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Everything posted by crnoss

  1. ı bet you are, but mc side classes too weak they need dmg buff skills ı dont know how they are now.
  2. ı think only difference is colourful 2d between warspear and skylore. Maybe warspear a bit better because warspear have undersea and can use oxygen tube thats amazing... ı dont like speak for majority but if no pvp in game why people want play that go play single player game better.in us sphere pvp already dead. Some people love fight against mobs in our server ı give that they played much single player easy mode age of empires. but in my opiniuon mostly left because there is no pvp in us sphere
  3. ı remember elysium costume at old days. I call rare costume for that if someone bought. I bet Even devolopers not remember that costume. In my opinion costume can be rare if u buy with high price mc coin. Rare people can buy or get with contest.
  4. that wasnt smart move ı guess
  5. where is spring event gvg results.I dont know russian servers but guild castle battles not excited for me. Use guild skill and capture the castle without fight. ı tought wardens most popular class with this Block Master skill . Rangers big surprise for me.Cant u make less populer classes list?
  6. oh yeah... May the force be with you
  7. warspear need more creative decorative skins. Maybe this topic help to devolopers. Experienced players comminty need ur ideas.
  8. Yeah why not. We count days for skylore. "Simply Leave" I like that.
  9. gz! very emotional.5 place looks like more hard work but ı trust ur judges.gz all
  10. this photo remind me something. talent.
  11. yeah ı cant find people at mc side for yellow dg quests .We can dual for quests?.And need change guild chat nowadays u cant trust everyone.Can be many spys at chat need speacial chat for heirs and leaders. Funny side they can fail with even spys help at wars. what about weekly raiting tournaments need change too.I saw many people won that tours they spam 24/7. is that possible or they shared accounts?.in my oppinion real players feels bad for that @lore ı liked ur profile. Looks like pssyduck pokemon.
  12. level up system taking much time.Maybe need delete first map and start from irselot better idea or new system "bot" for all players.when player offline char can level up by himself, can do dg and arena.How is it idea ??
  13. I like this topic.we cant share account , we cant do arena,we cant touch them. But this guys can do whatever they want. They can insult us, they can use every kind of cheat, they love without decorative skin even after all they can blame us. I want join our legends this topic. @Akasha. need discuss this topic.
  14. ty too jcbreff. I hope u guys get many skill books in game with luck.
  15. @Morgana ty ım new at forum.Thats why mr holmes not answer me ı guess.
  16. @Nosotraes yeah bro its biggest problem at forum ı know that. ı will ignore them.
  17. Maybe dear devolopers fix this situation giving more dmg expert skills to mc side and giving more stun expert skills to elf side.They know better of course and our legends. guild skills can be have bug last year at spring event s gvg ı saw bug ı dont remember skill name.They could hit us but we couldnt hit them. One of our legend was there he know better :).
  18. And of course relics for against stun skills don forget them.İn my opinion mcs and forsaken s every move make stronger elves.Chosens and elves based on damage skills.What could be reason can someone answer me pls dear legends or mods or admins. I could be wrong but ı see those in game. İf ı wrong pls fix me
  19. if u guys make battles based on kill count mc side will have chance for wars maybe .And more fun for tacticians @Morgana can support me at this subject or MR. holmes. I love holmes , ı watched whole series. Which is better series or movie?. Series better in my opinion
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