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Everything posted by Elandir

  1. This isn't called a war. This is a massacre. Choosing a place where the NPCs are not hostile to you isn't very heroic. You guys should try somewhere else. Not that I'm complaining but most MCs choose this site to attack elves because of the advantage MCs have here...
  2. I really hope there are some new costumes like the dragon hunter or dragon catcher. I've liked them so far. The other costumes are not so interesting...
  3. There's never any picture posted on the forum with me in it... :cray:
  4. Dude, its not the car that wins the race. It's the driver. You're good not because of your gear but because of your attitude... :good: P.S: If i remember correctly, you had a Kris of Abyss Zealots in that PvP... ;D
  5. Why do you care anyway? As that saying goes, 'Haters gonna hate...' I've been called a noob myself after an arena fight even though I've put in roughly 6 months of gameplay (which in my opinion is enough; after all this is a game not an investment theory). I don't give a damn to those losers who think I'm weak. I just move on and play my game which is why I'm here. I think you should do that too...
  6. From the old names, I name Slay. Of lately, I've seen Dirtfox as a good BD to partner with...
  7. Yes to The Strongest and Diaboloro... And Sokpot you need to rectify a mistake. The clan hunt seems to be scheduled on April 21st. It should be May 21st because April is long gone now and your edit was on May 5th...
  8. Hey Snorlaxx... Its absolutely unfair if we lose our gear to amplification. Many have enchanted those things using MC which is lost because the amplification system failed. I think that losing the equipment part should be dropped. This way you are discouraging the regular players who can afford MC on a periodic basis (like me) to amplify their gear...
  9. I think that you should buy the runes and crystals first at level 12 for the purple equipment set that you can buy on the 1st island. They're the best the 1st island has to offer so pump them up. In the 2nd island dont buy any equipment and any runes and crystals for anything till you've finished the storyline entirely upto the 6 shadows. After that its just daily quests and CC quests at which point you may have to upgrade your armor and weapons to CC or any other powerful gear you may come across. Then you buy another set of crystals and runes to pump them up. Also, the extra pockets are a good deal at this stage. You can store drops in advance for dailies that may come in the future. Don't invest in costumes. I feel that they are a waste of money as they do nothing but make your character look wacky. If you're going in for the looks, then you could try the barber set and the hair color at which point the costumes are not required at all... But that's just me...
  10. I don't press the buy button on every mc advertisement I see when I die, but I do agree that it is annoying to see the thing pop-up out of nowhere...
  11. Wow...There are so many idiots on this game who won't understand the concept of a 'Scam' unless they experience it themselves. I am now tempted to scam someone on the game just for kicks... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: P.S: The above statement must not be considered as my final intention to scam anybody. It was meant to be a joke. If anybody on EU or US does use a name similar to mine to scam, please do not come whining to me...
  12. Alright people stop cussing the developers. I'm sure there is a good explanation for this. After all they are working hard to get the new update online...
  13. [FB]: Black Mist Island 08/05/2012
  14. Hey Orlando...I see that you are not calling anyone a scammer. But the names you've posted are nothing short of an accusation. You're unnecessarily slandering a player's name and that is not good either. Also remember, a survey may be biased. People who has a grudge against a particular may also have mentioned his name... Stop making irrelevant posts on the forum is you have nothing more solid than a 'Survey'... P.S: I don't have anything to do with the players mentioned by Orlando because I am a EU-Emerald player...
  15. I agree. The DC problem takes the fun out of lab hunting. The developers could try to reduce the bosses damage or HP or they could probably try to shorten the path to these bosses...
  16. Well the trade chat is the best place if you're looking for a quick team. Otherwise, you could schedule a hunt for some day using the forum (But you do have to mention you're IGN, faction and the server you play in over here)...
  17. Yes but that is total damage. Not partial damage. I believe the querist here was asking about partially damaged equipment...
  18. Ok. Am game. My local time is GMT +5.30. So post the time and I'll try to be on...
  19. What I do not understand is why do people go on about insulting other people's country or religion? This behavior is totally unacceptable. I think alonso14's suggestion of permanently banning such players using IP should be put into effect. I really hope the developers do listen to this suggestion and give us a positive assurance on this thread itself...
  20. It is highly unlikely that an equipment posted on trade chat which is damaged and having 'equipping' as its parameter. Equipment having 'receiving' or 'equipping' as its parameter cannot be damaged unless it is used in which case it becomes personal. I did however, notice that when any person who originally posted a 'personal' item on the trade chat and then re-posted the same equipment from the trade chat, usually doesn't show that item as personal anymore. I think maybe the damage stats aren't reset upon re-posting... I don't know if anybody reading this has understood what I'm trying to say...
  21. Then how is it that for three consecutive days when I was hunting Chief for 11-12 times in a row, my team has never been able to get more than one boss drop? Its just spheres... :wacko:
  22. I never told you anything. If you see the third pic you'd see I have used those words. Even then if I have I apologize. Everybody sometimes gets in a fit of rage (My country was being insulted then) In fact, I apologize to all players to whom I have or may have abused in the game. Sometimes I'm not in control of my anger... :facepalm:
  23. Odin my friend, I think you're missing the point here too. By giving the player a motivation to fight the opposite faction openly would ruin the gameplay for many budding gamers. Imagine a level 12 player hunting panthers outside kamp-gasphel, suddenly ambushed by some (or one MC Rogue; I say Rogue because only Rogues are capable of getting that far) MCs. That would just put them at a disadvantage. The players who have maxxed out have nothing to do anymore except hunt bosses or sell stuff or hunt opposite faction players. Elf/ MC Hunts are done just for the CC quests or for hashing out some rivalry. I just do it for the CCs and then go my way as much as possible... I know it gets boring sometimes, but this is certainly not the way to add variety to the game. Just my opinion, others are entitled to theirs...
  24. I did notice it when I read the post for the first time but refrained from commenting on it (With great effort might I add :rofl: )...
  25. I second that thought too. Signs should be dropped from bosses along with defense and damage spheres. Everybody should get an equal chance...
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