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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by vavavi

  1. The game has less players, thats true, but it´s not that dramatic of a difference if you think about it. With much more content being around, the playerbase is alot more split too. The bulk of the players just aren´t gathered in one or two areas anymore.
  2. You are heavily overestimating how much effort it takes to stay alive and do a little bit of damage to the boss. A level 14 could do that in most bosses, a level 20 could do it in all of them, except maybe sand raid, because thats difficult to get to. I don´t know what these auctions are you talk about, maybe it´s something people do in your server, but yes I am in a guild that fights for these bosses. Those fights are some of the most fun content this game has to offer. Also no, I don´t gain anything from drops from those bosses, unless I get lucky and drop myself. How would the bosses become any more competitive with this system? It´s just going to be the more populated side always winning those kills and bringing alts to farm those chests. Even the losing, less populated side, could easily just bring some random alts there and not even bother fighting for the kill, because they could get the exact same reward with 0 effort. I don´t understand how thats such a hard concept to grasp. These kind of pity, participation trophy systems will always get abused. And honestly I dont think every single piece of content should be neutered into something with 0 effort or competition involved. Theres already plenty of rewarding things that cater to the weaker players, like guild events/world events/almost all dungeons.
  3. Honestly I don't even know where to start. It just sounds like you chose a competitive mmo and now want to make it a cookie clicker that you play fully afk. Also no I didn't say every purchase is a risk. That was an example to point out a flaw in your logic regarding that on your original post. And your conditions resolve nothing lol. You could just smack down bunch of lvl 20s to the bosses area and smack it for 1k, reaping the rewards for 0 effort. If not raid bosses, then what is supposed to be something that guilds can compete for? In most gvgs it already barely makes a difference what rank you get. It would remove one of the very few things people can actually fight and work towards, and turn it into an idle activity.
  4. I presented multiple flaws, you just choose to dismiss them instead of addressing them, making it pretty clear you're not open to discuss it anyway. At the very least it should be limited to the guild that gets the kill. Not every person needs to get a participation trophy everywhere.
  5. If we follow that logic, selling anything ever to anyone would risk you being banned lol. Also no, it won´t. there wouldn´t be any reason to compete, you could just make chars on the side thats winning, park them at those raids and farm it for completely free. Making them afk events like nocturna or rottung. I don´t understand this logic to be honest. I mean, you are playing a pvp based game, where there exists 2 sides and guilds that compete with each other, but you want everything to be given free without actually partaking in any of that competition. Honestly, it´s silly. These bosses are supposed to be end game content that you fight for, not a horror map world event where you go and afk and get your rewards for free.
  6. I don't understand the part about malicious players getting people banned. How is a guild working together to secure a boss kill and then splitting the gold malicious in any way? Also as for the suggestion, these bosses are supposed to be something you compete for. They are one of the main sources of mass pvp in most servers, encouraging guilds to work together to fight for the kills. Turning them into a world event kind of afk mess would kill a big part of pvp and competition within the game. One less detrimental change would be a system where, for example 20 random members present of the guild/guilds(if mixed party) that get the kill, would receive a chest. Within this chest would be all the regular drops + a rare chance for the bosses costume, but not the dedicated book drop. This would still motivate people to fight for those kills, while also giving people outside the kill parties a reason to show up. Reason for the books not being in those chests is that some of those books are strong enough to instantly swing the balance between, for example, guilds competing for arena ranks, and should be something you have to compete properly for.
  7. Kinda true, i wish they'd do something with truce for PvE so that it can keep mobs off you, atleast for a second or 2. Although the new one is arguably better for dmg and overall quality of life when using it for bosses etc.
  8. Yea the difficulty jump there is pretty big. Although most of that comes, for t5 atleast, from talents. They make a massive difference there, but are very expensive and time consuming to get, eapecially if you're not in a guild that actuvely does events there. Personally I'd love to see t5 talent prices lowered a bit, gold wise atleast. They're by far the most expensive ones to upgrade, while also being more or less a requirement to do the map properly.
  9. I kind of disagree on it taking extremely long. With ayvondil changes and t4/t3 being super fast to open, you can get decent gears relatively fast. Especially if eventually you'll end up having, for example, 2 chars at that stage, and do pelion on both of them 1-2x a week. While it's true that doing quests isn't going to get you to a high amp instantly, you can pretty comfortably get good enough gears to start doing different content. Especially since most of the gears nowadays are extremely cheap, as long as they're not the most meta choice. Personally i think a big part of why it feels like it's impossible to reach high level content is that there is a really big jump in difficulty from ayvondil t4 to t5/almahad. But it's not impossible, it'll just take some time. You'll need to build a good base for a char: some talents, decent gears and hopefully near max level. That takes proportionally alot more time than anything before that, which is why closing that gap will probably seem like a brick wall for alot of people, especially if they're looking for completely linear progression.
  10. This change was made to kick years ago to buff it
  11. For def yes, but when it comes to accu working with dodge, negative accu does give you a higher dodge chance. The formula is: Dodge - accu=dodge chance
  12. I just explained how the math works. At 60% you'll have a 100% dodge chance against -40% accu. But since cap is 63, and with the suggestion of talent being 15%, that cap goes to 78%, meaning at -22% accu its a 100% dodge chance. And since kick is -45% accu, at 23% accu you would reach that 100% chance.
  13. Thats like a 5% increase in max dodge cap, thats a big deal. It means that now anyone whos at 13% or less accu, and gets kick landed to them wont even be able to hit the rogue, since the dodge chance will hit 100%. Its virtually allowing you to hit a 68% max dodge cap. If it was any higher, the levels would start reaching ridiculous heights. At 15%, anyone whos at 23% or below accu, would not be able to hit the rogue at all during kick. Like, straight immortality to the rogue since dodge chance will go to 100%. And let's not forget that even a 80% dodge chance is nearly virtual immortality for a class that can disappear. So currently with that talent and kick, rogues can reach a 80% dodge chance against ppl with as high as 33% accu, if the talent was 15% they'd reach that 80% chance against 43% accu. With that talent at 15%, they'd be reaching 73% dodge chance even against maxed 50% accu. A 73% dodge chance against people who have specifically maxed out the stat to counter dodge, that would be ridiculous. Even with the 5% its already a 63% dodge chance vs people with 50% accu, which by itself is already too much imo. And let's not forget all this would be on top of their mage barrier like guaranteed dodges. It really seems that if the buff is anything short of a permanent immortality, you will complain. It's just so stupid.
  14. Rogues aren't even that weak. They're the highest burst dmg pvp wise in the game, before update atleast, then bd will take that throne. Watching these complaints, it seems like you people want a skill that makes you immortal in a situation where your char is supposed to be weak at. Assassin type classes aren't meant to be strong at fighting classes that specialize in brawler type gameplay head on, such as chiefs/bds/reapers/barbs. Now you got a huge defensive buff to cover that weakness, and cause it doesn't make rogue completely immortal, theres complaining. It's the exact same way how people complain about dodge. Yes, dodge alone won't make you immortal, like any other stat, but it's a really good defensive buff. This update buffed rogue so much, to a point where pvp wise it easily is better than seekers probably ever were, for sure better than they are now with update. And the same ppl who said seekers are broken now complain the same power level isn't enough for rogue. It's just funny.
  15. People just like to ignore stealth existing, idk why, it's so strong both offensively and defensively. Even this length is way more abusable for rogues than mages since they can just wait the cd in stealth. Rogues got a massive defensive buff for pvp and a massive dmg buff for PvE, but still all the rogues just complain. How can you even take it seriously at this point lol.
  16. Wanting a mage barrier but one that lasts triple the time, lul
  17. For elf side i'd say priests/palas are the best pvp supports currently. For PvE druid is fine also, but lacks a bit comparatively.
  18. The priest changes seem nice. Truce change is a bit of a weird one, but not necessarily a bad one. It does still virtually make the target do no damage to you, but the downside is you'll be vulnerable to their stuns still. Using truce on warlocks over damage classes for example used to be a great choice in places like seals, where it allowed you to avoid their aoe stuns for a short while. I suppose it does go both ways too, since the priest will now be able to cast stund on truces target aswell. It certainly does promote a new way of playing at the very least. As for tears change, for pvp that makes sense. The current way it worked was kind of abusable, but for PvE it is a bit of a bummer. Priests ability to support in PvE got nerfed with gods help being made worse already and now this tears change takes away the great utility of being able to help teammates clear out mob groups. Maybe this could be changed so the additional scans for targets from teammates/character only applies to monsters, while ignoring players? This would keep the abilitys utility in PvE situations while still removing the abusable aspect of it for pvp.
  19. Surely that new truce description is a mistake? Leveling it would literally do nothing else but make you do less damage, while the enemy does same on every level
  20. This would just result in most wars gmbecoming draws in any somewhat equal server. Or at best 1 or 2 flags. There are some decent ways to counter ls spammers, bds being budfed for elf, and chiefs using frenzy on stun buffs for example for mc
  21. I dont do daily arena alot so wouldn't know whos booked or not. The few ones you see books activating on though are super tanky. Also the main reason for that is that generally its alot more pvp elf demanding than mc. Half the mcs i run into when do end up demanding are either not properly geared or afk.
  22. I don't actually. Or its the reality that mc side players seem to lack any motivation or unity to compete, in EU atleast. It is a rare sight that MC side in eu would come together to actually compete, making it really difficult to have those people stand out.
  23. I wouldn't call a nearly 10 year old bd fresh. If i somehow run into an equally geared dk ill grab a clip. Not sure if eu has any fully booked dks though, but the ones who do exist do fine with shield.
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