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The main problem is the "power surge"... and if im not wrong, that talent scales with maximum health , this is not fault of an specific builds, nothing stops magic/phy users to get a lot of health .
The problem in Russian forums I have already seen.They were reporting magical paladin (mainly right branch) being too tanky while providing immense support to the whole party/allies around him within a certain radius. I agree on the nerf of right branch(should be nerfed even more) since I have pvped all types of paladins. I have pvped with 15+ book physical paladins with mid branch, and after about 1 minute they will die.But a 0 book magic dmg paladin with right branch? That thing is an immortal even vs dmgers like bd or reaper, even at 0 books 😂. Magic paladin can heal more through power surge as u saw above(they tend to build higher hp paladins along with the use of the middle key talent),group heals (magic dmg)of 4 people within a certain amount of yards, and the op talent that just got nerfed for all the right reasons in this update. below is the base heal that makes magic pala heal as a double power surge talent.Which phy pala cant utilize due to low magic dmg.
By Badshooter · Posted
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