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Ever seen a Magic Paladins 'crappy' basic heal especially when it crits? ask any magic pala to demonstrate and you will regret your label of "crappy". Also magic pala isnt just a crazy support(which gets it nerfed every update due to Russian forum complaints), its also an unkillable tank even at 0 books.I have never thought there are 0 book tanks that can survive even 3 minutes with me in a 1v1. As a matter of fact i'm actually starting to unlock right branch just to stall parties in 5x5 and tank guilds of mcs in gvgs.A paladin with a library like mine will be unkillable. Trust me, you will see how broken magic pala with right branch is… ^^^
By Ricardo Neto · Posted
Era bom atualizar essa parte das costas do personagem quando ele fica de lado 👀👀 Acho que ficaria legal -
And yet if magic pala heals you all end up saying BS like "Paladin is a primary tank , and is outhealing a PRiMaRy HeaLER oOoOoh nOoO". You cherry pick whenever you feel like paladin shouldnt be a healer.😂 As for the physical paladins, you are right they cannot heal. You saw my video I showed you all as visual proof physical pala cant heal.The only think pala has is a base heal of 300 which is nothing... and now finally physical paladin has another healing ability through his assassins talent powers surge. (600-700 heals every 5 sec)
do research before spewing garbage
By Netrandoma · Posted
очень крутой бы костюм получился если бы ты его сделал,но кажеться где то похожий я видел
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