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Everything posted by strygwyr9

  1. you must mean sulla? Hassn, Suprememan, and all the people in picture are poor, we no rich
  2. This is how we do :wacko: 8 people :yahoo: Did with 5 after ;D
  3. I agree, Please try do this Devs, other servers are dying now, US & EU Mountain Clan have low population now, we just do beholder with 1 party :wacko: Yesterday we try lab many times but lack of people :facepalm: Though if this happens Elves are gonna own Labyrinth with 10 parties cause I usually see 20-30 lvl 18-20 elves online :tease:
  4. He means, Balance players, top players should be pros not rich people with high amplify.
  5. It's nightmare :facepalm: No Blind, No earth, DIE DIE DIE :facepalm: :facepalm:
  6. you like Marcin, that's why this happened
  7. This resist thing was Sulla's suggestion, blame him
  8. Well some noob named Sulla loves this update, he wants it to be more hard, he was the one who suggested " Resist " thing and mobs will start to attack you if you get 2 blocks near, he made this game this way, Blame Sulla,
  9. Happened to me once, did Hamstring 4 blocks away, wasn't lagging or delay :wacko:
  10. Oh sorry, Thought you said MC say elf not balanced and elf say balance and Elf say mc not balanced and mc say balance :facepalm: Yea,, your right both complains, shamans & rangers are OP, druids too cause of heal, BD & Rogue at bottom :facepalm:
  11. Exactly :wacko: Come back every update, if worse then come back next time and hope this turn to a real MMO
  12. Balance? always was? yea so a level 15 Ranger making a level 19 rogue's HP go from 100% to 20% in 2 seconds balance? you must not understand what is balance....
  13. I translate for you :wacko: This QIWI thing is weird, everywhere I check for it, it's all russian language :facepalm: How to pay for services? You can make payment in several convenient ways: Cash in payment terminals QIWI and locations receiving payments; With a personal account QIWI purse; The portal w.qiwi.ru ; After an application for mobile phones «QIWI mobile",. and also: With the mobile phone account (MTS, Beeline, Megafon); Bank card; Through a social networking account. Select a payment method that suits you and pay for services at any time, without queuing and output. The terminal QIWI or QIWI Purse need to choose the provider of services to the funds and obtain confirmation of realization of payment (check in terminal and its counterpart in QIWI Purse). Want to see how quickly and easily make payments? In this section you will find detailed instructions! QIWI Wallet holds all the details of your payment information on the state's account, and upcoming bills and invoices online stores, reports already made ​​payments. More information about the service QIWI purse on the phone you want to pay your bills at any time and it does not depend on access to the Internet? Set your cell phone application «QIWI mobile" and manage payments from your mobile phone, the software and the service itself absolutely free! I want to know more
  14. http://qiwi.ru/private/how/ Oh wait it's in Russian, I had my auto-translator on, anyways, try use translator..
  15. It is a 2D game :wacko: But that's not what I mean, yes it's a great game, but that doesn't mean it should be all about money, right now the game is 90% about money, when you begin you have to spend 1599 for normal size bag, and 300+ for enchants, then you will need to buy more enchants for new armour and then you buy arena tickets, then signs & sphere and etc. etc., which would cost about 30k mc or so, I think it should be cheap, x10 bag size for about $11 just to have normal bag :facepalm: think if you have to start over and no one knows you, no lvl 20 would follow you around helping you all the time.. you have to spend to actually play normally, at 0.7 everything was good, easy to kill at 1st island and 2nd island was hard, but now it seems 1st island is hard cause you don't have enchants and good equips thus forcing you to buy recruit gear, crystals, runes & etc. In other games it seems to be pay to be strongest not pay to play easily :facepalm:
  16. Read the bolded words, it says only damage is fixed... the others are bugs that are being fixed..
  17. So you're saying you'd spend $500 on a 2D mobile game to be a normal player?? and I don't think devs need $100k to run a 2D mobile game, don't you think so?
  18. Keep your word, we will be waiting for a good version of Warspear, right now it's just Rich = Win, I don't understand :fool:
  19. Yeah I think those should be balanced, I saw that 3 elves was Farming Otaar, 4 at Medusa, they abuse range and safe spot, should make mobs evade spot far so they attack you even if far. while melee just watch and kill guards :facepalm: :wacko:
  20. yea, Sulla goes crazy if he sees Twilight, he bought the new Episode 1 minute after it was Available ;D
  21. I think 1 Sign should give insurance to weapon for 5 amplifies, 59 mcoins + a dmg sphere, for a fail? I don't think so :nea:
  22. BEST SUGGESTION: Reduce all Miracle Shop items by 50% and not a single item should cost more than 500 mcoins, I don't think this is a game anymore, It costs over $1000 for a beginner to be a normal player :facepalm: And not just that, REMOVE ALL YOUR GREEDY PLANS TO FORCE PEOPLE TO BUY MIRACLE COINS, this is just stupid, waste $100 for a 2D game that is total unbalance from rich vs. poor, better play WoW or some other games waste $5000 there, atleast it's worth it cause I predict than in few months Warspear will be empty just rich Russians all the rich EU, US, Vietnam people will have to quit due to low number of players... Devs, for god's sake try and keep this game alive, you are just killing it slowly, or is that your plan too? make people waste money, shut the game down, then find another business and do exactly the same A.K.A. Ripping people off? :facepalm:
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