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Everything posted by Hadouken

  1. Darklock got scammed before (about 4-5 months ago). His clan - wsnc- was broken up. Unfortunately i was in that clan. I would always ask arczit or dark if they would return or reform the clan. One day, I asked dark and the response I got was - "Dark quit the game. He gave his acc to me, his best friend, aquilez" P.S about rawsz...That account was last in godlightxx's possession. IDK if he traded it or sold it AGAIN.
  2. That is the biggest bullshit ever. When I asked darklock if he returned, he said "No, it's me aquilez. He gave acc to me"
  3. If you're gonna be a spammer, AT LEAST spell secondary right...
  4. Hadouken

    Arena clan

    aww i play on US
  5. Hadouken

    Arena clan

    Im always available bro. What side do you play on?
  6. Hadouken


    OMFG "what is the best game ranger?" IM DONE. 100% DONE
  7. How about changing the name from anonymouss to something related to clan. But you can't members them what the name is.
  8. Can I get my name changed to : Obito.
  9. +1 *But wouldn't that involve a respawn statue too?
  10. But they gotta be still, inanimate ones. E.G :yahoo: :drinks: :diablo: ETC. They cannot be used
  11. I feel it's time for a change. The amount of times I see a comment and it just deserves a facepalm is spectacular. This suggestion is just to do add a newer range of emoticons such as: *f* - Facepalm > :facepalm: _________________ Suggestions *nah* > :nea: *u* - Unsure > :unknw: *ok* - OK > :good: - The Kiss - Heartbreak/ Heart broken - Beautiful eyes - Smirk - "The ROFL" > :rofl: Please leave your suggestions below. I will add them later
  12. That bad word thing made me crack up :lol:
  13. Trading my Wild Boy set for ranger dress pm me on ~ US -SAPPHIRE MC
  14. Hadouken

    New titles

    Any of you guys realised that people such as sange and blueborn have titles called "hydra". And that kuzmitch is now a "beholder"
  15. [move]I just did my first one :yahoo: [/move]
  16. Hadouken


    Not really cause I'm in another clan. I just dont like being ignored
  17. Hadouken


    Keizsha, ascetic and the rest of b2k, If you see this im just letting you know im sorry. Please forgive me and pm me in game
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