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Everything posted by hytt123

  1. :shok: :shok: :shok: Is it real? :rofl: If yes i will say finally :yahoo: :yahoo: I go mark 25th july in my calender
  2. Wtf is that :shok: :shok: :shok:
  3. Why u say in forum u sold your acc? lol :wacko: FAIL :facepalm:
  4. Its time to kids learnsomething :spiteful: ;D
  5. ... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  6. Hmmm but i still creat necromancer
  7. That guy wanted to take my acc too he said i buy u many mircle coins just give me your acc id but i dont remember name
  8. Even lvl 1 bd do it on range
  9. In that chat will be lot of 'bad words' i think >:D
  10. hytt123

    What do YOU miss?

    I miss old and cheap runs,40+ bag slots and cheap scroll of reapair
  11. Lol like in pocket empires orstar legends there u just press "download other apps" and it give u many apps what is not from that company
  12. hytt123

    Map correction

    That map is old what u see about that?
  13. Or download other apps like in other games
  14. I make gold cos i waste 40k for lab rings now i have 46k :facepalm: i also kill elfs and do lab
  15. hytt123

    Android bug

    Sometimes my keyboard dont come out :facepalm: My phone is Samsung galaxy Y Gt-s5360.Android is 2.3.6 and game version is 2.10.3.
  16. You got that right update is take toolong time.Some of my friends left that game too :facepalm:
  17. If u wanna fight in pvp cave then here you can say what time ppl come there
  18. Kuz said new version will come OVI and AppStore in one week
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