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The harsh reality of the reaper


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Hello, this is possibly my last post about this class, I thought I could get there at least halfway through the year but I was wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. Where do we start?


It is well known how irrelevant this class is compared to all the other classes in mc, not only because of its total lack of control abilities, its lousy set of abilities, its low durability and above all a ridiculous mechanic that I don't know how for some moment it could be thought that "hate" was good idea. Since the class came out, everyone already knew that it was a garbage class, even so I decided to level one, invest time and money in trying to make it shine, only to be disappointed in the end, this class is an insult to mc, an aberration that should never have existed, I have no idea what the developers are planning to do with this class and at this point I don't care anymore, this class for me is already dead, without present or future, a shadow that sully the name of the legion.


I've already posted my complaints about this class and what it needs so I'll skip that part to answer a question you may have. is it really that bad class?


We are talking about a melee class that completely lacks defensive abilities that allow it to fulfill the role of an initiator, in addition to not having a set of abilities that allow it to get close without being destroyed in seconds, nor is it a class that can fulfill the role of a support or crowd control so. what is his role? It is easy to answer this question, it does not have any role, this class does not cover any of the deficiencies that the legion have, as I already said, this class should not even exist It looks more like a rogue but without invisibility or ranged abilities but with a little more damage 


If you are a solo player focused on pve, this class can be enjoyable but don't expect to have a place in a big guild or even have a big role in any fight, you are a punching bag or rather, a lump anywhere fight either arena or massive You will be an exiled being while playing this class.


Would I recommend playing this class?

With everything said above, it should be clear that No, I would not recommend this class even to the person I hate the most


Does this class have any future in the game?

Seeing the changes that the developers have made in the last balances, I doubt it. As much as they try to improve this class, it will continue to be a shadow in the legion, the only thing that could make this class earn its place in the legion would be a complete rework


What do I do if I already improve one?

if you have another character, play it again. I assure you you will have a better reception than being a reaper, unless you are a rogue... in that case it is better that you level another character or even better, stop playing this game and wait for Christmas to see what other change they make to the reaper and if it is worth playing, as I already said, I doubt it.


Personally, I've already given up on this class, I don't know how much longer I'll possibly play since maybe the developers will find it funny, but not me. after wasting my time in a rubbish class I don't have the motivation to continue playing, this game has already caused me many disappointments in all the years that I have been playing and I will not allow it to continue to disappoint me, I no longer find this game fun, just frustrating and exhausting, that's why I leave this post as possibly the last one I'll do before I stop playing. I hope that one day all the players who decided to create a reaper and invest time in it can recover their lost time.


 I hope you have a nice and prosperous day and with this I say goodbye, I hope to be able to return one day with you, sharing knowledge and experiences


see you soon

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It`s kinda strong when playing with adequate teamate on top tier pvp

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45 minutes ago, SeaDemon said:

the only thing that could make this class earn its place in the legion would be a complete rework


Which, keep in mind, since it is a brand new class, this might happen. 

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*Their only defensive skill also try to kill him (lol) I don't understand the need to humiliate him. 

* many guilds are seeking for aoe classes, so possibly there are just 1 - 3 reapers each guild, And that's maybe because its a char alt, for pity, or in an attempt to have high damage class to avoid boss stealers (even when hunters do this work 200% better) 

* their only  aoe offensive skills  has minor effects such as reducing cd or movement speed, And tbh No one would spend points on something that is limited to a small aoe radio or a demon form to function decently, In my opinion, demon form is a fairly aggressive limiter. 


since warlock was nerfed and nerfed on each updt, mc side lacks of cc characters, It's funny because the main crybabies, was the sentinels players, and now they became the class, which they were complaining about. That said, the reaper has the potential to be that class (With some rework) that fills legion side  need.


Of course not everything is bad, it is strong in some pvp cases, and it has good damage, it is just that if you are someone who plays this class solo it can be a headache.

Edited by Ryohei
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