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roguesad's Achievements

  1. Hello, I just finished reading these proposals and I believe that in this week of testing and rebalancing them admins should take some ideas on this topic, especially in terms of damage per autoatack, damage in the area and survival, the rogue has as many skills wasted . as you mention in the topic which is easier to mention which they are functional skills: Merciless(impossible not to use it because it is the only base damage skill), gouge, stealth, extermination, furiousness flurry, trickiest technique. The rogue escape is not functional currently, both players and mobs and high bosses of the game collect much accuracy, especially classes focused on damage, dodging lasts very little, kick works on a target (the current content of the game is played in a group, massive), its duration is cut and in addition it can be resisted, dodged and even cleared, Absolute reflexes are obsolete, it cuts duration with benefits that can be obtained easily, the dodge in 60% today all classes can collected these (dont forget that, ranger and hunter classes also obtain a defense benefit with skills that provide dodge) as well as the speed, every class of damagecan be collected easily. Ricochet is a good skill only with talent, without talent, it is the worst skill damage in area of the game, I consider that the damage it generates with talent should be its normal functioning, put it as talent indicates that new players will not tend to do more damage, so this improvement in talent was the normal function of the skill and you could give a decent damage buff in that talent space, increase in dmg, resistance, def or another skill area damage, as mentioned in different claims, that the rogue can cause area damage divided from its basic attack, up to 40% or 30% of the autoattack becomes area damage. Elusive jump, is not a good option in pvp or pve, in pvp there is a better skill to start a fight called flurry of steel, dmg + stun + ranged attack, and for a group of mobs it is better to start with ricochet + talent, in it In the case of a boss, the attack would begin with a merciless strike, since the bosses do not have the option to burn your invisibility before you enter their viewing area. Poisonous blades solo are used 1/4, because if you improve this skill you won't get better results of visible damage, whereas other classes with periodic damage improve these skills for greater survival and damage, chieftain, hunter, DB, mage, seeker, All of them benefit from their skills with periodic damage (about this skill in the forum many times the possibility of generating a combo with the Ricochet skill is proposed, so that the poison causes damage in the area, listen to your audience, please). Sinister strike has no real use in pve, the damage is very little, this newskill should be an active skill that generates an increase in penetration or an increase in damage. To conclude, it is no longer necessary to try to fix the rogue with talents when the class is dead from his base skills, many of the current classes are benefiting from their talents, while the rogue is trying to release the largest number of talents to be functional newly, without However, he is at a disadvantage compared to other classes who will find in their talents how to break their limits to exploit their damage and improve their survival, while the rogue receives a damage buff and survival ¿ ? (there is no decent survival buff, as previously mentioned, the dodges are not exclusive to the rogue class, today it only collects 60% dodge).
  2. The best guide for the rogue's players in all the times. You represent me. but I deleted my rogue some time ago. I wish I had found a guide like yours when I was thinking of doing it.
  3. what is the role of the rogue in the PvP and Pve now? because i don't understand it. the class was never good in any kind of massive PvP (war, events guild, 4x4 arena, seals, 5x5). And now he has no solitary survival. Well, you could expect this nerf for the class but I do expect a strong buff for the class in PvE and I don't see it. The frenzy ability takes a buff but also a nerf. Not counting the multiple useless skills that the Rogue has (now, you are added to these the absolute reflexes skill). I need to know, what is the role of the rogue now in the meta of the game? If we compare the class in PvP it will no longer have advantages in 1x1 and 2x2 after the update. Also, all damages class have their roles set, but the rogue in PvE is not the strongest when it comes to single target damage and will not have much survivability in PvP after this update. Maybe this is paranoia of mine, but the rogue's dodges never work well in a crowd, even if the rogue gets the maximum dodge 60%. All claims to this class are thanks to this "kickk in the back" skill that is applied to a single opponent and has a considerably long cooldown and is not easy to apply to more than one target, but it does help the rogue a lot in his survival on a single opponent. Please read the multiple requests made by the rogue in the forum to improve the class, perhaps the problem is not even the nerfs to the class, but the fact that they did nothing to improve he in other areas.
  4. Я полностью с вами согласен. Я играю в Разбойник с 2014 года, и на данный момент он работает только на x1 и Арена 2x2, в настоящее время он мертв почти в каждом действии в игре.
  5. Я думаю, что он Вождь должен иметь навык увеличения урона, равный другим персонажам урон в секунду вроде него Разящий клинок, Рейнджер, Разбойник, Охотник, Искатель, Чернокнижник.
  6. Изменения, представленные в письменной форме, были хорошими, но жаль, что они совсем не продлились. Баланс, которого многие ожидали, кажется неправильным для уши. говорят, что уши всегда были в невыгодном положении по сравнению с горами. Попробуйте выйти на арену 5 * 5 или 3 * 3 с вором против магов или паладин, убедившись, что бой очень сбалансирован. А теперь представьте себе войну или события, где вы их встречаетесь в большом количестве. Изменения могут показаться вам несправедливыми, потому что их много в одном обновлении, но если они не происходят, возможно, вам следует возвращать во всех обновлениях все, что было удалено из рыцарь смерти, шаман, разбойник за эти годы., так что это было бы справедливо для горые.
  7. Я согласен с вашим аргументом. Время действия слишком короткое, чтобы получить такую низкую прибыль, разместив на 4/4.
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