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Lord of Knowledge
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Everything posted by benjaminbt

  1. @Higgings made a report earlier of a bot spreading a link with suspicious website... Well, another one appeared. I know they cannot be permanently eliminated (they are too easy to recreate), but whatever.
  2. Hello there, fellow New Player! If you have any little experience with the game, you may have already met with the expression amplification success rate. Amplification success rate refers to how much chance do you have, that the equipment you are trying to amplify (make stronger) will increase in level (eg.: from +7 to +8). Probably you may have already noticed that your items won't amplify too easily. This is because these rates are EXTREMELY low. Before you start amplifying (ALWAYS use Sign of Imperishability), please note that it will probably cost a lot of money to you. As the item amplification level increases, so does the failiure rate, but success rate drastically decreases. I depends solely on luck, and luck is not a good thing to play with. So don't be surprised that even after spending over 100$ on the game, you won't have one equipment maxed out. Good luck (haha) ingame!
  3. The second one. But since the drop rates are pretty low and EU is cursed with the Chinese Curse, which makes dropped items impossible to sell, spamming makes almost no sense.
  4. Sure. Who uses them anyway? Not dk nor barbarian.
  5. Damn it. I was waiting for a guild advance discount for so long.
  6. Yeah. The question is: what is the bug? The 5% on heavy gear or the lower on the others?
  7. Double drop week usually is the last week of the event. Stamina sales are also possible on that week.
  8. Back in my day raid boss costumes were sold for over a million gold.
  9. No. You get potions as well, but at least it doesn' take an hour of pain to get them.
  10. I was quite surprised with the 5.4% stun on my boots (tank). Not that it's bad for me, but it's a bit much, isn't it?
  11. On PC, yes. Not on Steam. Even now that WS is available on Steam, the majority won't use it instead of the current platform. Like me.
  12. Be happy with it :D He is an op player, and they think you are him because only one letter is the difference in your nicks.
  13. Wouldn't work too well, since it is limited to Steam users.
  14. If you are using two Steam accounts (I do), you cannot be logged into the same WS account at once.
  15. This costume looks cool, but will become too mainst(r)eam... :D
  16. And then rich asses would simply buy the guild points they need instead of having to rely on other players.
  17. To see who you should go to beg money from.
  18. Yea, I got it and agree with you. But as I said, there is nothing we can do, right now I see no other option to wait and hope for the best.
  19. If and would. Yes, than maybe. Until then, keep Boogeyman with you. In a few months it will sell for quite a good money. I do the same with weapon skins and costumes. Because if it's unique, it still sells.
  20. Well, sadly, there is nothing we can do, I guess. There are more than a hundred-thousand players on EU-Emerald, a good majority of them don't even speak English or any of the preferred game languages. Changing economy requires quite a few things. To make demand by making Miracle Coins even more expensive (not an option, Miracle Coins is already very expensive compared to other games' currencies), to reduce the amount of goods available (again Miracle Coins, or taking away people's stuff - not going to happen). This was a mistake that cannot be corrected, I guess. Although that Boogeyman costume would deserve at least a million gold... Pity Hassn doesn't play anymore.
  21. EU, right? Well, if you make a "living" from hunting and dungeon drops, it is not your place anymore. Nowadays only physical damage accessories sell for fair price.
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