinar who wore a red cloak around his waist and walked around covering half of his face with his helmet.
            Several stories about the armor were told and witnessed, including the story of how this armor was forged. Amirr told the inhabitants of the Swamps that to forge it, lost pieces of the spear used in war were needed. When Master Amirr had collected all that was needed, he went to the volcano of Nadir-sard and created a forge from the volcanic remains there. Using lava as an ingredient and fuel, and putting all the resources together in order, he witnessed a spectacle the likes of which he had never seen before. Several lights appeared from the heavens and hit the forge followed by lightning and thunder. After a continuous hour of this event occurring, a humanoid being emerged from the ashes. This being became known as:
  20. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Shanalotta in Armored Vivid Fire - Fogo Vívido Blindado | Server: BR - Tourmaline > Nick: Arinar   
    Born in the lands of Nadir-sard, this armor has been known to take on a life of its own and fight across the lands of Irselnort against any evil.
            Everyone knew that when its horns glowed, any enemy would not be able to stand. Emanating a beautiful glow of fire, causing enemies to burst into flames.
            Its loyalty was to its master, who lived in the Norlant Swamps. It was said that this master was a great expert in creating armor and weapons, but he had never done anything on this level. This master blacksmith's name is Amirr, also known to know an ancient warrior from Arinar who wore a red cloak around his waist and walked around covering half of his face with his helmet.
            Several stories about the armor were told and witnessed, including the story of how this armor was forged. Amirr told the inhabitants of the Swamps that to forge it, lost pieces of the spear used in war were needed. When Master Amirr had collected all that was needed, he went to the volcano of Nadir-sard and created a forge from the volcanic remains there. Using lava as an ingredient and fuel, and putting all the resources together in order, he witnessed a spectacle the likes of which he had never seen before. Several lights appeared from the heavens and hit the forge followed by lightning and thunder. After a continuous hour of this event occurring, a humanoid being emerged from the ashes. This being became known as:
  21. Wow
    Arinar reacted to Alduin in "Меридий" Alduin Ru-Topaz   
    "Меридий" Alduin Ru-Topaz

    Составляющие костюма:
    Костюм без фона:
  22. Like
    Arinar reacted to 100xp in for aigrind   
    First I apologize for using this contest to make a suggestion, 
    I would like to share with you that it is possible to create costumes with animations within the game

    As you can see I created a costume within the limits of frames and pixels, with an animation of wings, it is also possible to create costumes with animations of flames, lights and tentacles, with only 4 frames and still respect the pet's breathing animation
    I apologize again for using this topic to just give a suggestion, Thank you very much for your attention 
  23. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from 100xp in Manequim, This one is just for fun   
    Tu falou uma coisa muito top, me lembrando que é possível criar algo muito bom a partir de uma coisa simples ou até mesmo "feia".
  24. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from LeeLoo in Armored Vivid Fire - Fogo Vívido Blindado | Server: BR - Tourmaline > Nick: Arinar   
    Born in the lands of Nadir-sard, this armor has been known to take on a life of its own and fight across the lands of Irselnort against any evil.
            Everyone knew that when its horns glowed, any enemy would not be able to stand. Emanating a beautiful glow of fire, causing enemies to burst into flames.
            Its loyalty was to its master, who lived in the Norlant Swamps. It was said that this master was a great expert in creating armor and weapons, but he had never done anything on this level. This master blacksmith's name is Amirr, also known to know an ancient warrior from Arinar who wore a red cloak around his waist and walked around covering half of his face with his helmet.
            Several stories about the armor were told and witnessed, including the story of how this armor was forged. Amirr told the inhabitants of the Swamps that to forge it, lost pieces of the spear used in war were needed. When Master Amirr had collected all that was needed, he went to the volcano of Nadir-sard and created a forge from the volcanic remains there. Using lava as an ingredient and fuel, and putting all the resources together in order, he witnessed a spectacle the likes of which he had never seen before. Several lights appeared from the heavens and hit the forge followed by lightning and thunder. After a continuous hour of this event occurring, a humanoid being emerged from the ashes. This being became known as:
  25. Like
    Arinar got a reaction from Ploxish in Armored Vivid Fire - Fogo Vívido Blindado | Server: BR - Tourmaline > Nick: Arinar   
    Born in the lands of Nadir-sard, this armor has been known to take on a life of its own and fight across the lands of Irselnort against any evil.
            Everyone knew that when its horns glowed, any enemy would not be able to stand. Emanating a beautiful glow of fire, causing enemies to burst into flames.
            Its loyalty was to its master, who lived in the Norlant Swamps. It was said that this master was a great expert in creating armor and weapons, but he had never done anything on this level. This master blacksmith's name is Amirr, also known to know an ancient warrior from Arinar who wore a red cloak around his waist and walked around covering half of his face with his helmet.
            Several stories about the armor were told and witnessed, including the story of how this armor was forged. Amirr told the inhabitants of the Swamps that to forge it, lost pieces of the spear used in war were needed. When Master Amirr had collected all that was needed, he went to the volcano of Nadir-sard and created a forge from the volcanic remains there. Using lava as an ingredient and fuel, and putting all the resources together in order, he witnessed a spectacle the likes of which he had never seen before. Several lights appeared from the heavens and hit the forge followed by lightning and thunder. After a continuous hour of this event occurring, a humanoid being emerged from the ashes. This being became known as:
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