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Everything posted by Pecleb

  1. thats a buff... wtf why ?? It is alrdy one of the strongest talents lol nice, makes more sense very short duration still, if stunned or smth all the stacks are lost still need more nerf, or changes imo. This talent enables toxic synergies against melee users (talent + high parry + counter + mark + vamp... killing ennemy by standing afk...) Wonder when counter attack will be changed, to give a buff on the next attack, rather than just slapping back the ennemy in the face instantly buff was much needed... still don't like the skill... hate the design (very high randomness, doesn't help auto attack rangers, bad average damage increase...) would rather see smth like rogue one makes much more sense now... don't need 16 dodges to stack dmg buff. but tbh those kind of talents will be so hard to balance... either useless or op... And what about this shitty one ?? this is sooo bad... doesn't make sense : skills have different range, being at more than 3 yards ruins castle relics, and a dmg profile relying completely on a few big hits sucks Tbh would much rather see on ranger that talent that rogue don't want... more cd and less mana cost would be really helpful... give it to ranger and smth else for rogue wouldn't that be great for everyone ? XD even stronger than paladin now, why buff those aoe healing talents lol (and generally why introduce more healing and dmg reduction in the game...), seems its gonna be crazy strong ---------- ... Anyways... I gave up on pvp long ago way too costly, time consuming, and never remotely balanced... Let's hope the pve content can still be somewhat enjoyable after that update
  2. 2.5) In my opinion that game really doesn't need longer controls... especially not crow controls... same goes for warlock talent... In my opinion the game doesn't need more unkillable tanks either... although paladin might not be the worse of all... Seems incredibly broken to me... a tank pala can easily reach 15k hp with heavy mermen gears... that's 300 healing every 3 second. That would already be a lot for the paladin himself, all healing being very strong considering the damage reduction. But to 8 ppl ??? what is that ??? At least it is way stronger than other new talents. Close to a full extra skill. 2.6) Guaranteed parry every 4sec when below 50%, with max counter attack and +4% hp heal seems pretty toxic against melee classes 2.7) Lol... with the randomness u need an average of 16 dodges (hahaha) to stack the 4% extra dmg. And its so useless for rangers who don't take the right branch... it s a joke 2.8) Removing a dot effect when alrdy below 20% hp seems pretty useless to me... except to help the tank in dg maybe, that can be useful ? *sometimes* 2.9) With the guaranteed dodge that seems pretty sexy. A sweet bunch of damage to the opponent (and some healing from vamp with it). Too op even maybe, i don't know. But making it less than 40% dmg would make it feel like retribution... would feel so sad... My take : why not make it even more than 40% actually, but with significantly higher reload time ? 2.10) Seems potentially extremely strong... maybe not as much as pala but still... The fact that it got no reload time... imagine healing 4% for every stun etc you take in mass battle. Huge healing... might be too strong, careful with that one 2.11) That seems very strong ngl. Too strong ? 2.12) The rate increase is very weak (4.4s at 25% total party's health ?). But still healing all party members for 3% of (their, I assume) max hp every 5s is huge. A bit weaker than the paladin imo but still way stronger than some of the talents displayed here (ranger and druid assassin talents, for isntance) 3) Final word What about balancing the current skills right now and not wait for january ?? PS : Not the topic but please buff cloth mermen gears : - make the crit dmg buff stackable from non-targeted dmg skills or/and self-used buff skills. Cuz for some classes (mage walking in dg mostly using time warp and shattered stones) it can take so long to stack them, while they don't last very long - or/and make the magic power buff last longer ???
  3. Lots of things to say here... Sadly from my experience I doubt saying them will have any effect whatsoever... but anyways. 1. General remarks 1.1 ) I don't like the fact that the talent grind goes further and further, because it makes it way harder for newer players to catch up (or for old players to enjoy new classes). I think its a lesser problem when the talents are specific to an area, like underwater or almahad : it leaves the possibility to just focus on main knowledge tree and still enjoy some myth dgs or holydays dgs. I think it is a terrible area to make almahad talent affect arinar-wide gameplay. Newer or less active players will feel even more powerless compared to those who can play hours a day. Nevertheless, I like that we are getting new talents to make the almahad experience more enjoyable, I just whish they were a bit more like underwater ones (particularly thinking about petrify/hypnotise/stun/sun nets removal) 1.2) The crit damage is getting way too much out of control. I really advocate for smoother damage profiles. That is : with less crit dmg and more power elsewhere. Like for instance allowing the crit chance to reach further than 53%, why not 100% ?? Would be completely fine if crit damage was nerfed accordingly. Doing 30k crits is fun for a while, but seriously its so painful to have 3k normal hits for that. Doesn't matter if u hit the mob 20, 30 or 50k if it dies instantly. In my opinion its way more enjoyable to have more speed/cd/reliable crits than just random humongous crits. 1.3) For the new talents, im not against some randomness, but double randomness (random effect on random condition, etc) might make it hard to balance... 1.4) I hate that the chosen "non-playable guild" has to affect the character's direction in all of Arinar (cuz of the class talents at the end) and not just Almahad. Why can't we possibly like to perform better in tombs but enjoy the assassin special class talent, or the opposite ??? Why ??? Its just disheartening to need to grind a whole non-playable guild again because thats where the talent that we need is. It will take an insane amount of time (most players, even among those playing several hours everyday, still have a fairly long way to completing ONE non-playable guild branch) and it would be a shame to have to use lesser talents not fitting what we enjoy to do. PLEASE don't make special class arinar-wide talents tied to one or another non-playable guild. 1.5) For the sake of the following paragraph's analysis I will assume naively that you are trying to give each classes the same level of power from new talents. Because the game must be rather balanced right *sarcasm* ? If the game isn't balanced then we should have balance updates way more frequently right ? RIGHT ? 2. Specific remarks 2.1) It requires a huge amount of cooldown to get stone shards or time warp below 8s cd... the Nature Synthesis (ok theres potentially frostbolt and overload for that one..) and Arcane Synthesis (only time warp) will have almost no effect. But at least it should be possible to trigger so Elemental Power buff by using one of each category successively so there is that. 2.2) Could you detail what attack attributes please ? If it is only speed/crit/accu/pen then it should be fine (bit less than 4.5% dmg buff for most high lvl seekers). But if it includes cd, attack strength, piercing, rage, sand, underwater, stun, crit dmg, subjugation... then it would quickly become completely out of hand. 2.3) That is such a sad talent on so many levels... - even in the best case scenario its not that strong (5% or 6% dmg on the skills) and I assume it won't affect bleed, fire etc, which makes a big part of the ranger's dmg profile - you can't be at the same time at 5 and 6 yards of ranger lol... it will be so messy. I guess most of the time you will be at 4-5 yards, getting 2% dmg buff on some skills, 5% on the others... and rip damage over time and auto attacks. - being more than 3 yards away from your teamates suck as it will prevent castle relics interactions - It makes the damage profile even more inequal... more big hits, and still shitty normal hits... so annoying - What about auto-attacks oriented rangers ??? 2.4) So sad as well : - again even more inequal damage profile - best case scenario is against full hp targets, 10% chance to increase the critical hit damage by 50%. That's an extra 5% critical hit damage on average, in the ideal scenario with only full hp targets, and it doesn't affect DoT dmg or auto attacks... both talents are super weak compared to what other classes get... - What about auto-attacks based rangers ???? Why not something like the rogue ? Or if you want to make it different : like 2% crit dmg for every 10% remaining health (20% crit dmg at maximum health, 10% crit dmg bonus on average). Something along those lines... and please think about auto attacks and DoT dmg... Edit : just saw hunter talent : 1% for every 10% remaining health, but affects auto attacks too, and gains 5% extra pen if full health. Why not making it somewhat similar but with a tweak ??? Apparently I reached maximum message length or something... to be continued
  4. Tested today and it's exactly as I thought. A single talent giving +40% dmg and +100% vamp (if you take 35% of normal damage but heal 60% of normal vamp/healing (+consider the additional damage), you get double the healing per incoming damage). Now open your eyes and fix it ty.
  5. Ok so first of all this looks quite interesting, ty for the effort. Let's start talking about the changes before they get implemented and problems not solved before months.😘 ------------------------------------------- The first thing I am EXTREMELY concerned about is the seeker intoxicating pain talent. I hope you realise that decreasing the HP by 70% while decreasing the received dmg by the same amount (ok not 70 but 65%) makes you able to take the same amount of damage. Moreover it combines way more efficiently with shields (shields are not affected by defense, but they are affected by dmg reduction, at least from what i tested with sacred shield and inner forces) and heal. Shield effects seem to be untouched (+ seeker's shield will be strengthened by the relic of resilience permanently), heaing effects/vamp are reduced but not enough (u take 65% less dmg but only heal 40% less, wtf ?) What this talent effectively does is giving seeker a permanent 40% dmg increase at 4/4 inner rage (as if seeker needed it lol), while making it as tanky as a 30% hp paladin with 4/4 inner forces and fully stacked mermen gears (not even kidding, that's 35+30% dmg reduction). I believe and hope this isn't intended. I suggest to change it for one of the following : - make dmg reduction around 30%, so that the seeker is actually squishier to benefit from that massive dmg increase. I believe this was the initial intention. But I am still surprised after the December changes that planned to "stabilize the race for damage" by removing incoming dmg increase on seeker while decreasing his dmg output. I would prefer you to follow this "stabilization path" ngl. - Make the talent as follow : for each auto attack or damaging skill applied to the character, increases the hp threshold to activate inner rage. Once inner rage is triggered the counter resets, and will resume once the effect wears off - As seeker is often considered to be a class overpowered in pve but underpowered in pvp, I suggest the following : while the inner rage effect is active, removes one negative effect from the character every 4sec (low-hp-conditionned version of the necro talent) ----------------------------------- Why isn't it possible to make two separate posts ? for the sake of clarity ? The second thing im concerned about is mage's split lightning talent, not because I think it's too strong or too weak (idk), but because I think it's a bad design : The way I understand it is that no matter how many points are put in overload the damage will remain the same, because no buff is applied to the ennemy anymore. ---------------------------------- The third thing I am concerned about are ranger talents. Talking from a pve point of view : already for the first part of the talent tree ranger got two talents that are useless for pve (dodge like other classes, and trap bleed and silence, bcs both dodge and traps are useless for pve). I don't like at all the choice ranger got for the selectable talent block : - intangibility is dodge buff, so for pvp. - bloody lotos feels super weak to me. It's litterally only useful against block mobs/player. I suppose hunters feel the same way with the streamlined shot talent. - Fire volley seems weird to me. I never felt like it needed to be 5x5, and because of that huge area increase the chance is only 25% to trigger the burn. I would much rather have a 100% chance (even with a bit less DoT dmg) on a 3x3 area. I really think one of those (bloody lotos ???) should be replaced by something that increases the dmg for a single target. Some additional bitterness or point shooting effect ? And by the way : I believe the dodge and speed/crit buff from bitterness should be in two separated skills. I suggest to group the two expert trap skills in one (with adjusted values), and create a new expert for dodge (+ eventually additional effect). Players that have one of the two traps would get the new trap skill, players who have the two would get the new trap skill + the new dodge skill. And the intangibility talent would be applied on the new dodge skill. ---------------------------------------- The last thing I am concerned about is the paladin's patronage of the light talent. 50% energy regeneration speed is huge but... is it useful ??? People usually setup so that they manage their mana, and this buff will be useless. I suggest changing it for like 20% increased regeneration speed and 10-15% increased cd to burn that additional mana. Or quit the mana rege thing and give solidity and/or resistance buff, something like that.
  6. @Gladiator when you tested the new banner dmg, was it - with the same amount of magic dmg (900) or - with the same equipment (so more than 900 magic dmg if using 2h weapon, which I believe you are using to reach that amount) and thanks for testing
  7. just like pala prayer i think after 2sec the bonus will be 36% max hp, then after 4sec 32% max hp etc
  8. so if we put relics like vamp relic and lack of deftness we straight up lose any benefit from it except when we switch the skill on ??? then unless we switch it off and on again relics never activate. Just like for other classes that have permanent basic skills there should be adapted relics/castle relics... And like the relic of continuous effect will be turned into energy efficiency some kind of similar compensation is needed :/
  9. I highly doubt it compensates... 18% buff on the weapon magic is like 10% overall as a significant part of the power comes from the crystal, lvl, belt and accessories. To be precise on a lvl 30 pala +10 2h weapon with great charm, snow belt, non-% lvl 30 accessories and no %buff from guild the magic power is 711, 405 of it coming from the hammer. A 18% buff would be +73 magic power, so a bit more than 10% increase, but would be less for annyone who isn't +10. 10% magic power should compensate the 15% loss on heal and 10% on call, but the most important dmg dealing skill for pve pala is illumination, and a 40% loss here is huge. And of course every pala using a shield just straight up loses dmg and healing without magic power compensation... great. (and btw i never understood why the magic ratio 1h/2h weapon wasn't 75% like for the physical dmg ratio) The inner forces buff i guess are gonna compensate the tankiness loss from the prayer's healing nerf and the shield nerf, but this time support palas are losing out. And i guess the stun increase compensates the prayer/shield changes for pvp. So overall what i see is : tank palas will do significantly less dmg bcs of all the magic ratio nerfs. support palas will lose the dmg reduction from fetters, a bit of healing from prayer, a bit of shield power (they don't rly benefit from the inner forces changes), and dmg from illumination. pvp palas i'll leave to pvp players im not much into those things for the moment.
  10. Really ? Here's another one lol. At least the most recent changes made it manageable in one stam. The dungeon in itself is fine, but the boss is a real joke. Even with a good party, heal minion and spamming hp pots there's always that one moment when u get put in the cocoon, while spiders spawn near you and your party is feared so no one can kill spiders/brake cocoon/take agro, you can't even use pot in cocoon and you end up dying just like that. Am I supposed to build 8k hp as a dmger ? Wtf. so far i've had to use about 2 sets of life scrolls in 35runs (20 runs in dg 32 accounting for most of those scrolls) + minions and hp pots. so basically unless i get the very rare 1mill drop I am losing money at an alarming pace while going dg. And as i chose to stay in the guild of my old friends to help develop it I can't default to guild events. What I am supposed to do then ? go do t3-t4 and tp ez-hero to get gold ? I've done it for 2 months everyday cycling through 4 lvl 28+. I've farmed bosses and crafted to make extra gold, and helped with some mcoins. With that i got myself a +8 craft xbow, made my ethereal essences, pots and stams supplies. All that preparation to discover that yes, as thomasz said : "You created event for lvl's 32 with OP gears". But I am pretty sure that you are kind of aware of that already. That you expect people to pay hundreds of dollars or go away. I mean it is your game and your choice after all. But let's get real if you aren't already at the top of the standings, there is very little room to climb your way up. Oh and I forgot to mention that this event makes me want to kill my teammates when they pull the lever early, or when im slowly dying in my cocoon unable to pot and watching them not trying to break it. nice design.
  11. not likely that they will add lvl 32 items since 31 aren't out yet (except for the mermen gears), and horror accessories are still very valuable. We will probably get new armor sets with stun as bonus for instance imo
  12. Hello, Disclaimer : im talking about pve here. I got a ranger (acyrea, US sapphire), and I think the class does its job quite well, but it feels kinda boring to play. I have a lot more fun playing my mage, my pala (lvl 20) or even my druid. I don't think it should be changed much tho, it seems balanced rn (again, pve-wise) : got good dps, can build aoe with traps/poison/hail but at the cost of dps because of 1) high mana cost from those skills 2) cast time / target deselection. Parenthesis : I don't mind seeker's having aoe, but imo it shouldn't scale with the dps on the main target, but rather be given to burst-oriented seekers with 2h weapon and cd (they have high pen and crit either way). To improve the user experience of ranger players I simply suggest removing the slow on the point shooting skill. I know it doesn't fit the narrative of "point shooting", but it really is a huge pain in the ***. And yes even when putting the effort to switching it off and on in dg I often end up slowing my pt. Thank you !
  13. @Reivenorik can you confirm that if I start a 4 day spring craft job 2days before event ends, it will still be completed 4 days later even if event finished already?
  14. 1 book dropped in US sapphire elf side despite crazy spam... thx u are just toying with players... You raised stams prices, and setup dg so that minions die easy and we need to use pots or life scrolls. Great job... great job...
  15. Hello, For some hours now Im getting the message "connection to the server has been lost" regularly when switching chars. It appears to be getting worse every minute; I just managed to connect on my 10th attempt, and many other players seem to be affected too. Do u know anything about it? Thx a lot
  16. Hello My suggestion is to make fero/resi books auto activate in arena, so we don't need to asign them to hotkeys. (outside arena we still can use them as usual) Or to create a "use" button in skill menu (as suggested before), again so that we don't need to asign them, because hotkey panel is full. Ty
  17. So double drop double gp. But not last week right? Need to know for craft hehe. Btw would be good if can craft one week after evetn. to complete sets. Otherwise last few days ppl can't know if they drop smth will someone buy since they can't complete sets? should they craft now? It would be a pretty mess, with items worth 1/10 to 10 times previous price 😄
  18. Not everyone got Gladiator's time/talent/guild (friends and buffs) Sry but nowadays it takes very long to get suitable ways to make money... -Craft? need 2 years to lvl a profession to max. maybe 1 if u put a lot of money in it. So for newbie basically two years... -Farm? slow unless u can farm bosses with most valuable rewards, like horror's lvl 28 boss, which was farmed 24/7 by +10 bds who stole agro from anyone trying to get a kill. Currently u can reach +6/7 in a few months i u keep doing all quests t3-t4 everyday. To gather enough money for +10 you would need years this way. And game keeps evolving. So? One needs to get valuable drops in dgs. If +6/7 players can't complete the dgs where the real stuff is then... -Resell? Yes this works of course.... if u want to spend time trying to sell stuff rather than actually play. And if u like having ppl insult you. Add to this one can get rekt by badluck (horror dg i spent 400-500k on seekers got 170k from dgs...). (btw I would like to point out that the *5 drop rates for lvl-2 items is very annoying. at horror in dg 12 got 4-5 times more lvl 10 weaps than 12. same thing for 18/20 and 26/28... out of about 50 weaps i don't think this is a coincidence) Ever wondered why ppl stay lvl 20? Well at lvl 20 one alrdy can have fun with expert skills, can farm bg, have time to amp ur char. Ppl who can't spend their lives in ws prefer to stay lvl 20 than staying noob forever at lvl 28. And too hard dgs won't help.
  19. it's nice to put respawn statues near dgs. now could u add npc and dealer pls? ty
  20. yes it is weird no bug for crit stat. ty for the link i can't browse russian forum myself :D soon maybe tho i should be able to follow russian courses this year
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