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Posts posted by Hourai

  1. 10k hp paladin does not mean 10k hp shield, just fyi, I see this misconception thrown around a lot.

    Just like paladin's prayer, shield only works on BASE HP, so throwing craft gear or 15% HP buffs or whatever does jack all to the shield.

    And like every paladin main knows, we have low base HP, therefore 100% of it to shield is not as gamebreaking as it seems to be. 


    What was mentioned earlier which was to split pala shields HP to 50% when casted on another person to also shield yourself is a bad idea, taking my first two lines in consideration.

  2. 1 minute ago, Radgod said:

    I mained pala for about 4 years and i never said that it wasent powerful, when have i ever said its not powerful.


    4 hours ago, Radgod said:

    But if you actually get to play paladin you will quickly realise its not as powerful as it seems.




    3 minutes ago, Radgod said:

    I didnt go around asking people, me and few other palas were talking about this topic in wc and the non pala players agreed with us too.

    World chat people agreeing with you is not really a valid point either, for obvious reasons

  3. 3 hours ago, Radgod said:


    “CHANCE” is the key word here, idk if you read glads comment fully

    You didn't even bother reading my comment fully, you quoted Glads comment under quotation marks in my post and you tell me I didn't read his post. Lmao


    4 hours ago, Radgod said:

    .But if you actually get to play paladin you will quickly realise its not as powerful as it seems.

    I main paladin 3 years and this is a joke, everyone who plays/main paladin knows just how powerful it is 


    21 minutes ago, Radgod said:

    So far ive seen the people that agree that the shield should be self-castable have provided much more logical points than those that disagree.


    You went around asking people who don't play paladin if their shield should be self castable, you're not one to talk about logical points

  4. I believe they went the right way to buff the shield to 100% of your base HP (FYI, no HP buff increases that except very few(?)) and making it only castable on ally, because let's face it, AoE cc, banner increasing dmg dealt to target AND dealing ridiculous damage if magic build, as well as (in the current era of castle pots everywhere) huge heals. 


    If your only point of making it be self castable is "People are already killing us with "25k hp" so adding self cast isn't gonna change anything but simply delay our deaths should we be left alone" then...I don't know man, it speaks for itself.


    Banner tho, needs some love.

  5. 1 minute ago, Omercix said:

    That relic which decrease energy consumption off the passive skill by %50 is really vital :D I need one for my hunter :cray:

    I need a bunch of relics for my charmer too but considering i've no friends at that side, im fine with nothing, i guess

  6. Just now, Omercix said:

    Image there was more debuffs on that frog like necro's infection. Btw nice crit, do you have relics too?

    I got some small ones here and there, most notable is the 50% off energy consumption on the auto atk buff. The crit was done by an expert skill, so no relics there to help it

  7. >ctrl + f "mage"

    >1 related

    >nobody mentions that mages get the highest mdef of all characters


    This thread belongs to the trash.


    >but muh melee gets 5~8k mdef

    And 0 resilience?


    My mage gets 6.5k at max resilience set with just helm/glove enchants, and I still can't do shit due to no stun to help me, what makes you think removing the damn rune will help anyone?


    A nadir Statue which represents aoa? On every server in nadir it could be seen and clicked ' info would say smth about 1st guild with 100wins blabla?

    Thats a nice idea, but statues would be hard to represent something, still though, good thinking


    Nothing #imneutral

    Wouldn't you want the same for your guild if it was to get the first hundred wins? To be recognised in all servers for the work done? Neutral is okay, I respect it, but is there any reason for you to be so? I'm curious

  9. Hey, good morning and welcome to the thread. If you're someone who's against/does not like AoA, do yourself a favor and exit the topic because this is a thread solely based on that. Rude behaviour will be moderated according to the forum rules.


    Okay, so straight to the main point, I made this thread because the guild leader has asked me to do so, so we both may find out if there's even any point in having done 100 wins, other than show? The people in the guild and the leader have been working on tournament and spending for it weekly for over a year now, they're questioning whether are they getting a reward for reaching a big milestone, or not. I believe everyone would be sad if they weren't going to get something, though that's just my opinion


    Currently as seen in other servers, AoA has the most #1 trophies, surpassing even Nuclear and DarkEmpire of Amber, at a whooping 97 trophies, in which in 2 weeks it's gonna hit 100, We'd like to know if there's anything coming up for such a time, otherwise I'm afraid the leader will be sad about it, though I'm just here as a messenger, I've been in the guild for over a year now, so it'll affect me in a way or two, too, I guess...


    Well, the whole point here is, is there anything waiting for us at 100 trophies, or should we not wait much? We're not going to be radical, but we're itchy to know.


    Thread made in tavern, anyone can share ideas on 100 win awards/weekly tour awards and bring some attention, and again, negative/bad behaviour will be moderated


  10. Character skill suggestions are to be posted under their own part of the forum.


    I like the idea of having such a skill, but we can't but only hope it'll be this or something close to this next time


    PETA gonna sue us for animal cruelty next



    Nice idea but anyways I don't think that devs are thinking to add skills anytime soon.

    We should all stop suggesting under the assumption devs aren't doing anything at all

  11. trolling 101 or not you still made a simple transfer that was needed at tgat exact moment pretty annoying.


    Let's see how trolling 10Yoshi will work out.

    Maybe I should park highest healing necro in their town and never let them do anything xd


    1124 heal necro on the way, boys


    #Not, I'm lazy

  12. I'm a necro healing 1124 normal, I'm not fine with having to repair items every 1-2 hours and having to heal myself every time heal is available and I'm walking through 2 mobs..

    Doing quests on my mage is hell itself already

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