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Posts posted by Bromancé

  1. 7 hours ago, Lyzz said:
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    Ranger need new skill increase attack strength, because even ranger +10 crossbow (1945 damage) full spring equipment still lose to seeker with dagger +10 (1546 damage) in DG boss and raid boss. Ranger (1945 damage) deal 900 damage , meanwhile seeker (1546damage) deal 1200 damage to boss! Please admin ranger need new skill increase attack strength.🙏🏻

    ranger doesn't need buff, perhaps seeker need nerf on talent, problem solved, thank me later, also you can buff MCs cos they don't deal as much damage as ranger, thanks!

  2. 18 hours ago, 100xp said:

    Hello again, I would like to suggest adding a place to test attack and defense skills,


    The idea is very simple, just add training dummies in a way that makes it easy to test some specific skills. 


    For the area effect skill test just add three dolls or more close to each other 





    To test defense skills, just add dolls that, when attacked, attack you back, to facilitate the character's defense test, it would be great to add a doll that causes physical damage, and a doll that deals magic damage 





    About where they can be added, it would be up to you, but it would be great if it was close or even inside a library, for players who have just bought new skills.



    For those who liked the training dummy costume, maybe in the next costume contest ^^





    Well I would also like to suggest a consumable, which would allow you to change the character's gender 


    In order not to be so complex, it could be very simple, for example: when using the potion you would be redirected to the haircut selection tab, right after selecting the haircut, wouldn't just change the cut, his character would change completely


    In short, for male characters the female haircut tab would open when using the potion, for female characters the male haircut tab.

    dayumn bro great so great it's 110% nice costume and ideas.:hw1luv:

  3. Привет, у меня есть подозрение, что навык мага "Расколотый камень" несправедливо работает на войнах, в то время как все подобные навыки были отключены в прошлых обновлениях, но не АоЕ "Дробящий камень" или стальной АоЕ рыцаря смерти.  (скриншот ниже и видео в этом посте).  Как мы знаем, в настоящее время прокрутка жизни работает следующим образом:


     - Если игрок получает урон, его умения нельзя использовать.

     - Если игрок не получает урона, его умения отключаются на 1-2 секунды.



     Но проблема в том, что теперь на стороне Легиона в основном есть небольшие AoE-навыки, которые снимают эффект с игроков-магов, в то время как Стражи полагаются только на навык обратного потока.  У мага есть навык "Расколотый камень", который позволяет магу ударить по флагу, не нажимая на флаг, а стоя рядом с ним.  Было бы справедливо, если бы маленькое AoE-эффект не снимал эффект, или тип навыка нужно было бы изменить.  Сторона легиона имеет аналогичный навык рыцаря смерти, но это все равно довольно несправедливо, потому что рыцари смерти не могут свободно ходить рядом с флагами, как маги.  Сторона Стражей полагается на поток резервов храмовников, который оттянет рыцарей смерти или любых врагов, в то время как горный клан может полагаться только на притяжение рыцарей смерти, что в большинстве случаев не работает, потому что маг быстро умирает после того, как он использовал Расколотый камень.  , и шансы на сопротивление слишком малы из-за того, что маг использует свиток сопротивления / горшок.

     Что делает Разбитый камень в основном несправедливым, так это то, что умение не требует ничего другого, кроме как щелкнуть умение, находясь вокруг флага, что с точки зрения класса очень легко магировать игроков не только с телепортами, которые все могут использовать, но также и с их  собственный навык телепортации.

     В то же время другие классы должны сами щелкнуть своим навыком и нацелить флаг (Расколотый камень не требует этого).


     Я действительно надеюсь, что этот навык будет улучшен в будущем для роли, которая не дает несправедливого преимущества.  В настоящее время Разбитый камень наносит небольшой урон, даже небольшой урон это несправедливо, потому что при одинаковом количестве войн маги часто без проблем берут наш флаг только из-за разбитого камня.  Магам легче нанести небольшой урон, чем рейнджерам/охотникам даже дотронуться до флага, что делает его смешным.


     Вот видео о том, как расколотый камень несправедлив, на мой взгляд.



     еще добавлю, AoE рыцаря смерти работает так же, как и Shattered Stone, поэтому я думаю, что оба типа навыков должны быть изменены.  Возможно, расколотый камень Мага и сталь рыцарей смерти следует убрать из работы с разрушаемыми объектами.  Спасибо за внимание.


  4. On 3/31/2023 at 5:22 PM, Gladiator said:

    Oh. My. God!!! :shok:

    I was not expecting it all, there was a lot of good guides out there.

    Thank you so much for choosing my guide, I'm already working on extensions for it, one hopefully will be added very soon, and I'll try to keep it up-to-date. I'm really trying to put a lot of effort into making a complete Paladin guide that can be a long-lasting resource for new Paladins.


    Congratz to all winners!:drinks:


    Gz to winner... But damn I hate paladins! 

  5. The guide is straight-forward and user-friendly to show new players the real aspect of rogue and its usability on massive fights in the Warspear Online (zero support given, when rogue needs buff it seem it goes to BD mistakenly). The topic is clear and easy to read, thanks to big arrows couldn't get lost on the guide (any smaller and I would of probably since I have dementia due thinking every night why do rogues have to suffer). This topic changed my life. I struggled for months and felt ashamed to keep even Warspear on my desktop, afraid of my friends find out I play still my weak single-target class on mmorpg-game what is mostly about multiple targets aside seeker have just same but with way bigger power and broken talents (but I guess that's just normal, just because I'm rogue).


  6. some players would be happy to pay 1k signs in advance to save the hustle rather than amp that 0-2000 signs that it most times take from +9 to +10, including me:thanks: rather than click *try my luck* button and then be demotivated, but I'm also afraid this won't happen:NY21_p20:

  7. 9 hours ago, Zurp said:

    What exactly is wrong about wanting equality? Either make all lingering aoe skills stack or none.

    did any of you read the actual description of swooping army yet? It works on 6 people, not on 1000 at once, as you may imagine:hello:

    I'd suggest remove protect skill from templar or add mc side such skill too ! Also make bubble unstackable, it is too powerful ! 

  8. 57 minutes ago, vavavi said:

    If this screenshot showed what that damage was dealt to probably could. I have a lvl 28 priest, its +9 but full resi, and even that doesnt get hit 4k vortexes. 

    Actually I do know, it's because of berserker power skill which increases incoming damage as defuff besides the atk speed buff what it gives (this shall be better if it was other type of negative effect tbh). But despite of the build, barbarians wouldn't make bd even lose its health, bd is class with everything currently, did devs give heal skill to bladedancer yet, just wondering? :headslap: I'd like to see average bd vs average any other class with same amps

  9. 14 hours ago, vavavi said:
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    I mean the barb who posted this is using a very low resilience setup. Heavy mermen, before stacks, is paper. On top of that he is using a 2 handed weapon, with probably a more offensive than a defensive build. He would get nuked when caught by any damage class the same. Number of books doesn't change these things.

    bd is even harder to win on 1 handed+shield than 2h since it does max 150 dmg which bds life steal out thanks to their dmg skills:ThumbsDown:

    Oh forgot add, I do use 2 part mermen, almost full booked (only t5 book missing) so I don't think it's me, even with barbs max pumped it doesn't compete to make bd


    even lose its half hp

  10. 4 hours ago, Babocool said:

    Yet, you compared it with pala.  If we talk about banners cd, it's 24.4 secs on my pala with 44% cd. So, you're able to use swooping twice and palas banner once. 

    As well, palas banner hits once every 2 seconds. Meanwhile at chiefs swopping, its every second. You do understand why people get nuked cause of it, right?


    If you add the overpopulation of chiefs, this skill should not be allowed to stack. 

    As I've mentioned too many times already, we compare different type classes, chief doesn't have heavy armor, nor stun abilities, why should paladin have then same cooldown at skill? Do you think barbarians have same cooldown on resist than mage just because they have same type of skills? I hate to repeat this so many times on this same topic, but I'll still say:


    Skills differ on classes because:


    - Overall class 

    (chief havent got real stun skills, the one what is called stun is removable with purification pot.) 


    - armor type


    (Chief uses light/cloth gears, not so tanky when rugged goes off.)


    For example we speak about chief, what else it got besides damage? You may simply check it yourselves on start menu and check urself. Chief got damage as its purpose, basic defence, and lack of supporting.



    Now if you think paladin deserve such low skill, maybe barbs deserve almost full time resist, don't you think? But no, even if resist is maxed on barb, you have to wait 30 seconds to use it again. Congratulations, now you understand the meaning of heavy armors - lower power skills system.

    3 hours ago, Babocool said:

    At least they aren't overpopulated. There's a difference between a skill, you have to use  next to the person, and a skill you can use far away with a range of 4x4? You're only naming skills. 



    I do believe people got my point now tho.

    Wow elf side speaks about overpopulation and I thought I saw everything.

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