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Everything posted by hamzza

  1. for the love of God... please stop :facepalm:
  2. yea, that should satisfy him.
  3. u should beg to gms' to make a banner in Warspear written "Pvpranger no#1 player" on it. :facepalm:
  4. u took the words right out of my mouth.P.S i wont let u come near me, black hanekawa.
  5. druid got x3 stuns, still not satisfied?
  6. nice fixes, now my rogue can't be pulled by druid from 10 yards away, (however, they are still the OP'est class of warspear)..
  7. searching every given anime series (that i have'nt watched) on youtube for eng sub or dub so, i can download it and watch it on my cell phone... at ease.
  8. u can't focus on sub and anime at the same time, or can u?
  9. shoot xd, it would be OP'est team ever. btw doraemon :lol:
  10. i mostly watch Sub series tho, today i finished 10 episodes of "no game no life" (well, i like this kind of anime) sadly no new episodes of it released yet. so, im gonna re-watch it.
  11. Eng Dub best for plots and twists like Highschool DxD and bludgeoning angel dokuro chan
  12. thats why i chose that avatar xd, thx btw.
  13. well heres mine, i took this pic at 5:21 am in college, (a bit too sleepy)
  14. bludeoning Angel Dokuru-Chan (watch it on youtube in End Dub) , High Schoo DxD (Eng dub on utube) , Soul Eater (Eng dub on utube), must watch bludgeoning angel dokuru chan first, u'll laugh out loud for sure.
  15. hamzza

    Best scores!

    no, whats that? is it some kind of food?
  16. (im like a guest tho) Happy B'day, may u live long and happily .....
  17. hamzza

    Best scores!

    i can't see any timing or scores there..
  18. hamzza


    i was once playing warspear, i went to NPC shop to sell some useless items. then by mistakenly i sold my +7 weapons and equips, then i was like "what have i done, noooooo".............. i woke up, i realized that it was just a dream. ::)
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