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    • So barb got a decent skill and now you want it away? So MC can not do anything versus all the sentinel classes? Cant have everything your way,  Elf still overpopulate and overpower mc with skills.    Or can just fight with BD druid right now and see how overpowered it is?  BD has been overpowered for 10+ years and has only gotten better.  It’s never been touched.   Normally when a faction is overpopulated for years we understand it’s an easier and stronger faction to use.    Have a good day! 
    • Oh my friend your posts are all so interesting.    You spam forum saying every single MC class is overpowered. Your posts are all over the place. In reality, nearly every server is way higher in elf population. See the above screenshot, that was battle for territories / Raid bosses in the past year.  Have you played the same game as the rest of us? BD is the most overpowered class in the game. Druid is extremely hard to kill right now because you can’t get to him and has so many heals.  When warden had a bad bug it was 100 mc could not kill, barb’s last wish is for 8 seconds.  Finally mc got something that can stand up to certain elf classes and you will cry about it.  My guess is you are probably low amped and geared and are upset someone with full arena gear killed you.    I suggest you use this energy in game that you have on the forums to improve your character.    I wish you luck my friend, but in the future your posts won’t be taken seriously when you have them all over the place talking about a different mc character each time. 
    • Не поверишь, но я 2 недели играю в Скайлор. Мои выводы: он более динамичен и менее душный чем данный проект.
    • Ооо...уже на личности переходим? А ниче, что этих ПВЕ отбросов в игре большинство? М?  Свое мнение о людях, которые хотят играть, а не дрочить арену, оставь при себе.  Хаку уже писал, теперь пишу такому же великому оренеру как ты - регай в пати, договаривайся и стой в очереди, а не ной на пве игроков. И фапай на свой винрейт. Можешь, даже, его заскринить, распечатать и повесить в рамочку в виде грамоты и на его фоне фоткаться и всем пояснять что это на стеночке за грамота и за какие за заслуги получена. @Shimarin ау! Тут переход на личности и оскорбления в чате. Ваши действия?
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