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Everything posted by MCocktail

  1. Also, there are too many rogues. Its like 70% rogue 20%lock 4.5%sham 4.5%necro, 0.9% DK, 0.09%Barb Too many locks also. If you join MC side, take DK: 1. Too less Tanks 2. Those peasants are crying about root, hamstring? Let them hear your song of your people, and prove your dominance by Threads of Darkness and Exhalation then There is no thing worse than being pulled on the enemy team, AND NOT BEING ABLE TO REACT. 3. Same as pala, Use magic if available. It is a bit more forgiving for DKS to not use magic, but its still important
  2. WHOOOO THANKS Ill pm one of you then
  3. He talked about the effectiveness of pene because of high def amp Anyway, Def amp can be as it is. the dmg percentage stucks at 40~50% after all, no matter how high the def is. As i said, its the damage that is the bane of this '-'
  4. It was like your acc, only without icon %) i cant rly remember Are you sure that you have drawn that yourself
  5. Maybe Maybe Maybe It is allready a perfect idea m8. lvl15 equipment is way to underrated.
  6. Mine is pala. Heroic, Strong beefy and quite skillful. Also, if have te urge to id run around with sated trolls mask (requires much skill to play, Flexible and can try crazy things) arr whats yer class?!?
  7. I agree too! Tavern is a very nice thing, and also, that will make dinalt very wanted, everyone would go there. Its good for the traders there lol Chainless league should also approve this
  8. Edit: I found a guild "Memories" Thanks Well i have only 1 mc acc and hes in asix %).. Thanks for your offer, ill go back to you if i need a guild mc soon
  9. Higher leveld arena pots? Health/Energy or Gladiator? We allready have lab pot tho, and greater glad pot rocks on high lvls. Minions? Fine by me %), they are fine as they are Indeed, belts are so underrated Generally, we need moar arena equipment Nice Suggestion
  10. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen I currently have no guild, the last one i was in was "YourNewGOD", but got destroyed because of a rather unfortunate incident (Lea and Cody, you have a special place in my heart ). Now i am stranded here, not having a guild. I am looking for: an active guild. (Active does not mean nessecarily often on, but also not being a zombie not interacting with others) a trustet atmo there (If someone droppes an item in wh, it will not be withdrawn because of greed, but because of need) preferably a lvl2 or higher guild of course, with high perks a high level (>18) guild an english or german or even mongolian guild. Name: "Pbednetra" I have/am: a level 21 Paladin on US-Saphire, Leveling up a GP amount of approx 1.5k a week active, and kind (If i am allowed to judge myself) decent english 1+ amp (I wont amp anyway, costs too much), but (trying to be) not noob. If you are interested in recruiting me, just leave a reply behind. I am looking forward to you
  11. As far as I know, the support team may take up to 40 days to examine the ticket. And sending multiple tickets is indeed a really bad idea. Just wait a bit Also, dont write in bold, its confusing my head. Dont tell bug, i wanna use it jk... I will not break the law
  12. My def on my pala is ~3k, so pene should still be ok (he is 1+!) Edit: shouldve read more carefully
  13. What? YOU HAVE LVL 13 ITEMS, they are enough. O.o Besides, as i always say, PLEASE BUFF THOSE EVENT MACES AND SPEARS USING MAGIC!!! Which idiot would buy an event mace or spear on, e.g. Elf side? The only ones wanting them are barbs T.T
  14. OUch. He got banned again O.O?? T.T
  15. You dont know how cruel i can be on a 1+ pala, even when a lil zerg swarm appears.
  16. Maybe. Its classified How much money di the devs have now O.o
  17. Right get ur cookie Actually, i got to much blue in those axes... hm. should be dual lvl19 arena axe.. But as said, i drew not with many details Someone deleted Nosos post? O.o?!??
  18. Actually you got doom rondel right. Congrats The other one was not designed to be a provocator's kris, but a blade of SD.... shouldve drawn a bit more accuratly Lastly, What are those two axes? Tip: it's THE most common high lvl axe/axe wep
  19. Well, As far as i know those stats are particuraly good for rogue Offensive: Accuracy (To actually hit) Critical (nothing more deadly than stealth+merciless strike critting) 1 pene and 1 mana for longer fights, else just pene if you can end a battle within 3~4 seconds Defensive Dodge (They wont hit u :3 and wonderful synergy with dodge skill) Resilence (nothing saves more lives than resilenced Stealth+Merciless Strike crit)
  20. polandball ftw Nice drawing But i prefer the smiling luffy If you can name the weps they are using youll get a cookie. pm me uss saphire either Mustardgas or Pbednetra one of them
  21. Well, since nobody draws for fun, here is a scribble. draw skill quality traded for story WHY YOU SHOULDNT USE AXE/AXE
  22. 1. The Accuracy will be smaller on sword than lvl 17 swords "other" stat. Will the percentage loss of a stat that you wont need that much be bigger advantage compared on a low stat, but the stat you want? Thats the question. 2. Also, regard the damage... raw 0+ lvl 15 sword has surely less dmg than lvl 17 Also, great suggestion, the gaps are too greaaaaat %)
  23. This is a nice suggestion. But couldn't the suggestion be named "Skin extraction"? Its more direct than the one now %) Its funny how swaaz still rolls with a lvl 13 blue helm(/mask), while he is lvl 20 Looks are important too, and if they didnt matter he would gladly change to another helm i guess %) I got a question: You would see that it has a skin on it. How can you view the "skin" on heroic armor? There is no space for it %)
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