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Posts posted by crnoss

  1. 1562395723_images(9).jpeg.98a68f5474e80b05278e056199167369.jpeg1153553495_images(10).jpeg.fc7ea8f90aee69a84f3e0d594636e679.jpeg

    Hi guys, i open this topic beacuse i saw in horror circus. i wonder your memories about high school:))).i shared 2 picture which one is close to your memories or you can share another picture.mine looks like this.1958881350_indir(3).jpeg.38a24c23745af901111c72ff3ae6c298.jpeg

  2. İ have ideas for smiles...i heard this popular nowadays,some call looking back.1943197491_images(5).jpeg.84fca2ae696b35cd30e73b476ed3ffe6.jpeg735272213_images(4).jpeg.64b1e96521a839f03d5cbc381aad1edb.jpegindir.jpeg.c613cf538442bfd36efda23bc6dd8dad.jpeg


    images (8).jpeg

    İ found those...İ wished draw myself but no tecnology or experience.i hope u understandme and sorry for my ignorance.

  3. On 12/11/2020 at 2:05 PM, Morgana said:

    I looooove Snowboundaries because Winter is my all time favourite season, has always been and always will be! And the female costumes are so elegant, cute and pretty:kawaii:It totally gives me happy Winter vibes (despite people killing each other xD)!


    Though a few years ago there was a Halloween with a chess and little snow theme which I also loved very much :pleased:The dark mysterious Halloween mood always gets me as well!😄


    Both events have their charms:vp-hearts: 



  4. 8 hours ago, Morgana said:

    That's unfortunate...

    Anyway, sorry for taking it out here. I'm gonna drop it because it's not the right place for guild conflicts. Plus I'm not even part of it .-. When I quit, Mercs and Potatos were like best friends :c I guess that's why it frustrates me a lot :hopeless:



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  5. 55 minutes ago, Akasha said:

    Well. You haven't even played the class, and you already made up your mind on how weak the class is? That's interesting. But yes thanks for sharing the feedback! Please elaborate your thoughts after testing too and playing in groups. Having a skill that functions in a certain way does no difference, we aren't here to count how many have a certain type of skill, but the comparison should be about buffs an debuffs, positive protective effects in general, and so on.. 


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