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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Khrone

  1. Why does Heroic Tower of Berengar quest gives more XP than Heroic Garden/Termitary quest?
  2. Khrone


    Edited just now. I really think that we need this
  3. Just ignore the title, i'm joking xD But i am the only one that thinks that Hunter should be the guy with traps while Ranger... has a lot of damage? Idk, maybe Camouflage would make more sense, or an archer tower? Well, we saw that Hunter's new skill literally has the name "Forest Guard" (ranger?)
  4. Especially if you're a famous player Just imagine you logging on the game and receiving like 234 messages xD
  5. Miniboss. Most part of healers can solo mini-bosses easily, tanks can just buy a damager pet and tank the mini while the pet kills him. What about damager classes? Everyone knows that tank pets are bad (and any tank pet would die easily in T5)
  6. Primeiramente, ficaria muito surpreso, depois perguntaria à alguém quanto custa pra eu poder vendê-lo Qual traje e skin você acha mais bonito? Obs: Não importa a arma
  7. What is the chance of someone stopping at the same quest as you?
  8. Ok, i was playing the game and just discovered that Life Exhaust has 4m range, and all the other skills has 5m range. What is the sense of it having less range since it's a defensive skill?
  9. Why is Warlock the only damage class that has more debuffs than damage skills? Pure damage skills: Arrow of Darkness (M) and Shadow Sphere (H) DMG debuffs: Exhaust Life (L-M), Pool of Darkness (L), Blood(y?) Tribute (Never tested, needs the enemy to NOT use skills for the skill to deal 100% of the damage) and Hex (Never tested, people use it for Silence more than Damage) L = Low damage M = Medium damage H = High damage Basically the only skills that make it a really damager is Shadow Sphere that has a high explosive damage and Arrow of Darkness that has medium damage and low cooldown. I mean, debuffs make sense, since it's a Warlock, but nobody uses Bloody Tribute and Hex for damage. Don't you think that Lock needs a good (pure) damage skill?
  10. For me, resist skills like Mage's or Brb's makes more sense in a group battle, since it will resist every skill during the effect. BD's skill will only resist 3 skills, and well... group battles has more debuffs than 3.
  11. Basically the only class of WS that can tank (if you really want to) and deals tons of damage
  12. Bruh Just imagine a 1st April Update boss caled " " (yes, developers put a space on his name, instead of NULL). How people would call it? "pt kill new boss 1/5 pm anyone", or "pt kill no name 2/5 pm dmg"?
  13. What if nobody has your quest? You just wait until somebody has it? How people will know that you also needs to make this quest? I forgot to say, i don't know if it happens on every server, but on Tourmaline, people only makes T5 quests in lv 30+ (and i'm a Lv 26 Warlock Xd)
  14. I know, and i do it too, and it's literally what i'm suggesting, when someone writes your nick after a # (in the middle of the message, of course) instead of it being a simple text, like this: Playerone: Bruh, what a bad text #Playertwo It would mention the player,and it receives a notification that someone mentioned him. Ok, just ignore Guild Mail. What do you think about player mail?
  15. What is the sense of this phrase if almost every quest on T5 map 4 is on a only-quest area with a mini-boss that is like impossible to kill solo? If the mini-boss area was on a open area (that everyone can enter), doesn't this phrase makes more sense? Like, you need to wait until someone has this quest and say it on global chat so you can invite it to your party so both can kill the mini
  16. What if, for example, people are talking about a player on global, and someone mention it so the player know that people are talking about it? Doesn't it has a limit of letters?
  17. This is to talk with the person, not to see its equipments The idea can be implemented without the inspect option, but the main idea is to mention the person, so they will know that the people are talking about it Offline people can't read it Me whole idea from mail is to send messages to offline people so they can still see it and you don't need to wait for them
  18. ■ When you click on someone's name or interact with the character, a new option would appear: Mention Mention function would put the character name on the chat but with a hyperlink - like when you link a item on the chat - to the character's main menu (level, damage, defense, HP, mana, equipments, etc). You can mention any player, unless you're on their ignore list (or if they are on your ignore list) or if the character has the "no mention" option (yes, a option on the Configurations menu) When someone mention you, a notification will appear on the bottom of the screen, like when someone talk to you on private chat (but you would need to search who mentioned you). Your name will appear like this: Somebody: Hey, #Anybody! Guild Leader/Heirs can also mention everybody on the guild by typing "#guild". Like this: Yourleader: We need to attack enemy's castle, #guild! By doing this, a different notification would appear at the bottom of the screen: A shield with a W on it (the simble of guilds of WS), that means that is a important guild info. I know, looks like Discord, but... i think it is useful. ■ And well... I don't think i need to explain what a Mail is. Actually, the Mail is only useful to receive gold from market and some other rewards, so i think it would cool if you could send messages to offline players. And of course, it would have a option to not receive mail from players, and if you don' t want to receive messages from a specific player... just ignore him xD And guild leader/heirs can also send a message to the whole guild by typing "#guild" on the address. But i think we already has something like this. ■ When you choose "AFK" status on Menu, the game will automatically responds "AFK" Playerone << Why is always me? Playerone >> AFK ■ On a special menu, you can write something, so when people inspect you, they will know about your special message, example: "BUY > LV 28 Cloth Gloves" "Need help at Chainless League" "Bruh" This would be like Guild's description.
  19. Bruh, at least i stopped to play in WP, but man... this plataform is becoming useless lol
  20. Новый навык «Магический запрет» уже является реликвией, почему бы не дать ему еще одну реликвию?
  21. Why mobs drop random and useless items? Some of them drop items that can be used on quests or achievements - and even for farm, like Sign of Filth - but some of them are just bag trash. There is any plan so they can be useful, like a lv 20 mob drop would cost 10g, or something like craft/alchemy, or they are and will always be just... trash?
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