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Posts posted by 100xp

  1. 4 horas atrás, Robin disse:




    Dezenas de participações maravilhosas e uma semana inteira de debate incessante entre os membros do júri! Finalmente, os vencedores foram escolhidos e estamos prontos para anunciar os resultados do concurso "Melhor Traje - 2024"!


    Além dos três prêmios principais, foi decidido atribuir prêmios adicionais aos autores de obras incríveis que merecem sua atenção, eles receberão 5000 Miracle Coins:

    Capybara Sonolenta por @Wwkk

    Guerreiro do Barril por @SoRcaRtoA
    Jubileu por @Biscatinha

    Inquisitor of Chaos por @Godless

    Oropher por @Oropher

    Hell's Gate Guardian por @Sigma

    Time Traveler por @MagicSpace

    Guerreiro Amazonense por @Zheret

    Ancient Dragon Hunter por @Disgusted


    Também temos o prazer de recompensar os trabalhos dos autores, que sem dúvida deram o tom para o concurso, eles receberão 10000 Moedas Milagrosas:

    Night Vigilant Costume por @Shax

    The Sealed Demon por @Arinar

    Estudante da Primavera por @oiguigui

    Protector por @Jaguard

    Elemental Energy por @Smiley

    Pyrostegia por @YaraM

    Illusions Garden Deceiver por @100xp


    E, claro, há três vencedores!


    3º lugar

    Kung-Fu Rooster por @Ahmedic

    R2 (1).gifR1 (1).gif

    2º lugar:

    Azemon por @Ricardo Neto

    Untitled 02-20-2024 07-32-25 (3).gif


    1º lugar:

    Waddles por @Zurp



    Em sinal de agradecimento, os restantes participantes, cujos trabalhos cumpram as condições de participação, receberão um prémio de incentivo - 10 Provisões do Carnaval Deslumbrante!


    Obrigado por participar e nos vemos em novos concursos!

    Equipe Warspear Online

     Congratulations to the winners, it wasn't this time that I managed to have my own outfit in the game ;-;

  2. 11 horas atrás, Davibicalho disse:

        WARNING: This is a fictionary history based on the Warspear Online game. None of this is considered canon.

        Enjoy the reading! :2Thumbs:


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        Sard Ranira was once a brave and loyal soldier, fighting for the freedom of his people against the tyranny of the legion. He and his brother Leonardo were inseparable, always watching each other's back on the battlefield. They swore to never give up, never surrender, and never betray their cause.
        But everything changed when he was wounded by a cursed blade, a weapon forged by the dark magic of the legion. The blade pierced his heart, and he felt a surge of pain and rage. He fell to the ground, clutching his chest, as his brother rushed to his side.
        "Brother, hold on! I'm here, I'm here!" his brother cried, trying to stop the bleeding.
        But it was too late. The curse had taken hold of him, corrupting his mind and body. He felt a new power coursing through his veins, a power that promised him vengeance and destruction. He looked at his brother with hatred, and pushed him away.
        "Get away from me, traitor!" he snarled, his voice distorted by the curse. "You are no brother of mine. You are a pawn of the legion, a weakling who deserves to die!"
        He rose to his feet, his eyes and his entire face vanished like a dust in the wind, his skin turning scaly, and he still could talk besides that. He had become a demon, a monster that only cared for bloodshed. He grabbed his sword, and swung it at his brother, who barely dodged the attack.
        "Brother, what are you doing? It's me, your brother! Don't you recognize me? We need to defeat the legion to win this war!" his brother pleaded, tears in his eyes.
        "Shut up! You are not my brother! You are my enemy! And I will kill you, and everyone who stands in my way!" he roared, lunging at him again.
        The other soldiers of the sentinels watched in horror, as the two brothers fought each other with ferocity. They tried to intervene, but the demon was too strong, too fast, too ruthless. He slashed and stabbed, leaving a trail of corpses behind him. He was unstoppable, a raging beast that only wanted to destroy.
        He made his way to the legion's camp, where he faced their leader, a powerful warlord who commanded the army of darkness. The warlord smirked, and raised his hand.
        "Welcome, my son. You have done well. You have embraced the power of the curse, and become one of us. You have proven yourself worthy of joining the legion. Come, join me, and together we will conquer this world!"
        The demon hesitated, feeling a flicker of doubt in his corrupted heart. He looked at the warlord, and then at his brother, who was lying on the ground, wounded and bleeding. He remembered their bond, their oath, their love. He felt a pang of guilt, of remorse, of regret.
        He shook his head, and rejected the warlord's offer.
        "No. I will not join you. I will not betray my people. I will not betray my brother. I may be a demon, but I still have a soul. And I will use it to end your reign of terror and save all Arinar from you!"
        He charged at the warlord, his sword raised, ready to strike. But the warlord was prepared, and countered his attack. He grabbed his arm, and twisted it, breaking his bones. He kicked him in the chest, sending him flying. He reached for his cursed blade, and stabbed him in the heart, sealing his fate.
        The demon gasped, and fell to his knees. He looked at the warlord, and spat blood.
        "You... you may have... defeated me... but you will never... win... this war... my people... will rise... and you... will fall..."
        He collapsed, and closed his eyes, his life fading away.
        The warlord laughed, and lifted his blade in triumph.
        "Foolish demon. You had a chance to join me, to rule by my side, to share in my glory. But you chose to die, to die for nothing, to die for a lost cause. You wasted your power, your potential, your destiny. You are nothing but a failure, a disappointment, a disgrace."
        He threw his blade aside, and walked away, leaving the demon's body behind.
        But he did not notice, that the blade had pierced the ground, and reached the core of the volcano that they're fighting nearby, where it ignited a chain reaction. The volcano erupted, spewing lava and ash, creating a massive explosion. The blast engulfed the warlord, the legion, and the demon, burying them under a sea of fire.
        The demon's body was consumed by the flames, but his soul remained, trapped inside the volcano. He became the Sealed Demon of the Depths, a legend that would haunt the land for centuries. He would never escape, never rest, never forgive.
        And because of the battle of this day, the volcano, which flowed abundantly a great amount of vital energy because of the sealed demon, generated a great city from the magma, the waters and the ashes that were there. 
        The city was named Nadir-Sard, in honor of the demon who saved all Arinar.





    This is a great job, congratulations

  3. On 05/02/2024 at 18:05, Zaryusu disse:

    :cho1sen:Aqueles fortes o suficiente para aguentar longos anos de batalha e saírem vivos de inúmeras guerras sangrentas, esses são os soldados que tiveram o benefício de subir ao ponto de comandarem o seu próprio pelotão, esses são os comandantes de guerra!:m1c:


    :pingo1cry:Mas em um mundo de guerras sem fim, nem tudo são flores e aqueles que levam o nome de comandantes certamente têm em suas mãos a vida daqueles que lhe confiaram a liderança na batalha. Os comandantes de guerra têm como principal trabalho gerenciar suas tropas em campo e decidir a hora certa de atacar e defender, além de recuar ou desistir. De qualquer forma, milhares de vidas correm por suas mãos diariamente e suas competências são colocadas à prova a todo momento. Um bom comandante trará glória e um bom exército, entretanto, um péssimo comandante levará seus homens a um massacre.:sk21_d7:


    Nota extra: Bom, não temos muitos trajes de armadura pesada que mostram o rosto no jogo atualmente, então minha aposta para esse ano é exatamente isso, uma boa armadura pesada do estilo europeu para combinar com os mais diversos cortes de cabelo que recebemos no jogo praticamente todo mês. :thanks:








  4. 5 horas atrás, Tiusaum disse:

    O que tem de errado? Aceito sua sugestão. Agradeço pela atenção!



    Bom a silhueta do traje não pode ser muito diferente da silhueta do personagem do jogo, porque isso iria gerar bugs visuais como armas flutuando e fora do lugar, e outros bugs visuais em outras animações como as de conjuração de Habilidades e até mesmo ao andar.


    dito isso minha recomendação é observar os trajes que ja existem no jogo, se você prestar atenção todos eles tem a mesma distância entre as duas mão, e os trajes que não possuem pernas não tem uma calda tão grande.


    seria ótimo se você conseguisse ajustar o seu traje para que fique o mais próximo possível das proporções do personagem do jogo.

  5. 7 horas atrás, Aikko Warspear disse:

    It’s quite pleasant that even participants in foreign competitions admire my work. Yesterday I went to an overseas costume competition, and yes, your work also clearly stands out from everyone else, I wish you good luck in the competition!


    Достаточно приятно, что даже участники зарубежного конкурса восхищаются моей работой. Вчера я заходил на зарубежный конкурс костюмов, и да, твоя работа тоже явно выделяется на фоне всех остальных, желаю тебе удачи в конкурсе! 


    Большое спасибо


    Мне очень понравились ваши работы, надеюсь в будущем видеть ваши творения чаще.

  6. 7 horas atrás, Tiusaum disse:

    Zuptus, O Brabo


    Antigo guerreiro que viveu durante o auge do Kronus, teve sua máscara forjada das cinzas de Kronus. Hoje vive isolado do mundo.





    fico feliz que esteja participando do concurso, o traje ficou show


    Porém temo que ele não seja classificado como válido para o concurso, caso isso aconteça fique a vontade para questionar o porquê, eu poderei te dar dicas de como alterar ele para que se torne um traje válido.

  7. On 01/02/2024 at 11:44, Aikko Warspear disse:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Читайте в темной теме, берегите глаза:HW22_12:


    Добро пожаловать,













    PNG Версия




    История в текстовом формате

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    В ещё не изведанных глубинах Аринара, в недрах, где огонь рассекает тьму, зарождалось то, что повлекло за собой множество легенд. Ксафан, сотканный из пламени и тени, восставал из пучины демонического мира. Духи огня издревле предрекали приход могущественного поджигателя, когда мрак и адская энергия сольются, чтобы создать демона, способного своим жаром обращать души живых существ в пепел. Первые шаги Ксафана в Аринаре были отмечены огненными следами, изничтожающими все на своем пути. Его пришествие стало знамением апокалипсиса для жителей мира, и легенда о демоне поджигателе начала распространяться. Сначала в Малиат пришло известие об ужасающих последствиях, которые несёт за собой Ксафан, и которые уже скоро могут настигнуть Айвондил. Затем Ирсельнорт погряз в переживаниях о дне, когда нечто придёт, и бежать будет некуда. Ксафан не оставлял после себя ничего, сотни тысяч воинов вместе с самыми огнеупорными доспехами и оружием буквально превращались в пепел - так никто не в силах был что либо противопоставить ужасающему демону. Задрожали и жители подводного мира, расчитывающие, что водная толщь защитит их от гадкого огня, пока до них не дошла весть о том, как Ксафан одной своей поступью осушает вековые водоемы. Ни один житель Аринара не смел думать о спасении, когда зловещая тень древнего зла омрачала небо.


         !! ТЕМА ОЧЕНЬ СЫРАЯ !!


    Предстоящие обновления темы: Описание костюма, дополнение истории, добавление артов, GIF + виды в игре, изменение по качеству иллюстраций и тд.


    Не пропустите :wi1nk:, и не забывайте проверять обновления темы


    А так же, хотелось бы добавить, что я открыт для адекватной критики и буду рад выслушать ваше мнение по моей работе :thanks:






    Я хотел бы соревноваться с тобой



  8. Currently, the branch switching mechanic is not pleasing players


    I know it won't be good to leave knowledge points unused after players get all the branches after all knowledge is the reward that is present in all types of content in the game and leaving this reward unusable will affect all of them 


    That's why I'm here to suggest a change that will please both sides




    Players will be able to switch between branches at no cost


    After changing branches, the player will have to wait a cooldown of X minutes


    The player will only be able to change branches again after this period, but it will be possible to change branches instantly using knowledge points


    The required amount of knowledge will be based on the remaining cooldown.



    The inclusion of an NPC that activates positive effects on the character in exchange for knowledge points would also be great.


    the NPC could be an old wizard with an insatiable thirst for knowledge who casts support spells in exchange for knowledge.


    I'm a genius? ahauahauabUahuah (Evil Laugh)

  9. 1 hora atrás, Matarato disse:

    Ele usou o modelo


    ele usou o modelo, porém a imagem em si tem uma quantidade de pixel maior que o permitido, 


    eu explicarei

    preste atenção no olho da personagem, aquela parte azul era pra ser um único pixel más como a imagem tem mais pixel só aquela parte do olho é formada por 4 pixeis, isso significa que esse traje tem 4 vezes mais pixeis que o normal, em um traje do tamanho normal do jogo seria impossível fazer o talo da rosa mais fino que a parte azul do olho.

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