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Corona virus

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Everything posted by Corona virus

  1. This happens when you DOT someone right before entering a safe zone. You will see from time to time ppl fighting in Nadir-Sard. As farm as im aware it can be done with: Warlock, Barb, Druid, and BD(much harder with BD)
  2. not everyone would have dmg reflection and 10% can be the maxed out for top players lol.
  3. They are VERY beneficial but cost real money. You can still play and have fun without them though :)
  4. You can also farm blue eye from the right
  5. Hmmm, my pt of four did it like this successfully, no minions or pots. (sorry about map)
  6. There should be runes or crystals for dmg reflection. Its reflects a small portion of the damage, not all. Lets say a person does 300 dmg to you normally and ur reflection is 10%, you only get hit 270 and the attacker gets hit 30. 8) This can be modified a little to you recieving all 300 dmg and the enemy gets hit 30 :)
  7. Its simple DO NOT TRUST ANYONE idk what really happened but I know that you walked right into that with a inter faction trade
  8. yeah im not seeing it as a scam with just theese pics
  9. Corona virus


    Be specific, if you are way too general in creating posts in some area you can get banned from the forum for a week. Swear words are censored so some ppl find new ways to portray their swears. Lotza ppl argue on forums, its actually really funny lol.
  10. Just cause some one is high lvl doesn't make them rich
  11. My bag is filled with old costumes that I hardly wear anymore and I would like to unbind them so I can sell them and clear up bag space as well as get a nice amount of gold. My suggestion is that mcoin costumes should be unbound at half-75% of the mcoin price paid for them. Like Chosen Black is around799 mcoins, it can be unbound for 399-599 mcoins. The price is cheaper than a regular chosen black and you don't have to buy a new one if you want to sell. Unbinding rare costumes that can not be directly bought with mcoins will have varying prices based on the demand of the costume. This will be great help for me, thankyou.
  12. spend 20 minutes to get 100 gold
  13. Wtf… сan some one please tell me what thats supposed to mean :bad:
  14. Im sorry I must be drunk, did u say free amplify? Free tix? BTW my name in AoA guild is Winorloose
  15. I can join for lvl 6 arena on my barb with my dk partner
  16. 5?only seen.4. You, harass, darkavatar, and some lvl 20 barb
  17. U goona win 10 first places like in eu?
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