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Essential change for the Warden


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Hello everybody I recently realized that the Warden is among the least popular characters in Warspear So I started playing Warden to have a more detailed view of what is happening right from the start in the initial missions. I realized that the Guard has certain difficulties at the beginning of the game, his skills are useless at the beginning, leaving our dear Warden a very It's tiring right away, which is why several players gave up playing with it before they even realized its potential. That being said, I will suggest a single change that can help our dear Guard in his initial phase without affecting his performance at the end of the game.



Shocking Blow skill


The Guard Imbues his weapon with electrical magic for 10s. Your first successful auto-attack deals an additional dmg 20%./25%./30%./35%./40%. based on the character's physical damage. applies stun effect for 1.5s/2s./2.5s/3s/3.5s


The next change is to bring the Warden back to massive combat, especially because after talking to players I realized that active guilds avoid recruiting the Guard. and to change this all you need is a change in your least used skill in the game.



Guard Protection


The Guard creates a protective aura for 15s, Aura increases by 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%, the "Resistance" parameter of your nearby allies, also heals by 5% / 6% / 7% / 8% based on the healing received by the character


The aura only affects your allies. within 5 meters and the character is not affected by the aura. maximum number of players 4 / 6 / 8 / 10

Edited by 100xp
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Is a good change, but we need to think in late game too, more damage for a warden no is needed bc he's a tank.

And if this change be released, 40% damage is very little for a low level be comfortable to do all things alone

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13 horas atrás, michzask disse:

É uma boa mudança, mas precisamos pensar no final do jogo também, mais dano para um diretor não é necessário porque ele é um tanque.

E se essa mudança for liberada, 40% de dano é muito pouco para um nível baixo ficar confortável para fazer tudo sozinho

any small change helps, given that the Warden only has one damage skill at the beginning. and it's not just 40%, the damage will be caused along with the automatic attack as additional dmg generating a total of 140%



Edited by 100xp
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Yes the warden does have a slow start,  once it it's able to get at minimum fortification and the attack strength expert skills things get much better especially when you do half and half sets with physical defense bonus. 

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Me alegra que vallan a tomar en cuenta al wd, fue uno de mis favoritos aunque el dmg era poco pero ahora no tiene ni buen daño y la defenza esta muy mala, en realidad deberian de mejorar mucho ese tema de la defensa ya que somos conscientes de que el wd es un tanke y su función como tal a bajado mucho! Que regresé la gloria del warden!

El 10/12/2023 a las 17:30, 100xp dijo:

cualquier pequeño cambio ayuda, dado que el Guardián solo tiene una habilidad de daño al principio. y no es solo el 40%, el daño se causará junto con el ataque automático como daño adicional generando un total del 140%.




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On 10/18/2023 at 9:17 PM, Morales said:

Me alegra que vallan a tomar en cuenta al wd, fue uno de mis favoritos aunque el dmg era poco pero ahora no tiene ni buen daño y la defenza esta muy mala, en realidad deberian de mejorar mucho ese tema de la defensa ya que somos conscientes de que el wd es un tanke y su función como tal a bajado mucho! Que regresé la gloria del warden!


The spring attack strength equipment and now bracelets that can increase physical strength so you can use now also use 2 different half sets with physical defense bonus per half set would increase wd combat ability for damage and still retain a good solid defense, with this it just depends on how you allocate and use your skills including expert skills for maximum effectiveness.


I myself have a skill build that is more offensive and one that is purely tank related, to this effect. 


Remember we have two ways of doing skills so we have the ability to change to what is needed at the time.

Also we have three spots for equipment so if we wanted we can have when needed a offensive build, tank build and one in between if we so choose.


also if you go through the talent tree to the branches there are skills and improvements that can help with both damage and overall tanking.

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On 20/10/2023 at 13:15, wolfdragon99 disse:

O equipamento de força de ataque de mola e agora pulseiras que podem aumentar a força física para que você possa usar agora também usar 2 meios conjuntos diferentes com bônus de defesa física por meio conjunto aumentaria a capacidade de combate de dano e ainda manteria uma boa defesa sólida, com isso apenas depende de como você aloca e usa suas habilidades, incluindo habilidades especializadas para obter a máxima eficácia.


Eu mesmo tenho uma habilidade que é mais ofensiva e puramente relacionada a tanques, nesse sentido. 


Lembre-se de que temos duas maneiras de realizar habilidades, portanto, temos a capacidade de mudar de acordo com o que for necessário no momento.

Também temos três locais para equipamentos, então se quisermos podemos ter quando necessário uma construção ofensiva, uma construção de tanque e uma intermediária, se assim desejarmos.


Além disso, se você percorrer a árvore de talentos até os galhos, encontrará habilidades e melhorias que podem ajudar tanto no dano quanto no tanque geral.

Even knowing this, wd is still a low popularity character. 


my suggestions was to make the character more appealing to new and old players

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7 hours ago, 100xp said:

Even knowing this, wd is still a low popularity character. 


my suggestions was to make the character more appealing to new and old players

With the Advent of almahad I have seen more new wd as most likely some are talking about as something that is needed or experiencing that they are having issues with almahad and trying another approach.

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