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That has to be just about one of the dumbest things I've heard anyone say. So you want them to greatly buff legions so that, let's say, 100 legions can compete vs 300+ elves. If on average 1 MC can take on 3 elves, what kind of chance do you expect elves to have in GvG events and Arena, where the numbers are even? Where btw I think the balance is already pretty even at least when certain classes from both sides are in play. And what about other servers where the population isn't as different as US server? You think that's a better solution than to limit the number of participants in mass battles? If not then why wouldn't devs put effort into that but rather ruin the balance for the rest of the game?
I doubt a tank with high self healing rate needs so much damage reduction. Another example is wardens, the only reason they relies only on a single damage reduction is bcz he can heal itself by blocking, plus aggression skill also heals them. Meanwhile barbarians healing rate is lower compared to other tanks, even to Deathknight (Secret Reserve + vampirism) Their self-sufficiency is very limited. I understand the discomfort of some here, but you have to take into account the skill set of each tank, they don't all work the same
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