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Posts posted by Lucstriker

  1. Vale lembrar que o jogo é voltado para em (equipe) tanto PvE, quanto PvP. Cada classe é importante ou muito "roubada" em determinada situação. Vejo vários falando de Warlock, mas 10x Warlocks ganham o GvG sozinhos por terem muito controle. Agora de um geral, todos querem ter sua classe "imortal" mas se esquecem da essência que é o warspear e preferem ter sua classe bugada ou "desbalanceada" por causa de 1x1 com players. Enfim, não tendo classe +1 dominando o jogo de novo já estaria de bom tamanho. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Churchill said:

    Impossível! Você não pode julgar uma equipe afk ou estar entregando vitória pelo simples fato da mesma não entrar em batalha, as vezes uma pt pode entender que a partida já está perdida comparando com a adversária. Isso poderia gerar uma penalidade injusta e sem fundamento para jogadores e isso é um dos muitos efeitos colaterais que esse sistema causaria. Talvêz você seja um jogador que está tendo problema em se manter no rank top 10 e por isso está sugerindo isso.

    E talvez você seja um dos jogadores que usam conta afk para se beneficiarem dos jogadores para subir rank. Só quem faz um jogo justo concorda com o que foi mencionado no tópico para um novo sistema. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Holmes said:



    Dear players!


    Please note that tomorrow, 2021/08/17, at 09:00 CEST, the game servers will be restarted. Following the reboot, the following changes will be made:

    • fixed a bug due to which a character could not receive a reward when receiving a certain number of achievement points while offline;
    • fixed a bug due to which the skills of a character in the Zone of Weakness could flicker;
    • fixed a bug where quest items did not disappear from the bag if the dynamic task was canceled.

    Also, after restarting the servers, festive goods in Miracle shop and festive world and guild events will become unavailable, and the reputation requirement will return to the Dungeons.


    The game will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.


    Also, do not forget that used elixirs and minions will be paused, and the seeker's stamina will be returned if the player is in the dungeon at the time of the restart.


    We ask you not to plan anything important during this period and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


    The topic was closed for not being 100% in English and for not having more to be added.  We look forward to more than a "fix".  Hopefully there will be more speed in fixing something in the game and more commitment to our players.  Don't forget to look at what we're talking about.


    @Holmes @Hedfuc

  4. Hello dear players.  Will we see an update of these "prizes" in upcoming tournaments?  Does anyone remember when they received costumes too?  It's been a decade since we've seen an update in this regard.  May harad touch the hearts of our developers and give us more news than we expect.


    Could increase received crystals, chests, pets.  These crystals are outdated and of little use!  I hope not only for class fixes, but also for various in-game events and rewards.



  5. You talk like it's easy to arrange the books.  It can be any server, there aren't that many books that can get in the way of game development.  Also because they are rare.  Having the option to take the book and transfer it is fair for those who buy it and regret it or it didn't make that much difference.  A fair price for "unbind" would be 10k mcoin.

  6. I think it's fair for the player to transfer the book to any other character he wants to play.  Sometimes it gets sick to play the same character or he decides to sell the book, as it is something rare to obtain.  Let's move this topic, maybe some developer will help us.

  7. 10 hours ago, vavavi said:

    Feel like this would be way too abusable. You could just keep transfering said books to new chars in order to fight for arena ranks and what not.

    But then the player would pay something relative.  I don't see anything bad about having this option to transfer.  But how would you get classification in the arena?  having to spend it all over again?  It doesn't even make sense what you said.

  8. It's been some time since I reported the abilities "Fateful connection and infection" but it's the fateful connection that is passing all or almost all the "debuffs" on the legion's side. This is disproportionate. While many say it isn't, I see a big problem over the years. Unfortunately I know there are things and delays happen, but I hope they fix it as soon as possible. By having a limit on the row of "buffs" it hasn't been possible to show how unfair this is in the game, because the 3 rows of buffs make it difficult to see the negative effects on the character, but look at the photo I'll show you. 

    Each "doll" of the chief shows how the fateful connection is going through what was not supposed to go through it. In the skill description it says that it transmits the infection, but it's not just her, but all the negative effects!





  9. 7 hours ago, Peony said:





    Please note the changes that have been done to the tournament Guild event:

    • Added a ban on interacting with boss souls for players who have effects from skills: Guild Invisibility, Guild Blessing, Patronage of the Forest (Druid), Mantra of Healing (Templar).
    • Reduced the number of points for killing a commander with a boss soul from 500 to 100.
    • The guild will receive an additional 100 points for every 30 seconds with a soul.

    See you in the game!

    waiting where they could fix the fateful connection error where all the "debuffs" go through it, not just the same infection is in their description. Grateful

  10. 5 hours ago, Holmes said:


    Dear players!


    Please note that tomorrow, 30.06.2021, at 10:00 CEST, the game servers will be restarted. Following the reboot, the following changes will be made:


    • fixed the error due to which it was not possible to complete the “Art of War” achievement;
    • fixed the error due to which in some cases the amount of aggro towards the Castle Guard could decrease;
    • removed the option to apply for Arena, if the character is currently in a castle’s citadel.


    The game will be unavailable for approximately 15 minutes.

    Please also don’t forget that used elixirs and minions are paused and seeker’s endurance will be restored if at the moment of the reboot the player was in a dungeon.


    Don’t plan anything important for that time.

    We apologize for any inconvenience. 


    They could fix the fateful connection error where all the "debuffs" go through it, not just the same infection is in their description. Grateful. @Hedfuc

  11. 18 minutes ago, Nolan said:

    Hey! I have watched your video. Unfortunately I still didn't manage to find the bug (or you didn't mean there was a bug at all?) 


    And yeah, this combo may look strong in the videos sent but there are some things that we have to pay attention to. 


    - It's not clear how much magical defense the characters ad when the video was recorded and if they had enough resilience against the ferocity of the necromancer.


    - This combo is hard to be done as they need to stay close and also takes a long time to damage the opponents. 

    It seems like a joke to read this, but have you seen my pala?  Full set grandeur, 6200+ Magic Def.  I had 10k hp and it took me 5k in effortless seconds.  Do you think it's fair?  See screenshots and videos if possible.

  12. On 6/1/2021 at 8:08 PM, Nolan said:

    Please, record a more specific video of the "bug" as you said. I won't watch 17 minutes of pure sensationalism. 


    If there's any bug or glitch in the skill I will prontly foward it to the devs. :drinks:

    The big problem is that the infection spreads to 6 players, but it explodes and every 1 player hits 6 more around and every 1 of the 6 hits 6 more and so on endlessly.  This generates several consecutive "hits" and without "balance".  They say they don't level up, but it's the necromancer's strongest skill.  Don't watch the 17min video, but see mine that I made unedited.

  13. 35 minutes ago, Khrone said:

    Minha pessoa mencionou tal habilidade denominada popularmente como "Raízes" da classe Druida para comparar com a habilidade "Círculo Sombrio" do Bruxo, dizendo que ambas as habilidades criam uma área que é afetada constantemente pelo controle, logo, você pode ser controlado mesmo após vários segundos depois dela ser lançada, diferente de outras habilidades como os "Grilhões da Justiça", "Estilhaços de Pedra", dentre outras que só atordoam no mesmo momento ao ser ativadas. :monocle1:

    grilhões e raizes do druid não te impossibilitam de usar umas skills ou atacar... 

  14. 34 minutes ago, Diego Ferreira said:

    Nesse caso, que tal uma sugestão? Os jogadores poderiam ficar visivelmente sem fantasias, por isso evitamos as suspeitas quanto à veracidade do vídeo, creio que todos conhecem o verdadeiro visual do conjunto pvp.

    We didn't come to show costumes or cheat in question to the video, I showed the "power" that the skill has on a large scale, and it is multiplied and passed on to other players.  Even if you've already been hit by the "infection" if another player is hit again, you also take the most damage.  that's how I took 5k damage per 1x skill.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Kennyackermann said:

    Bem, é isso, acho que nosso amigo Buckyrudy nem mesmo verifica as habilidades de sua facção, ele prefere vir aqui primeiro no fórum e pedir nerfs, porque sua guilda não pode ganhar gvgs e eles estão tentando fazer qualquer coisa para nerfar meu lado, mas o problema é que ele não pode nem mesmo ler a descrição das habilidades de sua facção ....

    I think you are mistaken and your post does not make sense.  because I showed all the information, both in "prints" and in video.  Please look at the topic again and read the information on it, please.

  16. 23 minutes ago, Danfake said:

    O que você ganha alegando tal mentira de "necro +6 matando todos facilmente" 

    O vídeo necro é do meu servidor é +10, full arena. 

    Também posso questionar a veracidade do vídeo, os elfos não usam equipamento pvp, etc.

    I understand that you want to defend your side, but it is unfair.  all there are Full PvP and with greatness set ... I showed in the video the necro +6 hitting a lot and the redemption does not remove the effect in the area as before.  in short, now it is waiting for the decision of the developers.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Khrone said:

    Is it so difficult to create a lv 1 Legion chararacter to ask any player that uses the class (and actually understands about it) about how the skill works? :are_you_fucking_kidding_me:

    We did better than that, we called a necromancer to use the skills on our 11x players and took the doubt we wanted and gave the complete proof that the skill is disproportionate and unfair. Watch the videos, necro +6 killing many elves easily

  18. 4 minutes ago, Pokerface said:

    Actually Infection have limits. With connection infection can affect like 5-6 heroes. After 14 seconds infection will blow-up and deal damage to each hero and to 4-5 other heroes in 1 or 2 range with like 20% less damage. With 4/4 connection and 4/4 infection it may look really strong but its hard to make happen

    Apparently there is no limit and we are talking about the area damage caused.  1x necro killing 10x players easily, effortlessly something ... (necro +6)

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