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Death Knight is primarily a tank that wears heavy mermen. How come when it becomes low hp it starts healing 2k a tic and ends up around 12k hp within 5 seconds.It also has a 50% reduction that lasts 9 seconds and has a cooldown of only 20 seconds. Why does a tank become a better support than a primary support/healer like a druid with its weak skin toughening skill. Not to mention the annoying 0.5 sec stuns from dk m5 talent, even the tornado that you all complained about cannot compete with that. see how stupid you sound? Just because a paladin with maxed out gears and 45+ books destroys weak 0 book mcs, doesn't mean it needs a nerf or a rework.It only means you need to start working on your weak char and learn how to play it
By Badshooter · Posted
не знаю, как по мне так слишком черно, многое теряется, для меня как темное пятно на 50% коста рельеф не виден, который старался передать -
By Tyler Durden · Posted
Кристаллы лучше видно, костюм лучше читается -
+, Более пещерные вайбы какие-то, будто в майнкрафте мод на свечение руд поставил
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