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Buff PvE


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Unless you're +7 of above, there's no hope for you in PvE. Mobs is too strong and sometimes, even +8 players gets killed by mobs. So, buff solidity enchant bonus by 2× of the original for all equipment. Make common,strong,elite mobs only have maximum dodge of 25%. Increase all damage to monster from talent by 3×. Increase all critical hit and critical damage to monster from talent by 3×. Increase all damage reduction from monsters talent by 3×. Increase all critical hit and critical damage reduction from monsters talent by 3×.  


Also, vampirism is very overpowered and overrated. So, other defensive bonus needs a buff from enchantment. Buff hp enchantment by 2×. Now every 200 points of health points give 1 points of health regeneration. Also change hp regeneration from points to speed of hp regen. How this work is increase hp regen rate by percentage. For example, 10% hp regen reduce hp regen timer by 90%. So 5 sec become 4.5 sec. Buff dodge bonus from enchantment by 1.5×. 


That's all. I hope the devs will consider my idea and will implement some of it in the game.

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yes, the content in the endgame now its very stat reliant (as always has been) and going around in solo is very dangerous, the whole ship graveyard (also called t5 in us-saphire) is not meant to have players going around in solo like its nothing (ofcourse high amp people can do such). i'd appreciate more runes to apply on higher level equipment in order to dont be stuck with the ones on the miracole shop even if those are the ones that only get used anyways as it seems.

the dodge of enemies is also needed to increase the difficulty of the game since its one of the statistics you will need to go on foward, for the dungeons if you have trouble you have some people focus more on accuracy on their builds (there skills that increase accuracy in multiple classes if i recall correctly or outright decrease enemy's dodge in the case of chieftian).

vampirism is absurdly strong and there is no deny to it, there should be the implementation of some mehanic to prevent it from being abused in first place rather than buff everything else, but i would consider the 200 hp points = 1hpregen a thing for defensive classes to have, maybe locked behind a talent in the first part of the tree.

6 hours ago, Overhoul said:

uff dodge bonus from enchantment by 1.5×. 

we are already having problems with a certain class getting way too much dodge for both pvp and pve's sake, even if increasing it would help other classes the class in question would get more opportunities to do such, and im talking about the rogue

6 hours ago, Overhoul said:

Also change hp regeneration from points to speed of hp regen. How this work is increase hp regen rate by percentage. For example, 10% hp regen reduce hp regen timer by 90%. So 5 sec become 4.5 sec.

if it is capped it can easly become an escalating enchantment such also is vampirism since by increasing it gets stronger and afther having the timer decreased by enough it just becomes insane, it would need to be in someway capped at an certain point, but i'd like it to see it but as an alternative rune or as special statistic in some armor sets

6 hours ago, Overhoul said:

Increase all damage to monster from talent by 3×. Increase all critical hit and critical damage to monster from talent by 3×. Increase all damage reduction from monsters talent by 3×. Increase all critical hit and critical damage reduction from monsters talent by 3×. 

i do see why, i guess it can be an better alternative rather than outright ask for an ease in the amplification system since its a money printer, wich would allow for lower equipment ranges to menage to get foward if in a well composed team

6 hours ago, Overhoul said:

buff solidity enchant bonus by 2× of the original for all equipment.

this is a bit too drastic, i would say an increase by 1.3 is good enough and in case there would just be needed some more equipment with it, taking in consideration also the talent buffs


as in personal experience as an around +7 barb i was able to get on pretty much all the pve content by using some tricky mooves, smart build and overall not bruteforcing all the way, if you're having troubles with content in the ship graveyard im open to give you tips to deal with them, mostly the biggest stat check is the mythical difficulty of the sea tramp's lair, champoin's colloseum and the merman sanctuary, the rest of the content can be taken down rather easly with a well coordinated team, even at about +5 equipment


i agree overall with your suggestion but i think its slightly too drastic, or maybe its also the amount of experience in the game that allowed me to find ways to do things easly (outside of playing a tank, speficically barb)

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