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Everything posted by mercurial
[2012.04.30] Under development: Langasard
mercurial replied to Kuzmitch's topic in News & Announcements
@ Jaw and Windcaller I am Forsaken bros, I will destroy Chosens, they don't belong in our world, they are meant to be slaves to the Forsaken, they do not deserve freedom, they must be locked up in cages and tortured to death. Forsaken will rule over this world and torture everyone who will not obey our every command. It will be 100x better, no water just blood, no colourful shit like this just black and red everywhere, castles made out of bones of our victims, rivers of the blood sucked out of our slaves, heads of every traitor and victim will be hung up the gates and entrances of houses, and SLAVES everywhere suffering, screaming and begging for mercy and sparing their lives, ofcourse we just torture them at the end. -
God stop these offtopics, Slay what Sulla means by this quote is cause Shyleen only likes BDs including You, Elvic, Ginis and many more sad thing is he is just an emo rogue trying to find a girl but he needs to learn like me I'm used to being a single failure like him :lol: :lol: :lol: What why you always setting me up with this stuff? :facepalm: unlike you I don't fall inlove with women on the internet even if they are pretty, Sorry for the spam :facepalm: Goodluck in the Contest by the way, ignore Sulla he just wants attention he's been single since birth I know it's hard for him to understand the real world since he's 19 and single
bro, your the one who started ♥♥♥♥♥ING, cause shyleen was offline, you where like " OMFG I MISS HER BRO BLAH BLAH " " OMFG OMFG WHERE IS SHE " then I was " it's not like it's ducking 4 years blah blah blah " and whos the one with the emo pic and emo signiture, mr. I can't tell a girl i like her cuz i wanna be emo, you even spam me how to talk to a girl, a girl in a 2D game, IN A duckING 2 duckING D GAME BRO YOU NEED REAL GIRLS NOT CYBER GIRLS AND STOP PLAYING MONEY SUCKER MALL GAMES PLAY WOW :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: WHO GIVES A duck ALISTRA IS SEXIIIII
normally at 16, but Sulla didn't get one at 16, 17, 18, not even at 20, he poor guy he spend all his money on a girl that he thinks that likes him then that girl leave him for Elven Bladedancers, poor guy he needs a real girlfriend and a real life not some cyber girl and 2D game yes, I said it 2 ducking D
too easy with crossing, they always panic when a Rouge comes out :lol:
Elves at emerald don't like bad guys :rofl: why don't you guys make a rouge since you say rouges have the easy life, have fun trying to kill a druid , even with 1 moon and 250 astral your screwed :lol:
World of Warcraft, 1 boss = 100% drop :lol: wanna know the real drop rate? 0% - 100%, that is the drop rate, all random so don't be so sure they can't just say drop rate is 5% then some people get 5 drops in 30 minutes :facepalm: but if you wanna know the common drop rate, then it's same as Berengar's guards
Well you babies need to plant traps around your healer when I'm online :rofl:
hackers would :wacko:
that's not Nia, Nia's MC is Suall, that guy already said he's not real Nia, just some other friend of Nia
It will hipnotize yo............... ALL HAIL THE HYPNOTICFROG
well, I let them scream in pain and torture them begging me to spare their lives, It's quite fascinating, I record their voices everytime I torture them and play it while I am asleep
screw this game, I go wow, away from the drama, After all, if you betray Allys all you will hear from them isAlly: [Common] Dur hakken shuk ver tu hak!!! ( ally calling me traitor ) Mercuriall casts blind on you! Mercuriall's blind wears off! Mercuriall spits on your corpses. Mercuriall: [Common] DUKK SHARR OKK!!!! Mercuriall laughs.
Me Replying to crossfits post, And then you " Replying " to my post when I didn't say anything about you,- By Spanish people I was referring to the people who PM'd why I changed to elf which was also you, but the " ♥♥♥♥♥ing part " was for crossfit cause he started to involve me in this What else to I have to proof? why can't you just accept that I didn't join this drama and you guys added me to it :facepalm: And anyways, why you started insulting me? did I insult you? I was talking to Crossfit not you, so that is another problem here... :facepalm: Anyways forget about that, if you wanna continue then continue cause I'm not gonna stop until this is over, and again This is NOT the " Shyleen attacking you " problem
I don't wanna know about you or shyleen's problem, I don't want to take sides here :facepalm: All I said was you and crossfit adding me in your " MC's who followed Shyleen to elf ", I did not follow anyone, I did not transfer to elf, I did not join this drama, I did not make the first post with you or crossfit's name involving any of this drama. Read again, here is a post from you and Crossfit adding me in this bullshit, I'm not evading anything, I am not being a hypocrite, I just don't wanna be a part of this drama, now stop involving me in your post so you will atleast still have my respect Check the dates, who made the first move? not me, so don't involve me in any of this " he changed to elf/he followed ???? to elf " shit Sorry FoF for the spams but I just want to make it clear to these people :facepalm:
Why you involve me in this drama? You really want to make enemies out of your friends? Didn't I tell you guys I DON'T PLAY ELF, MY BLADEduckINGDANCER HAS NO MOTHERduckING SWORDS, WOOOOOAAAAHHH ELVES GET 100000000 MCOINS JUST MERC AFKS AT RIFF duckING BIG DEAL OMFG OMFG, FOR THE LAST TIME DON'T duckING INVOLVE ME IN THESE STUPID DRAMAS, I DON'T DO SHIT EXCEPT STANDING IN LEGION AT MC AND STANDING IN RIFF AT ELF TALKING WITH PEOPLE, HOW THE duck DOES THAT MAKE ME PLAY ELF? You guys are too sensitive, I play elf then you start giving faceoalms and complaining why I'm at elf, Ask people at mc HOW LONG IM AFKING THERE just to show you and crossfit that I AM MC, or did you guys put me to ignore list? go ask Hornig he always online I bet he saw me online for like ducking 3-5 hours afking at riff, you add me in one more drama then congratulations you just made an enemy out of your friend
hmmmmmmmmmmm, yes, I see, so... What your problem here is, that video is already old, maybe post better things like Dragons and shit like that? this clanbook is for epic people bro, you can't be epic with your outdated videos about some anime things with epic blood all over and shit like that, I like this video though, with the epic fighting of course Sulla wouldn't like it since he's a coward afraid of scary things,
Maintenance :facepalm: I hope I get upgraded, and Shy you need to change your password in WoW and verify it from your email, they said it's locked incase of account theft or getting hacked, I don't think we can use each others accounts :wacko:
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD http://www.wowhead.com/spell=5025 Read the comments XDD
:lol: Bosses not hard for 30 people :lol: :lol:
He found Strider with his Man Detection skills, yes, he knows where men are and what they doing, I know it's scary, especially being watched by SULLA :shok:
where one? :lol: