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Lord of Knowledge
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Everything posted by Arthas

  1. I think movement speed is something that would help, but certainly isn't a priority. What rogues seem to lack is Large Scale PvP utility. So, maybe a "anti-stun" skill, or an AoE stun. Example: Smoke bomb - It would stun/silence players in an specific area around the player and make the rogue invisible for an specific amount of time.
  2. A lot of classes are really good for different aspects of the game. So it all depends on what you like to do. Arena?PvE?Larga Scale PvP? Blade Dancers for example, are strong in PvP and really easy to learn.
  3. Acontecia, talvez agora devido a quantidade de eventos diários, torres, e tudo mais, acaba fazendo com que você interaja muito mais com o mundo do jogo, e perceba mais frequentemente esse tipo de problema. Acho que é algo que deve estar nos planos dos desenvolvedores para ser corrigido quando possível. Mas agora no fim do ano é bastante improvável, pois eles já devem estar de mãos cheias com Hallow e Natal. Nos resta aguardar as novidades que estão por vir e torcer pelo melhor
  4. But to be honest, this is a MMORPG, and it has open world pvp, and that is something that attracts a lot of players. Most players i know love that aspect of the game, it brings a lot of interaction to the world and to other players. So it is unlikely that will ever change.
  5. Considering we just had Stamina and GP Potions promo, its probably going to be 3X Guild points Week, and then the end of the event. But we'll have to wait and see. But i think most players share your hopes, everyone loves the halloween event.
  6. Acho que uma classe desse estilo, de dano físico e com essa temática faria total sentido para a facção dos proscritos. Espero que a classe que a AiGrind está planejando seja próximo a isso
  7. Nenhuma. É só a nomenclatura que os jogos escolhem para usar. Alguns usam Dungeon e outros Tower. Mas ambos representam o mesmo.
  8. That is a good idea , maybe in the future they can implement something. I wonder how that would work , how would the game know who could and couldn't enter that specific area. And if they did split the games population by that many areas by "stats" wouldnt it end up having a bunch of islands with almost noone on them. I dont think splitting that much the population is a good idea. And if that wouldnt devalue a lot of the work it takes to get full pvp set. I think that is something that could possibly be implemented. It would be nice to be able to control how minions work, as part of the character it self. But, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration. Because that would affect a lot of the game , especially class balance. That is indeed something that i see a lot of complaints about. Especially on events that have WORLD EVENTS , that the entire server participates but most players just stand still and wait for rewards.
  9. Kick in the back is indeed a strong skill. And has a high probability of getting nerfed in the future, BUT, rogues are lacking quite a bit in other aspects. For example : Most of the game nowadays revolves around Guild vs Guild , Faction vs Facion events. And rogues are at this moment not in a good spot on that aspect. They have no CC , no area of effect damage , and no resist stun skill. So all they can do is go around trying to 1v1 players. And all that is also going to be taken into consideration.
  10. The truth is, the factions war is one of the most unique aspects of Warspear. And it is really fun. I see no point in having some kind of peace agreement between factions. World PVP rocks.
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