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Quiet Mode


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Why is my rouge in quiet mode??  :facepalm:

Many people already been in quiet mode for no reason , Just like Lawrence :facepalm:

Why is my rouge in Quiet mode?? I want answer plz  :facepalm:

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Why is my rouge in quiet mode??  :facepalm:

Many people already been in quiet mode for no reason , Just like Lawrence :facepalm:

Why is my rouge in Quiet mode?? I want answer plz  :facepalm:


someone may have reported you to devs for rude words  :unknw:
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What is "My rogue"? We are not mind readers here. Name of the character and server please.


Oh yea, sorry sir everyone know i'm Mercurial here  ;D  My rouge's name is Mercuriall, but it's ok, I can chat now, and tnx for early reply  :)
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I thot it was for calling Mj bilat boy! :lol:


SSSHHHHHHH!!!! I never said that to anyone, I wouldn't call any of my friends B****  ;D  * acting good boy *  :shok:
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We have no idea what is was  :unknw:


Did you talk too much before got this quiet mode? Or any other information which could help us to find this possible bug?


Nope. IDK what happened we were hunting guards and all of a sudden it said, INFO: You cannot chat in quiet mode.

I think some dev did some accident or something...

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I did speak a couple of times in trade chat today, but nothing unusual really. When it happened I had been busy on daily quests for a while, when I revived I was in quiet mode. So don't think that there is a connection. When I logged back in it was gone. Hope this helps in any way?

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