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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Raislin

  1. Guess so. Might be finally worth using orci scrolls or the chinese new year scrolls for the memes.
  2. Clearly you didn't read the same changes as I did because I clearly saw huge nerfs on PoB for example. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked.
  3. I'm pretty sure BD's speed is still there they just didn't mention it since it had 0 changes. They moved cd from Strike Hurricane to Enlightenment and accuracy from Enlightenment to Strike Hurricane and replaced Dodge from Enlightenment with Penetration from Mark of the Blade. So largely the buffs have stayed the same except meme Dodge build isn't even slightly viable anymore. Good thing I never finished my BD's build...
  4. BD actually got some nerfs so I don't really know where this is coming from. The changes related to stuns were for all classes so you can't really say its a BD buff.
  5. You do realize that barely anything has changed. Shield buffs were rare in pve if you ran in a "proper" party, meaning you had a tank pulling agro. And on raid bosses there's like a few places where youd get it occasionally. You will still die to Seekers in pvp as well since now they can just tp pot and run away to stealth and wait out any chief resist skills and kill you with 100% stuns. At least since you talk so similar to cryai I don't really expect anything better from your chief than her rogue either... All im going to say is goodluck and hope you get mad when you die to pleb seekers again.
  6. It's just a bad class/build matchup, even necro would be better at getting through the shield than shaman.
  7. Not sure why you are comparing the two. Shaman already had their aoe heal which is Healing totem. It would be a better comparison.
  8. Think of seeker as a glasscannon class. If you aren't dead in the first 5-10 seconds the more likely it is seeker will lose in the end. Problem with seekers has been that they have been incredibly inconsistent for a long time. They either absolutely murder everyone or die in 3 hits, it can go either way. Perhaps the stun chance changes will turn things for the better but seems fairly unlikely to me. Only reason I'd hesitate to put damage reduction as the shields buff would be because of the talent they have. You'd either have to balance the shield skill with it in mind so it would have to be 15% dmg reduction at maximum since it would stack with the talent giving 70% reduction + other defense stats on top of it but if you aren't using the talent it would just be a skill to use for the relics you put in it which seems a bit of a waste or you'd make it have a higher % and make it stupidly busted if used with orci scrolls or the book for permanent 70+% damage reduction. Honestly I would have given seeker longer with the state it was in to see where they really end up considering they were still incredibly fragile but whatever I suppose...
  9. I probably would have preferred something else besides defense but there's some potential there with combination of the new talent and some spring books. I'll wait until the actual update to pass on judgment to it.
  10. Unfortunately warspear is kind of a old game at least in mobile game terms that implementing it would require massive reworks. That in itself isnt a bad thing but i doubt this would be at the top of the priority list for changes since asian server already exists. Problem is that you've joined the wrong servers.
  11. Just because the idiots in EU dont level it doesnt mean its not good. Its widely used in other servers.
  12. Hope you didn't forget to make the stuns 100% since it seems many other classes got that treatment.
  13. When have I said that? Then again it's not exactly far off either, a +9 pvp rogue should be able to spam damage/stun skills out of stealth and kill just about any full booked +10 greatness seeker. If there's some buffs involved then it might change things somewhat but generally its true. Distortion book might save the seeker if they have it or it might not since the healing from that is nerfed by talent too.
  14. Seekers do not have a resist skill. It's a stealth upgrade talent which lasts as long as you do in bed and is like 20% if i remember right. Barely makes a difference. Rogues got a different talent so complain to developers to nerf whatever you did get to get a short bonus of resistance you don't need.
  15. There's plenty of ways to cc players who have distort without making it trigger and making them easy to kill. Such as silences, Fear effects, lightning blast and whatever else you can think of. Stunning is something you can decide not to do unless you have it enchanted in your gear when it will pop up randomly once in a while. The only reason some people could tank "20-30" people was because of halloween event giving out stun buffs to everyone so there was no way to avoid stunning someone or people were being dumb. Do also remember that I wasn't the one complaining about any particular class while saying that. You are the one crying over 2 people in a server having slightly better chief than you. Don't think I would need to remind you that much more people in Legion of Emerald at the time had the book simply because it was dropping over there constantly while Sentinels didn't have any drop for a few weeks. Of course things might have changed since then but objectively things would have been better for the side I wasn't playing on that actively. I still standby it being fair and having clear counterplay with which you can avoid the book entirely while same can't really be said for either sea book. Not that I mind them particularly. It's not like the 2 chiefs with orci book are unkillable either.
  16. Let's be real the problem here isn't permanent resist skill. It's the fact that chief has high damage and they wont die with permanent Rugged hide or at least close to it on them. People out here are basically trying to nerf the least problematic part of the class just because they are also abusing the class but they can't just leave it as it is because the only orci books in the server are in an enemy guild lol.
  17. I can't believe how out of touch some people can be but you sure have proven to not have touched grass. If only Sinister strike was first on the list and then I could say your post just gets more and more unhinged as it goes on but sadly you ordered it a bit poorly.
  18. Judging from the icon of the talent I suppose it's Death call. Probably was copy pasted from barbarian and forgot to change skill name. Oops.
  19. At best similar numbers with much superior damage buffs. What was your point again? The healing is completely normal for that amount of damage. Rogue was healing 2k health from ~10k hits so what's the problem here?
  20. With sea weapons hitting enemies for 10-15k regularly without a damage scroll used or 20% critical damage from minion. There's no point to argue with people who don't know anything they are talking about. Don't know why I bother with you clowns honestly.
  21. Raislin

    Seeker Guide 10.2

    Basic skill Inspiration gives speed and penetration.
  22. Don't know why on earth you'd want to make a skill actively worse but by all means keep suggesting this once in a while.
  23. Why do you assume every single seeker has this book already, there literally like 1 or 2 in EU sentinels at the moment. Stop going back to the same old argument over and over again. Nerfing based on a book someone may or may not have is kinda dumb regardless. And again Rogues have access to weapons other than dagger, the lowest physical base damage weapon of all. The 40% damage buff just isn't the same as it would be if seeker had swords or axes. Axe has 30% more damage already anyway...
  24. Rogue can do the same with a sea weapon with 0 difference, slightly less damage but it doesn't even matter. I don't get your point lol. Detect potions rarely work up to 5 yards, maybe if you stand still and of course the Legion player talks about ranged stuns when barbarians have the best single target stun in the game. 7 tile range, has decent range and does good damage. Nothing stops mcs from use detection potions to counter Seekers and newsflash they do, not to mention you also have a detection skill on charmer just like Sentinels do on mage. Your hypothetical situation applies to seekers as well except Legion has the better ranged stuns, not Sentinels.
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