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Everything posted by darkme

  1. At lvl20, Priest + druid pair in 2v2 is awesome. Pala good too, but with so many warlocks and shamans around, can be a bit frustrating at times.
  2. i clickd on some 20/5 ayvondil news -_-...
  3. lvl20 axe looks perfect. RIP swords.
  4. WTS. or trade for any rare staff skin. Post here or pm Redcore Eu-Server.
  5. Dont know if its true but heard lvl18/20 craft weapons give energy catalyst on disassembling.
  6. " a tornado(?) that throws the enemies towards it's center" somewhere near blind? Thnx to shilan for translating!!
  7. didnt see tat thread..srry
  8. Almost everyone has a lvl10 arena char. So time to go back to first island? I dont understand why lvl20s would waste time hunting lab o.O
  9. No changes to expert skills means they r perfect? or u dont care? :) I expected +/- here and there....nvm nyway.
  10. I mostly die only in tat lost souls area where 10-15 mobs are summoned. Dont know if this l work there, but otherwise neat idea .
  11. darkme

    Kill count

    Always wanted something like this. More wars and psycho rogues ;D
  12. I reach +9 more easily than 8. Weirdly, every single time fr the last 3yrs my weapons stay at +7 fr long time but reach +9 in 15-20sets ;D
  13. This, And it seems u can get one from shops for gold. Assuming those are affordable, u wont have to buy the mshop ones. The special ones only seem to be giving bonuses like time savers or extra resources.
  14. Id go for shaman cos of that expert skill and blind. Druids r good too but imo shamans got a bit more offensive style. That feel when u blind one and kill the other in 2v2 ........priceless.
  15. Next time u try surveys, take a ss. Cos those sp guys ask fr proof when u report.
  16. Dont scare the guy lol. Il pray fr you man ;D
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