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By Ефрейторша · Posted
Кост за 1 место: 2 недели у скупа с ценником 555555 -> 333333 -> 111111 -> 55555. Проверяйте. Хомяк топ и улиточка. -
axer costume good but not top 3
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Hi! If you mean the Public Test Server, we'll notify everyone next time it'll go live Appreciate your support!
The rewards have not been sent yet And while I can't publically disclose the details of the jury's discussion, I have zero doubts - the comprtition is fair. Take a closer look at the winners and honorable mentions. They all share one key feature that makes the costume eligeble for the winning: the proportions fit the provided template/mannequin. Your work is beautiful! With a bit more attention to detail, it could have made it to the finalists! By the end of the day, I believe
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