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Santa Claus

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Everything posted by Santa Claus

  1. Which numbers ? I dont see anything but ur attack i dont have info of ur stats or stats of that druid
  2. My apology to guy that i said that this isnt a big nerf and i just realised what does this mean xd. I thought it will work almost the same but it wont. And reson to that is dk got nerfed bcs 2h weapon is buffed by 18%. But if we do calculations that 18 % dmg in 2h magic is like 9% dmg in total . Why? Bcs its not only 2h weaps that give dks magic dmg its also rings,cloaks,amulets and 1 belt. So this really look like overkill on dk. Bcs curse is only way for magic dk to actually dmg opponents. And this really killed 1h magic dks.
  3. Its good that developers finally decided to buff dks but what is this . Reserves will reduce dmg but only vs mobs in pvp scenarios dk still wont be able to tank. Magic build dk with 1hand wont work cos curse is nerfed again . Steel hurricane got buffed magic dmg and idk how will that help anyway with magic build when there is no need to use that skill in pvp or pve . I guess thats just to add some number so it seems that we actually got huge buff. Aura is still really bad maybe it would be good if we got aura and dark shield combo. Silence skill is still working on 1 person and it imcrease dmg just for 1 hit (i would remove this) while on sentienel side almost all chars have aoe control skills (for example pala have aoe silence with i think bigger duration than dk expert). Threads of darkness is used just as way to get ranged enemies closer and its never being upgraded bcs its debuff doesnt help at all. And if its resisted thats it u cant get closer to ranged enemies untill u can try to use it again. Only thing about this buff is that saturation will be used but that doesnt change fact that dk defense is stronger bcs of that
  4. Curse does dissapear and it can be resisted. And then thats it from that op magic dmg u need to wait cd to start dealing dmg to ememy while on the other side banner cant be Not to mention that pala have aoe silence with same duration like dk who have single target
  5. Only 3 sec ? Same can be said about bd but bd got buffs instead of nerfs
  6. So merman will reduce energy regen by 20 so most ppl have around 100 mana regen normaly rn with merman equip and now this this will make characthers gain 30 mana and with other active skill like that there is no point to use merman items xd . Is this some kind of joke So warden for example will lose 47 regen with merman and fortification
  7. It will be helpful but only in pve way still in pvp way it will be easy to burst dk
  8. But on the other hand u have steel buffed + 18% , sharp shadow +18% death call +18% and exhalation +18% Its a nerf with ppl with 1h mace
  9. So secret reserve is now active skill ? Not a nerf 2h weapons got more magic dmg Does this mean that secret reserves are active skill ?
  10. Dude bd is supossed to tank not to be 2nd best dmg in game . Now they even have piercing talent that does piercing dmg every 6th attack. Resist ! Their aoe stun also give u 1 resist and they can perma stun. But ur still talking how bd is balanced . And about dmg in arena thats true it depends on class tanks take 1.1k but im sure healers and other can take even more with full greatness. And u cant say full books bd does that dmg when there are other chars that have same books and doesnt do same dmg . Btw i dont know which books can give u that amount of dmg. I cant wait now for some biased reply
  11. Cant wait to see from lets say this year snow event infographic bcs i think that elfs won it on all sides . And can some1 send me russian infographic bcs i think this one doesnt show
  12. Blood protection would be better if it would make shield up to % of dk hp
  13. Well then it would be too op with shaman buff and aura
  14. Then ppl with resist skill would fid their skill useless it would be better is skill can be placed in area . It does have high dmg but its easily avoidable and after that u just need to stun dk or silence it and it would have 0 dmg
  15. I would add leagues like in lol ,csgo... But for that is needed complete arena rework and i think its needed bcs arena is outdated ppl with 20% win rate can be 2nd in arena season
  16. What do u mean every class have stun for single target expect chief . And its not the same when 1 pala can almost perma stun whole group in arena
  17. On mc side its just lock but on other side its templar druid mage bd and pala
  18. U cant compare warlock with druid lol. Warlock cant have both burst dmg and stun in same build while druid can . I mean they can perma stun with root . And if enemy have any kind of resist buff warlock is dead bcs it only have that stun while its not same with druid
  19. Even if u counter it x1 times druid will survive bcs they arw under heal and if u miss 1 stun its same again . Its never ending cycle where other char need to resist 2 stun in a row from druid to actually do something
  20. Give druis this give druid this . Druid is already broken instead of giving them why shouldnt we remove some things from them . Ppl here cry how druid is bad in pve and its not. If it was on mc side every1 would play it , only reson ppl say its bad is bcs warden and bd dont need healers. You can even go with dmg build and be something like charmer with good cd druid can also spawn 4 minions.
  21. Warlock have only 2 skills that give him good value in pvp scenarios and u want to nerf it while bd beside that stun have resist 40% auto attack and more . And 1 hit remove debuff while its not same on other side As other guy said 1 resist and its done or if ur partner stun dk its over for him and then "poor" druid move away and can control him from long range while dk can just watch the fight . On top of that dk dont have anything than that stun combo while "poor" druid can heal and support pt members and do good dmg with minion.
  22. Yea mc guilds have good aoe but thats just bcs focus to have specific class in their guild (chief ,lock,shaman ) . That good aoe ur talking about is just many chieftains , same thing was on elf side with mages. And for arena mc side doesnt have any crowd control skill other than warlock and hunter(but its not ideal build) while on other side u have bd with rush,mage ,pala ,templar and druid not to mention how 3 out of these mentioned classes have some unfair skills while on mc side only good support skill is chieftain rugged skin.
  23. So what if it does drop once in 6 month . We should let only 2-3 ppl to have fun and do what they want just bcs they can spend money on game
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