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Diego Ferreira

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Posts posted by Diego Ferreira

  1. 1 minute ago, Khrone said:

    If i remember correctly, Rangers have AoE DMG and AoE Slow Traps, but i don't know if they are worth it (probably not, since no one uses it).

    I believe it is relative, since at one time the totem weakness itself was unviable to shamans, today it is essential

  2. 1 minute ago, Khrone said:

    Por que você aumentaria o nível de um AoE Sleep se qualquer ataque ao inimigo cancelaria o efeito? : porquinho:

    Na minha opinião, os Primogênitos deveriam ter melhores habilidades para GvGs e Wars.

    I've been analyzing the skills of the firstborn, they have great combos, but I also agree with the rework of some skills, especially when it comes to debuffs

  3. 6 minutes ago, Vinagre said:

    sim, essa é a ideia, definimos nossas guildas para serem eficientes, mas eu realmente gostaria de poder ganhar coisas e ter variedade dos dois lados ...

    sim mas o que é melhor? apenas uma cura instantânea que iria sobrecurar toda a guilda ou uma cura periódica, que mesmo se um pouco mais fraca iria curar apenas jogadores que perderam HP? 

    Well, as I demonstrated earlier, adverse situations happen for both cures, just to make them more balanced, if the instant cure of the Priest in a base calculation of the generated cure, has twice the amount of the shaman and has a smaller cd compared to the totem. , why not think about the healing division, as 50% of that healing would already be equivalent to the whole healed by the shaman's totem

  4. 6 minutes ago, Vinagre said:

    well, maybe add some HP for the healing totem?

    I believe that it would be the same as the healing being affected by precision, it would render the ability useless on a battlefield where various area skills are used, unlike the templar totem pole, we are talking about a cure, and not just a damage absorption, which in all classes can be broken, or have a short duration.



  5. We can do the same calculation applied by you with your instant healing, for example 1 Priest heals 3k with his buffs, has 9 targets, thus healing 27k with each use of skills, so 20 priests would heal 540k of instant healing right?


    But I understand better what you want, but if a guild with more than 20 shamans has about 6 targets, so there are 120 targets, where would this cure go? would it be wasted on the battlefield? so it would be unviable to have shamans in your guild, just 17 would be enough and it would be more than enough.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Vinagre said:

    o assunto é o totem de cura, mas não realmente seu poder de cura, mas a mecânica por trás de como ele cura, que não pode ser dissipado e como ele afeta uma luta massiva quando você usa pilhas e pilhas dele.

    I understand, but I decided to highlight the priest a little, because as exemplified he has a potential as great as that of the shaman, perhaps the problem is the influence of the healing buffs in both classes

  7. 3 minutes ago, Vinagre said:

    Sim, e após a próxima onda de dano ou controle ele está morto. Não é o caso quando você tem 20 totens de cura embaixo de você, como foi mostrado no vídeo principal da discussão.

    To avoid this, priests are able to keep their distance from the front line as well as the Shamans, right? To further strengthen why not include 1 word in your group formation? In addition to offering great healing support he could share his shield with the priests in battle

  8. Oh excuse me, to describe the skills I used the description in Portuguese to base myself on the CD, but I realized that by the English translation the totem cure has even more CD than presented in the Portuguese version, so the cure of 2 totem can arrive at approximately 51.2s of effect. the translation of redemption goes to 58.8s

  9. 4 minutes ago, Vinagre said:

    leia o tópico, o totem só cura quando você perde HP.

    Regardless of how the cure works in this sense, the example continues to be valid, as it is a situation created just for example and that could happen within the game.

    I would like you to analyze the points presented in the text, as I believe they are of great importance for a discussion related to healing.

  10. I would like to open a discussion here about the potential of the Sentinels faction, let's have a healthy dialogue please, where each one will bring their point respecting the other's ok? When we talk about healing, we have to consider 2 aspects, not only healing, but other calculations of the game, but since the subject is healing, let's go. 1- When comparing cures we should consider the cd time of each skill, if we are going to make a calculation of time of equal effect for both, how much cure would each provide? I'll try to exemplify, 2 totem shamans have approximately the cd of 3 trials, each totem shaman (with healing pot) can take about 1k of damage per healing pulse, with a total of 4 4k pulses per totem, totaling 8k of healing periodic every 48.6 seconds, as the healing totem will only end at 100% at the end of its useful life, while for about 54.8 seconds the Priest (also with the healing pot) can play 3 interpretations with a cure average total of 9k snapshots and with 3 debuff removals in the area, not to mention that, with the help of 1 Paladin, 4 Priest are able to receive a healing increase of about 500 hp for redemption. If it is to analyze the general, 6.2s of cure, it can represent the superior 1k of cure generated, and if we are to consider the skill of the shaman's cd that represents at most 30%, it would provide the addition of the Paladin in the right Pt? (Both examples would be +8 on average with Guild).


    So let's go to point 2 2- Consider the difficulties of each skill, right, many may claim the fact that an instant cure is more unfavorable than a periodic cure, but if we analyze there are adverse situations that can happen to periodic cure too, then, for another periodic cure healing is favorable because we need a pot of HP? There are times when we don’t have a cure in place at that time, say I have 4k hp, and several hits are directed at about 3k of periodic dmg over a 3s interval, a priest could, recover 3k of hp at the same time, soon I would have a full bar, but the shaman would use his totem and have a 3s effect time, if in that time I received a periodic dmg of 3k total, the 2k cure that I would receive would not be enough, so possibly establish, that is, for both cures there are difficulties,
    I would like someone to give me a detailed reason, without favoring the sides and to exemplify the point defended by the sentinels.
    (Both examples would be +8 average with Guild)

    We must also take into account the number of targets affected by both abilities, being totem healing 6 or 7 (It is still uncertain for many due to the absence of a skill description) and redemption 9 (this in turn has a description, as it received a small limitation of targets, something that a while ago was unlimited) but we will leave that detail for another time, but it is simple, if we are going to consider a period of battle, both cures would have efficacies, but how difficult is it to gather 20 Priests to test?




  11. Olá a todos, venho trazer uma luz para os jogadores que buscam desenvolver um bom Xamã, irei explicar um pouco sobre cada ponto da Classe.

    Primeiro, o que é o Xamã?



    Segundo a descrição do jogo temos a seguinte definição: 


    "Os xamãs são os feiticeiro glorificados dos Clãs da Montanha. Eles usam cajados para lançar feitiços devastadores. A sabedoria secreta dos xamãs é usada para ajudar aliados, bem como para obter grande poder. Os feiticeiros da Montanha são solicitados a lançar raios e até mesmo mesmo mesmo mesmo terremotos. "



    O Xamã é uma classe mágica dentro do Warspear cujo objetivo é fornecer suporte de grupo para seus aliados e fornecer grande auxilio em sua cura.

    Então, no que devemos nos concentrar? Que tipo de conjuntos ou Builds fazer?


    O Xamã por ser um curandeiro precisa de um pouco de atenção em seus atributos básicos que interferem em sua cura, entre eles o crítico e o cd, esses dois atributos são de extrema importância para aumentar a eficiência de suas habilidades de suporte. Sendo a principal delas sua cura base. 


    Para iniciarmos Nossa jornada, vamos elaborar Uma Uma Desenvolver baseado em hum  Xamã  Suporte, e com o ritmo chegaremos EM Outros Patamares.


    Dia 1 - Começando o jogo, ao começar o que devemos upar primeiro? o Mais Recomendado desde o Início do Jogo o Desenvolvimento da Habilidade Espirito Restaurador para o Nível Máximo, em Seu Começo de Carreira o Xamã  possui Uma Certa carência de mana, devido a ISSO e Necessário focarmos em hum aumento em SUA CAPACIDADE de Sobrevivência, Para Crescer de forma mais segura. Sendo assim, essa habilidade é essencial, deixando o up mais divertido.


    image.png.f0f6927ffcdb717796713a7a39f3d4ad.pngimage.png.156adf1fcdb5b394f4fb84e6372deabe.png Com Atributo Recarga de Habilidade

    image.png.250305fea1 relevantf9a31f1ac0cbc6cac37.pngimage.png.156adf1fcdb5b394f4fb84e6372deabe.png Sem Atributo Recarga de Habilidade


    Informações extras: A Cura fazer  Xamã  E periódica, Sendo ASSIM ELA se manterá sem Alvo Por Um Bom Tempo, ISSO ajudará Muito em Seu cima, e com o auxilio fazer crítico ELE PODE dobrar QUALQUÉR Uma das curas Periódicas recebidas, Dando Uma Maior Sobrevivência Ao seu Xamã.



    Dia 2 - Bom aqui estamos, rumo a uma nova etapa, depois de muito esforço para deixar o espirito restaurador no nível máximo, enfim chegamos ao nível 10, mas e agora? Onde colocar seus pontos? Caso não tenha percebido o nível 10 lhe presentes 2 pontos de Habilidade, assim vale para os outros níveis como o 20 e 30, mas vamos deixar isso para o futuro. Pensando no agora, o que upar?Eu acredito que quando se trata de construir essa é uma das etapas mais importantes, pois aqui você decidirá se seu bonequinho será PvP (Player Vs Player) ou PvE (Player Vs Engine - Mobs / Boss / Tw), Mas vamos lá, existem 4 habilidades interessantes de se pensar, sendo elas a Esfera Relampejante, o Impacto Relampejante Terremoto e a Proteção Telúrica, obviamente no nível 10 é interessante você deixar o Proteção Telúrica 3/5, porém é bom você ter essas outras habilidades em mente, 





    Habilidade Recomendada a se upar no Nível 10


    Bônus:  No Nível 10 é liberado o uso de Pequenas Relíquias, são de fácil acesso e de extrema importância para o seu personagem, estarei deixando algumas como exemplo, porém vou ter que me alongar um pouco, então deixarei apenas como mais importantes, mais a frente falaremos de build de relíquias.


    • Ainda não concluído, em produção .....








  12. 1 hour ago, Vinagre said:

    that would be nice! but still its not a healing overtime that work when priests are stuned or silenced. 

    I understand, however much that the effect of the totem persists during its use, can the shaman also be stunned before using it correctly? But I understand that the conditions are more unfavorable to instantaneous healing, however periodic healing also has its disadvantages, because in a battle about 3s are very important and desive, a shaman can lose his life completely during this period, and for this reason the class needs to have an excellent position, just as the Priest does.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Khrone said:

    : troll_face1: Paladinos fazem um pouco de trollagem

    Really kkkkk Paladin and Warden are an exception to the rule.


    3 minutes ago, Diego Ferreira said:

    Really kkkkk Paladin and Warden are an exception to the rule.

    Despite having a basic cure, the aggregation of the Warden should not be considered by the relic

  14. 34 minutos atrás, Opylain disse:

    A descrição da relíquia diz que aumenta os efeitos curativos das habilidades, ou nenhum caso 
    reclic que vai na cura base

    Let me meddle a bit in your dialogue, I will explain to you how the castle relic works, first what it does, does it apply a healing aid of 20% to everyone in the group, how does its activation work? When the user uses his skill, the relic is active on everyone who is about 2 meters away, what is the effect of this aid? Well, it increases the amount of "Base" healing of allies by 20%, remembering that it has no effect on the user, and just as the description says, it is influenced only by basic skills, its effectiveness is best proven with a second healer in pt, as other classes like a tank do not have the same.

  15. I would like a healing calculation in which there was a composition of at least 20 Priests in a group battle, and that the healing interval for each skill was considered, as this also influences, in addition to the damage calculation generated in the combat to see if this cure really is absurd to the point of highlighting the total damage calculation

  16. 1 hour ago, Vinagre said:

    eu concordo, e talvez eles tenham testado? 

    Não vejo nenhuma área de cura periódica que funcione tão bem como está ... é por isso que o totem é meio OP, você pode empilhá-lo, não pode dissipá-lo, a área de efeito é enorme, sua cura com o tempo e há sem limite de buff?

    I believe they have not tested it, because even today the Ancestral guild has been building its strength with its 40 magicians, if they have tested it, I would like them to bring the results here to have a better visualization of the data.

  17. I understand, so let's discuss more deeply in relation to the data presented, I believe that the main point commented on is the healing calculations present in the post, well, in relation to group battles I believe that more points should be analyzed, such as the calculation of damage generated in a group combat, which includes the sum of several classes present there, even the calculation of individual cures for each class and damage absorption calculations, another attribute present that would also influence this calculation would be vampirism itself, which it is a cure based on the damage caused, in short, several factors must be presented in a discussion of this type, I understand that you have exemplified it with a group battle, however simple selected data cannot be analyzed like this, the guild in question itself has low healing classes in your team, I believe that in order to reach a conclusion of readjustment in the group skills of the Chief and Shaman together we must first do er tests with other combat classes don't you agree?

  18. So the problem now is GvG Mermem?



    7 hours ago, Vinagre said:

    além de me mostrar algumas tentativas de Mermen de cenário competitivo, não um GVG aleatório que leva 1 hora para terminar.

    este é apenas um vídeo escolhido, apenas vá nos mostrar um tritão em que vocês foram espancados? Reino vs ancestrais?

    não tem, você nem atendeu 100/100 para primavera gvg ...

    Well, here is a GvG Mermem as you requested, here we see that it was necessary to overthrow pylons to overtake points, in addition to putting the question also your question in relation to the globe, since we were completely cleaned


  19. Good night everyone, good night guys from the Legion, good night Sentinels.😄

    I am known as Diário in the game, I have a Warspear channel and I record GvG videos for about 1 year, I have lived in the Kingdom guild all this time, I saw all the development of the guild and how the organization of battles was improving, I witnessed the worst moments and the best, currently the guild is reaching its peak, fighting even the largest guild of the server and this is frustrating some people who cannot move forward, but clearly the problem is not the Legion but a lack of organization by part of the sentinel guilds, proof of that was that on our Tourmaline server there was a G guild called Valhala, she had the same size as the Ancestral guild, the current best on the server, but even though she had even higher PvP strength, they were unable to go ahead with her guild, they had the same classes at their disposal, the same skills and the same Buffs as the current Kingdom, but even so they did not get very far, meanwhile Kingdom even in its LvL 10 already gave work to the bes t of the server even not being able to win in a group combat, something that not even the own Valhala was succeeding, both were from the same time and fell against the same Guilds, but the history of GvGs Mermens won by Kingdom was much greater . I believe that if your guild analyzes every detail they will find their mistakes made in the GvGs, the enemies will not help them to find their weakness, you should look for yourself, as we did, Kingdom's own leadership would review the videos several times a day to find possible improvements, and today we are here, so strong as to ask for the nerf of a class focused only on group combat and support. But no matter how strong we are, we are not invincible, Ancestors itself proved this in its battles, the same guild with the same classes were easily defeated in this video, in this case Ancestors deserve a Nerf in their classes?



  20. Antes de tudo quero comentar sobre os dados presentes no post, primeiramente em relação ao Totem Cura, ele é um totem que é baseado no dano do usuário, não recebe nenhuma beneficio de outros atributos, ou seja, não possui critico, até hoje nunca vi um Xama chegar nos 1k de cura, imagina 1500, é possivel chegar em 2k de cura apenas com o espirito restaurador, uma skill focalizada que assim como Xama, o Druida também possui. O totem de cura jamais curaria 1500 a cada 1 segundo, isso é realmente algo sem fundamento algum. Ele possui 4 pulsos, e com um cd de quase 30S.


    Em relação ao Totem de Fraqueza os dados estão corretos, porém não é uma skill que não é possível de caunterar, o uso dela depende do Xamã estar constantemente a usando, um simples stun cortaria o ciclo, ja que o xamã é extremamente vulnerávela stuns, o próprio bd possui skills que se upadas cortam completamente o totem fraqueza.

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