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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Khrone

  1. But why would you use a magical dmg dealing skill on a physical build? Just for the healing? There are better defensive skills for that, like Secret Reserves, Blood Protection, etc.
  2. It still doesn't mean the damage changed to physical lol I think you meant it Sharp Shadow will be better for tank builds
  3. Does it work with the whole physical defense of the character, including buffs, or just the physical defense from armors? @Nolan
  4. It still deals magical dmg after the update
  5. Yeah, all classes got separate chances for resisting the debuff and ignoring the damage, while DK just got tons of nerf and a few useless buffs. If you don't know, DK actually stands for Dead Knight, since the class is dead for a long time
  6. Sharp Shadow deals magical dmg bro
  7. Think out of the box The visual effect of this skill isn't the circle around the character, it's the tiger it summons
  8. OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN LISTENED, KNIGHTS! Finally we got a formula on how the damage reduction works lol I just don't like how the duration changed to 30 seconds. One of the worst parts of the skill is realizing when the buff has ended since it has no visual sign, unlike old Paladin's Aura of Light. It would be better to turn this skill into an active one. Ayo this is really broken lol Support DK?
  9. this is one of the strongest area damage skills in the game, it has a lot of damage even on 1 single target. it will be a must to keep at 4/4 in any magical and even hybrid construction. about your suggestion simply no our pet is not tanko he aggregating mobs when using this skill would mean signing a death sentence on any endgame content Sorry for so many questions, but is this referring to "Aura Of The Forest" ? Yes
  10. Eu aumentaria a quantidade de dano devolvido Por exemplo, no 4/4, devolve 50% do dano Na forma demoníaca, poderia devolver uns 75%
  11. Em que parte eu reclamei que ela tem menos HP? Eu falei justamente o contrário:
  12. this comment has the same vibe as "your future only depends on you, you just need to work hard" 💀
  13. Do you really think AIGRIND would lose the chance to sell AP potions lol
  14. Well, considering Paladin is like DK's counterpart and doesn't have Resistance, i think it's ok
  15. 2 pts into one Distributing stats is not that good
  16. I'd recommend buying Animal Rampage for the damage + sustain or Proximity to Nature for the healing + immunity
  17. I'd say the Thorns change is kinda unrealistic If they made that change, every player who play with a hybrid damage class would ask it too Also, about Dark Shield, doesn't physical defense decrease physical damage and magical defense decrease magical damage? Or the skill picks only physical defense to decrease both types of damage?
  18. Poderia explicar melhor? A explicação ficou um pouco confusa
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