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Wtf at elf side?


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Maybe yes maybe they are new items in version 3.8

Normal items (not 35lvl for example) I think they are new items, the others maybe hack maybe wrong button from admin maybe he want to give us a taste... W8 and see at 17th of September, (1,5 day from now)

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Yes it's a hack against server where they use programs to spamm server with random items id's till the find something like now the costumes and weapon skins for the upcoming update. Then they just select numbers close and find more.


And No.1 Arena winners rewards (cloak of greatness, symbol of greatness)


Aswell as devs testing gears that we may never even see.  Lvl 28 and higher items.


And then they leak it out.


Game Master has said it before Linking such items can get you banned. (specially the hackers)


P.s that is what I think but I can't tell for sure.


Could aswell be that they cracked an game file that has been updated with those item id's and they find em and leak em out from there.

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