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Everything posted by Venk

  1. Since we are talking about shortcuts, Right click on mouse does self cast on your character. thanks to @coldravens got to know about this because of him
  2. Is there any thread which gives detailed character experience Info. For example, How much experience points is required to level up to level 2,3,4,5,6...32.) I was searching through the forum but couldnt able to find it. If anyone could share the link to the thread post (even in a russian or portugese) It would be so helpful to me. Thanks
  3. Currently there are reminders in game for example, When a war Is about to start In map 2 there will be a reminder of system message which is being sent automatically after every short period of time In worldchat and mainly It includes time along with those messages. Like wise GvG and raid bosses also has a reminder notification In world chat and other chats. Events tab has a whole separate timer for all the events (when they will begin , when they will end ..etc) But this one Is completely different and Is especially for different types of Ingame chats. How It Works: Any message being sent (from you or from someone else or system messages) In world/guild/trade/area/party/info/private chat there will be a time next to the message In small size at either left side or ride side of the message, This time will Indicate when the message was sent. All different server will have there respective time zone on the chat lets say If you're from EU server, All the messages In-game chat will show the time with respect to the european timezone similarly, US American timezone RU Russian timezone etc. Why It Is Needed: To keep track of when a message was sent (either from someone or just system msgs) I have noticed alot of time when I am afk and If anyone sends me a private message I dont know when and at what exact time It was sent to me. With the help of this Implementation we will be able to check exactly who texted you and at what time. It will also help In keeping track of messages In trade chat by which we will be able to differentiate which one was recent and which one Is from 1 hour or 2 hours ago. And also because there has been some major changes In chats menu recently so I thought why not just share the idea. thanks
  4. Can we just appreciate how beautiful and well made this art is
  5. So far from what i understood is that the skill will give 40% hp at 4/4 and at all the levels the duration of the skill will be 20 sec. but then what does this mean the bonus max health will be reduced by 10% every 2 seconds? can anyone explain this to me ?
  6. Earthquake: Earthquake is the skill in itself a unique casting skill. The skill provides decent aoe dmg and holds the targets in place for sometime but the main problem with the skill is how it works upon after casting it. The area of cast is 1 pixel area and the area of effect is 3x3 If there happens to be any misposition of either you or your target while moving (whether that be because of Server lag, Connection delays or Bugged position) then you may end up missing it completely. Its not like it doesnt work if you simply cast the quake on target, It will work but at the same time there is a small chance that it may miss aswell. There are ways to make earthquake work atleast most of the time, i,e After casting quake on a target you need to immediately press on the target again and you need to be quick. It can be done its not that hard but sometimes that too fails. Shaman's Earthquake along with Druid's Insect swarm as an example ( only because since they both are type of same healing class with the similar abilities but from different factions ) Earthquake: - Deals instant dmg - Deals area dmg - Holds the target on place for sometime - Reduces the attack speed , attack speed reduction at 5/5 = 20% as far as I know - At level 1 the duration of quake is 1-2 seconds. Hence, the attack speed reduction from quake last 1-2 seconds. - At 5/5 holds the target for 4-5 seconds. - Does not works with 100% accuracy (excluding blocks, dodges, parry). Insect Swarm: - Deals periodic dmg - Deals single target dmg - Target is slowed because of dot dmg - Reduces the attack speed, assuming the same i,e at 5/5 = 20% attack speed reduction - At level 1 the duration of swarm is 5-6 seconds. Hence, the attack speed reduction from swarm lasts 5-6 seconds. - At 5/5 Dont know how long it lasts since am not a druid user. - Works with 100% accuracy (excluding blocks, dodges, parry). Suggestions for earthquake rework: 1) Its simple make it work with 100% accuracy like druid's insect swarm, you cast it on the target and it works regardless. 
  7. Ow hi i remember you. Didnt know pupymaster is your charmer. Before I used to play with name kingvenki in 2015 later deleted, that year started again with shaman davenci. I remember rocknroll was my 2nd/3rd guild back in 2015/16 when i was new to ws. I also remember you helped me levelling up along with ganktastic. Ganktastic, bey, cindy, grandpa, kunka, ogull, i remember some of them from rocknroll... Out of all these things mike aka ganktastic (rogue) / Ieatelf (dk) playing ws only for ganking in cave, near cave, just killing any elfs he sees and the trash talks happening between elf and him in wc was one of the best funny sweet memories of that time for me.
  8. Someone pls kil me Ah that was so dumb of me. My bad
  9. I see, update 7.1 sounds like definitely not from the last year my bad. I don't remember seeing any letter with no rewards attached to it as of now. If you don't mind can you show me an example of what it looks like?
  10. A quick question regarding mailbox, I want to know for how long one can keep these chests/rewards received in mailbox. And does it affects the time period of a reward if it is viewed. Last year i remember mailbox feature got updated. Hard to recall but there was a duration added to it if am not wrong. I'd like to know for how long one can keep those rewards in mailbox like for how many days a reward received in mailbox can stay without dissappearing and how many of the rewards/chests one can keep in there mailbox? Also if is there any limit to it?
  11. Ty for bringing the character restoration on the same date like last year. Have been eagerly waiting for this from a longtime.
  12. Hi, am looking for gold transfer from elfside to mcside in EU server. Gold amount from around 100k - 500k If anyone is interested in transferring let me know Thanks
  13. Venk

    Indian community

    Are bhai stronti yar bade dino bad. Last time jb dekha Tha tb tum lvl 20 shaman the.
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