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Posts posted by MANIAC

  1. Add potion of knowledge to the mcoin shop, to increase knowledge gained for completing quests/dgs and a way to gain more knowledge/day

    Also Add more ways to gain skill points, either through a quest line or dg or some kind of potion, or add more to the talents tree

  2. Hey, so here's my suggestion
    Next update we should get some instanced raids,instead of all of them being in the open world, these raids will have very strong mobs with like 250k-300k hp each, and multiple bosses, each of the bosses will have 700k-10m or even 20m hp depending on the difficulty

    The difficulties should be Normal,Hard,Heroic,Myth, raid groups will be atleast 10-25 players, the mobs in this raid will hit hard and will require a tank or even 2 or more,multiple healers will be needed
    mobs will hit around 8k damage and crits will almost always instakill anyone that isnt a tank, unless they have good solidity, the mobs will drop bars/pots or trash items, the bosses will drop really strong gears, and the final boss of the raid are guaranteed to drop something, finishing the raid can drop gears that are super powerful so they should be hard to complete
    The mobs and bosses will have special and unique mechanics that make each raid different and more difficult/interesting

    This type of raid has a limited amount of chances for entry, maybe around 3 every few days,(can be refilled with Raid Stamina Elixir in the mcoin shop)

    This is just a rough idea that i came up with what do you guys think?

  3. 7 hours ago, Fabr said:

    I know, I just meant that you lost when you met equally strong opponents

    Yeah, ofc a +1 character would lose vs full +10 heavy mm gear enemy with books, what u expect me to kill them both?lol

    I did 3k dmg to the charmer before i went down, and still put up a good fight, if i was a ranger, bd or any other dmg class this wouldn't be possible

  4. 34 minutes ago, Fabr said:

    In fact the only lose in the video was because he was against 2 real pvp with the same buffs. The reaper destroyed him in a few hits. "Bm very unbalanced":dunno:

    Well if u didnt know, reaper has a skill that garuntee crit and it hits twice,+ in demon form it gets a huge increase in skill dmg, and crit dmg+ ferocity wepons, this dmg can hit 4k-5k on even arena geared players, idk who ur char is but if this skill crits u, u will die 

  5. Druid is weak and it's useless in pve, please just remove this class from the game, because it feels like nobody wants druid in dg anymore nobody wants druid for questing,nobody wants druid for anything except for 1 thing, arena, which only 5% of the playerbase even participates in

    I suggest u buff its skills and rework some other, for example secret link should give crit and atk spd/ crit dmg buff, tornado should slow atk speed of all mobs and boss hit by the skill(like bees skill but area of effect) and druid needs a revive skill and aoe dmg buff for party members so it can be useful like priests!! for pve usefulness because right now its useless asf!!!

  6. Hello everyone, i want to start a petition to change the stats of the arena spears

    "Accuracy" to >"Penetration"

    Right now beastmasters 

    lack a penetration spear weapon in arena, forcing us that want phsycial to go for a lower dmg option in order to make up for it,nobody wants to use a 2h axe or 2x sword, so we need our spears to have penetration,ty




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