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Everything posted by iwan

  1. OI! This is my idea about this map.
  2. I give up to understand what he says, doesnt make sense
  3. Sim, os outros servers estão rodando faz anos, e o BR vai fazer um ano agora. Mancada querer comparar com server antigo
  4. Now i can understand you, it's much better than spanglish.
  5. iwan

    In-game Names

    Orga (Paladin), Makarov (Priest), Mystogan (Shaman), Iwan (Warlock), Elfman (Ranger), Erza (Bladedancer), taken all from anime Fairy Tail.
  6. Yeah, maybe the return of unique costumes in rewards, or something new.. we are bored
  7. Um amigo parou pelo mesmo motivo, foram 700 signs e não foi do +7 para o +8.. Triste isso, enquanto a gente perde eles tão ganhando
  8. Não vai resolver isso no forum, tens que passar um ticket pro suport em inglês
  9. I stopped going because of that, you buy unity pot and stamina to win 1000cc, 10 chests (that only comes quest items), you spend too much and earn less, in my opinion not worth the effort... Give us a reason to go to tournaments.
  10. The event is over and all i got was a lot of drinks, hahah.
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