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Everything posted by darkme

  1. "Lightning Shield - Shaman is surrounded by lightning shield. If the shaman gets any damage there's a chance that the shield will return magic damage." Gotta check this skill as soon as possible. Sure it doesn't "shield" the shaman, but how much magic dmg is the question. Return a percentage of dmg received or full dmg?
  2. am sure market will be flooded with skill pages in a week. But ya, mayb 20k sounds fair.
  3. best part is tat, only high lvl get them. Love u devs :spiteful:
  4. This is EU style and if u dont pay them, they call you a scammer in world chat or create a scammers list and add ur name to it. "3-auctions/reselling" - This is the most easiest and effective way to earn gold. You just gotta make sure u buy the right item for right price (and not buy something tatl sit in ur bag for long time). Why i say this is most effective? Cos not everyone who hunts becomes rich. No matter how long u hunt, u get something only if u r lucky. Imagine hunting eye for months and all you have is a 2h sword on elf side. But before u start reselling make sure u have atleast 30k. Look for lvl13 items (with hp) or weapons or signs/spheres. Fr ex: Light boilersuits/ Graceful amulets sell like hot cakes in EU. So make sure u dont buy something like light vestments or graceful pendants and try resell.
  5. I think i saw a mobile payment facility? Google play version doesn't have that option.
  6. i thought buyin signs with cc was a far better suggestion but it was totally ignored by them. So no way this is gonna happen. But nyway thnx for reminding them that signs are as important as repairs now.
  7. 1 vote 50sceadu coins...wanna buy snorlax? jk, gl.
  8. No matter how many times i try to quit, i keep returning within 2 or 3 days. I dont know why o.O
  9. Nice explanation. So if bds dont amp there magic def and die, they blame healers or themselves? i dont wanna hear any "fckk you low heal noob" with a +8 staff.
  10. Casters were never designed to kill rangers. and am sure no one cares getting killed by a ranger nowadays. And bds die vs casters, if he s +10 bd with 3200magic def then he dies slowly. Some things never change. I was only trying to say tat casters remain as good as they were, mayb a bit better with heavy heal in attk set.
  11. Now caster will be stronger than before. Already saw lots of +9, +10 staffs on world chat. Seriously, 400attk 270 heals ? sounds scary isnt it?
  12. weird thing about this update is tat even +8 gives only around 245 heal and i dont think +8 is low amp. But ya high attk for a farming druid, sounds cool.
  13. This is what irritates me. Getting to +9 is not easy at all for non mcoin buyers, no matter how much u farm lab or swamps. I dont mind spending real money to get to +10, but where's the fun in tat? I dont have this problem with my ranger, he has a +7 doom bow which is good enf for now. But imagine playing a +7 druid healing 230 odd. Good for pvp but who would want a low heal druid in lab ptys?
  14. Priests are the real heal class from today. Druids just hybrid.
  15. Am i the only one who thinks rangers most op class now? with magic defense and that stupid buff?
  16. Which mod can explain what they've done?. We dont create heal class for pvp. With just 230 heal who will invite u to lab hunts?. What do you want us to do now? Go arena, amp gears and spam world chat? Magic defense was a big advantage for melee, now you should've added/modified skills right? why reduce heal and increase attack? seriously Weird. Instead you can just remove the non mcoin buyers from game. Wasted nearly 2months to get the best astral gears in game and it wasnt easy :)
  17. use brains lol. Update not postponed, so its obviously today.
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