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Everything posted by Speedom

  1. Seen a topic on that years ago. I like the ideal.
  2. It's a warrior class
  3. No. I just know what and how their skillls work
  4. Can you show me your stats?
  5. Yup, and that's how every class with defense buff skill works.
  6. You have a defense buff skill with 2 heal skills…
  7. Charmer won't ever have low defense since they can use heavy armor. Even better with bonus defense.
  8. You won't lose much magic if you use a magic spear or mace. This idea will make Charmer nore broken and idc tbh since pve is my favorite. But you'll hear too many complaints.
  9. Charmers already broken. Where have you been?
  10. That'll be interesting tbh. But Charmers are casters. They need a wand.
  11. Rogues are weak? How so?
  12. I feel like people probably will abuse it and report players for no reason.
  13. Speedom

    New Races

    Need to add to the Lore as The Outsiders
  14. Speedom

    Seeker Guide 10.2

    Good luck. I know them sets gonna be the price of a non class skill book. High level guild with have it before selling it.
  15. Speedom

    Seeker Guide 10.2

    Errgg I forgot to test it but have anyone tried the new skill with stun enchant stats? Might be an op idea.
  16. Oof I can relate. Had high damage BD and Rogues steal my pt kills just because they do more damage. Not to mention tank aggro and evade your boss. Top guild that does that are Sith, Mercs, Pern, Huyen, leache, teache. I don't care I put y'all guild on blast. Just stating the facts. Sucks but it's one of them things you gotta move on. Wait until the next spawn. Be the bigger player and lead by example. An old advice I used on many players, GET GOOD. My suggestion is to join a guild that are active in you time zone. Or else you'll be online and they're sleep and vice versa. Guild with players that have potato gear looking for players to party with.
  17. Well idk what to tell you. But what hero doesn't do no damage, no heal, no pvp or should I say all of them above? There's a lot to explore on Warspear. I have both Sentinel and Legion looking for players to help and I'm definitely not the only one. Nothing wrong with asking, but remember, don't be stubborn if you don't get the help and needs. It takes time and patients.
  18. This game is fun if you have some kind of partnership. So many player relies on soloing everything instead lol. Teamwork is dreamwork. That's literally every mmo games. I usually help people grow then we become budds in the game and won't hesitate the link up when we both online. That's how you form strategies and become that great force you've been looking for. Am I right?
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