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Everything posted by Ikafati

  1. Will enemies around the receiver of "Defeat" just receive the flat amount of your own physical damage or will the damage value get applied after being reduced by their armor and/or resilience?
  2. If not for the debuffs, that crit would barely reach 4k
  3. Another reminder thing's still broken
  4. my dad works at Aigrind, 1 more word kiddo and he'll permaban you. Run you f*cking scrub That number under your avatar is meaningless. Imagine waking up and being like "oh boy, 3000 posts shall be achieved today, kids will look up to me and be like "he's such a great person"". Just stop embarassing yourself Although we can make an exception, I have less posts but more karma points than that c*nt Alex above me, so of course I'm better than him
  5. It's a PvE skill, you can't deny much damage with it in PvP because of all the skills bein thrown at you. Monsters, on the other hand, don't have that many, if any
  6. Seeker is a wannabe Rogue, who does it's job poorly Charmer is a meme class, being a jack of all trades is awful. I can only see it being useful in 2v2 arena Hunter is ok, very nice PvE DPS Warden is a god, Bladecancers are garbage compared to them, and many classes are garbage compared to BDs. Mind the gap
  7. When you only need one tank and barely any healers to kill a raid boss (Elm, for example), you know there's a problem. Everyone cried Bladecancers were OP for 7 years, but now Warden takes the spot with nobody being a close 2nd
  8. Just like you get notified when you sold something in the market, there should be notifications for various craft tasks, that would alert you when a task you chose to be alerted about is up
  9. You're not in a guild named "cute", so you're not cute
  10. I made a similar thing with my Barbarian skills thread and at one point I wanted to make such spreadsheets for every single class, but then I realized that some formulas are VERY dumb, so I gave up. Tried asking devs for formulas, but no dice
  11. It's obviously a bug, the skill description doesn't say that you might still die somehow
  12. Don't suggest new people to bother with PvP until they're at least max level or something
  13. And it's not like they'll ban people for doing it, since it's not harmful in any way I have 2 accounts for each of my mains, filled with other trash characters I never play I have another 2 just to find new relics, since Russians get them much faster than EU or US players Then there's 3 accounts created when BR server launched, where I still hold various names (autism works in mysterious ways) 1 more account for my level 7 characters for when I spammed arena for rewards And 1 more to hold various bars on each character individually (according to type) I would delete some of those, but it's not like we have that option
  14. Except this rule is not followed by anyone
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