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All i can say is, on russian forums also exist this problem, so isnt a issue of a single server. I've saw also the typical clowns that claims they endured the chieftains for years , and then says " is our turn". All the more reason why devs modified the percentages xD , thats ain't an argument.. anyway... From my point of view, of being a tank/support, is causing more impact as support than as tank , remember his main role is tank than a support. Ofc it doesnt stop them of being more support than a tank, and they're doing good, Too good than it should be. Also exist templars and charmers, those classes that indeed should be 100% versatile than palas (which actually has a main role) ofc palas can try being a full support or a full dd, But that does not take away the tank role, two aggression skills will follow them forever.
Тал который преданазаначался изначально для масс сражений оказался имбовым. Его пофиксили, и ты этим недовлен, т.к. пострадали аспекты игры где этот тал не должен был ролять Я правильно понял?
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