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Everything posted by Pvphealerx

  1. i like the ohh boy comment Hope you get your acount back
  2. Now the thing is which one is the best of these players????
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. As you all know in this game through every char stage of lvl: 6, 10, 14, 18, 20 and now 21-22 there are "pro" arena players. I, am a lvl 14 druid and i have decided to stay lvl 14 because I think lvl 14 arena is a good stage where there is a lot of "pro" players and its fun too play. Same case happen with lvl 6, 10, 18, etc. So the thing is Im hell of active and the thing is the only way i can make gp is by spamming arena and spending lots of money on pots and tickets. My suggestion is for lower lvl's to be able to do quests without receiving exp since we don't want to lvl up, and with this start enjoying more the game like joining guild tourney, etc, to lower lvl's to start enjoying the game entirely... :yahoo: I know many of you will come here and since your max lvl you won't care but all of you know there are lower lvl that do same damage as max player, this morning for example i killed a lvl 20 mid amp necro, this is to show that lower lvl's are good too and could make much more gp if the would not lvl up by doing quests :blush: :good: Hope you guys think its a good idea and i hope you will support this but if not please give explanation of why this would not work. Thanks for your time :blush: :friends: Jimmy/Pvphealerx.
  5. Personally i don't like it at all just makes random win and you cannot prove your abilities since every time i use portal I end up getting !$%&$% up by the other pt ;D
  6. :shok: :shok: :shok: Ranger lvl 14 Mrjayson also known as Vjjagy, Icantwin, legolas, azmodia (ranger is the higher populated class for pro lvl 14) BD lvl 14 Darsidior, Lydiakiss and Sparrowe Pala lvl 14 Yellowmiks Rogue lvl 14 For now Judasblack Necro lvl 14 Fecheee Druid lvl 14 me :blush: and Tgastt (inactive) Priest lvl 14 Mschristin(Vjcalista) Shaman lvl 14 Crazyfairy Lock lvl14 i don't know for sure which to pick This guys are more or less the best of arena
  7. This morning only wasted 23 set of sign my staff is +8 no amp :facepalm: :mega_shok:
  8. Im a lvl 14 druid and for my experience its better farming bosses if u want to when ur in map 2 this means when ur +12 lvl u can farm mobs just on top of caravan the drop loot worth 4 gold that was what i used to farm when i was really noob, hope i answered ur question :blush:
  9. Elfs are not so much powerful a good mc+10 player hwo knows how to play will easily kill a mid amp elf but of course now players hwo have +10 are players hwo have no idea how to use the skills of their char...well yea come raging on forum that's gonna help lol:D
  10. Congrats wish they would give to top 10 I was n 7 in 3x3 lvl 14
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