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Everything posted by Danfake

  1. Thanks for creating this new class, they are the best, with this update many will start to play with old memories but with new class
  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love GM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nice Charmer class Niceeee
  3. @Aкasha es verdad no aparecen los numeros o la experiencia que falta, no se si sea un error o es propio de las Actualizaciones, me da miedo de estar haciendo craft y que no suba :/
  4. DUDAS SOBRE Craft Debido a que los números ya no están mostrando lo que se necesita cantidad para subir de nivel
  5. This is the part where one feels happiness from the bottom of the heart
  6. That we pass Legion of all the servers, sentinels are always winning Show the Sentinels maybe we Legion we are the bad of History, we have to prove to the Sentinels that the Legioners are power and that not always the good of history wins, demos A happy ending for the bad guys ... Let War with fervor and passion to win gogogogogo LEGION FOREVER
  7. A DUNGEON TP DOUBTS Hi, 2 questions in case someone who knows the subject responds ... 1- Which means the buf of X12 that takes the boss? 2- What are those levers, what do they do if they are activated? I would appreciate if someone knows something and thanks
  8. I feel sorry for those players who spam world chat, "swallow them hell". That is damaging and stuck, you can not test quietly
  9. Guild Calavera fue vendido a un BR y creo que ya no es de Habla Hispanas
  10. Yo creo que con ese coins consigues buena cantidad de gold negociando ítem de la tienda de coins, así con el gold compras vaga en las guild en lado MC las guild que van Tour siempre venden vagas ahí es donde entras y compras. Y por si eres del lado elfo el único guild que va tour en Sentinelas son los de Ancestrais creo que ellos también suelen vender vagas...
  11. Hola buenas, te gustan los retos y cosas dificiles te recomiendo el Server BR-Tourmaline ya que alberga muchos jugadores de hablas Hispana y también jugadores de España mismo, en Lado Legión hay varios guild Español, citó ejemplos Latinsouls, Calavera, Arcanos, UFO, TokyoGhoul, etc,. Y de lado Sentinelas no conozco mucho pero esta la guild Argentina y otros que no me acuerdo el nombre, a mi me encontrarán en lado Legión soy Necromancer de corazón si precisas guild o ayuda sólo manda PM y suerte
  12. Do not get angry @Aкasha, it's just a comment, or an opinion, I did not want to make you angry
  13. hat is to the point that we want to reach, why the new do not have the same opportunity to craft level 14, humble opinion
  14. Of course all craft from 1 to 7 are easy to level up, passing level 8 is spent more and the experience to reach is much higher, I think a good point of which, for which only went up to level 14 got the medals And others have to go up level 20 to get it, there is a great difference of experience and time spent there, I think it would be good for those medals to leave it at a level for everyone so we can get them all is my point, from there to be changed I do not believe but the comment is echo ... * I live for medals: 3 * By: Google :*
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