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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Khrone

  1. In 9.0, it changed. Now it decreases: 1/5: 5% 2/5: 15% 3/5: 25% 4/5: 35% 5/5: 45%
  2. Pse, daqui a pouco até a próxima classe dos elfos vai ter escudo
  3. Charmer = Seeker? So i think that WD = Hunter
  4. DK = Paladin Warlock = Mage Necro = Priest Charmer = Templar So, following your logic, the next class will be the Seeker counterpart? Well, Jakkars appear on the Forsaken history, but it doesn't mean that is a class option...
  5. "Вождь с порога нам уверенно говорит: я умею наносить много урона!..." "...Но только против монстров..."
  6. Só espero que não venham armas com stat critado e Vampirismo, senão...
  7. Esqueceu do Mago e agora do Templário Resumindo, todos os Escolhidos têm escudo.
  8. I know, it's almost a new role, like: Tank Healer Melee physical damager Ranged physical damager Melee magical damager (chieftain) Ranged magical damager
  9. In my mind, a battlemage is something like a warrior (medium defense and medium damage), but instead of pure physical skills, it has mixed/magical skills. The Mage causes pure magical damage. The Paladin causes mixed damage but it's a tank/support. The Death Knight causes mixed damage but it's a tank. IDK, do you think it matches? The Chieftain causes mixed damage (more magical than physical) and has medium defense (using light armor and with Rugged Hide 4/4)
  10. Могу подтвердить, что ни в какие другие игры не играю, просто привел пример
  11. Ata Sobre a parte do baú, eu concordo, mas o book parece meio OP. Imagina um Cacique com ele + a Agilidade do Lobo?
  12. На самом деле я хотел сравнить по темам. Обычно боевой маг - это разновидность воина-мага, а вождь - разновидность магического варвара.
  13. Se estiver falando do GvG dos Tritões, eu discordo. A recompensa dele é algo especial, dar um baú como recompensa iria deixar ele igual ao GvG do Caos.
  14. @Akashapor quê não temos o tópico "Sugestões" no fórum Brasileiro? Aposto que teríamos muitas ideias boas... ...inclusive as minhas
  15. Играя в другие игры, я понял: на самом деле вождь - это то, что мы бы назвали в других играх «боевым магом», но более адаптированное к теме Горных кланов. Вы согласны?
  16. Where is "Warspear Chronicles: Chapter X" ? It will be released only after all events (Hallow and Xmas)?
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