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Everything posted by Laevateinn

  1. This is a very cool idea. But clone shouldn't be slow and simple as 2nd skill of light mm. Also, a minion like cat shouldn't recognize the player. I agree with this. Elf has two classes with movement speed increase. One is fast and the other is not that fast. I think rogue deserve a movement speed skill that less quickly. Imagine that you hide to assassinate the enemy, but you never run.
  2. Second chest contain phys mace and shield but first one should be spear since im not a magician
  3. I'm deathknight, but I got a staff instead of a spear.
  4. Reaper has good defense and is characterized by strong offense. It is strong in the small-scale fight like arena. Chieftain has the fastest movement speed in the game, is versatile, and is good for large-scale fight live GvG. I recommend physical damage characters to beginners because it's very easy to do map1 quests.
  5. I agree. Or they can add it to the bp benefits like personal hairdresser.
  6. Wardens make it easy for anyone to maintain 100% resistance 24/7. The devs ran a patch in the last rebalance that limited the over-resistance buff of orci Chief. However, Warden still has longer lasting resistance. This doesn't make sense. Here are the calculations. Talent never taken into account, 4 levels of skill, equipment and buff. 31.5(equipment) + 6(guild) + 30(skill) + 35(resist pot, castle resist scroll) = 102.5%.
  7. RU>BR>>Eu>US>SEA imo
  8. US are less than EU, but we're active. We're doing GvG and raids
  9. Mage can use +50% def skill with one click and additionally can use relic. Chief, on the other hand, needs to use the skill 3 times for +50% def and the damage reduction skill was halved in the last rebalancing so what more do you want?
  10. You try to fight the group with 4 people. Would it be a good balance if you killed them with 4 people?
  11. If u leave skill area, u wont get any dmg from skill
  12. Many game companies support streamers and want to get promotional effects. warspear also has a program for video producers, so I don't think there's a problem unless it's for commercial use that has nothing to do with the game. 안녕하세요
  13. Yes, you're always welcome. Please contact me anywhere. ingame pm, discord dm etc
  14. Yes and tornado give damage and slow effects as well. This skill is range crazy. Devs need to reduce the radius and also reduce the range. I think death call should also reduce the radius. Playing ridiculously easy with just one skill is not good. So is the counter attack of a blade dancer.
  15. The radius is the same with dk, but the druids can throw from 5 yards away. So they throw tonato safely from the back line. These stupid yards are not normal. No one can attack the druids first.
  16. So it's exactly the same as the resurrection in the old crucible. It's just made to prevent spawn kill. I thought it was a new strategic mode. This is a one-life Crucible mode.. xD
  17. Aside invisibility, I think it's in Crucible right now, isn't it? You have to decide if you want to use immunity with stealth to stun enemies first or engage after all the preparations.
  18. I tried to log in for three hours yesterday and I couldn't until night. It was the worst day since I started playing.
  19. The pve player will have better access to the arena through the new daily quest.
  20. Devs can only collect the characters from the Platinum League and create a client like a test server.. The matches are live stream on YouTube or Twitch.. it's a dream story
  21. I think it would be nice to split all the arena's level zones into 2 like 5vs5 or crucible. Low level arena is completely useless and they do spam meaninglessly to take costumes.. With the level calibration system, even low level arena users can be guaranteed the opportunity to fight.
  22. Wow it look like Youtube’s button awards
  23. I don't usually do dg, but I did dg yesterday because there were books in the reward. It's rush for me haha
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