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На каком нибудь бд/варе возможно, не представляю чтобы на них нужно было задействовать мозг для игры. Но большинство классов, особенно с сапорт механикам, нуждаются в грамотной игре, на которую щас к сожалению 70-80% сапов на арене не способны. Я говорю не вижу смысла кому-то равные условия создавать, меняя полностью уже имеющийся режим, если только не переработать уже имеющуюся систему повышения ЛВЛА в 5×5/горне. Чтобы как я и сказал повышался не только лвл шмота, но его и точка на +10 и чары соответственно были критическими, максимального значения. Типа условно регает тип хай лвла, в фуловом 6 лвл шмоте велы и он у него становится 34-го, максимального значения и точки и крит чар.
One of the most significant barriers to purchasing the Battle Pass is the presence of tasks that are nearly impossible to complete for a weak character and on low-population servers, such as Sea-Pearl. For instance, tasks like defeating the Almahad boss or participating in arena matches are extremely challenging when there are insufficient players available to form a group or compete. Despite seeking assistance in world chat, players often receive no response or support, making these tasks frustrating and unattainable. This issue creates hesitation among players when considering the purchase of the Battle Pass, as they fear being unable to complete certain tasks due to server limitations. While it is possible to replace tasks using Miracle Coins, the replacement is based on RNG (random number generation), which can result in another equally difficult or impossible task. This forces players to spend a significant amount of Miracle Coins repeatedly, which is neither cost-effective nor player-friendly. Suggestion: To address this issue, I propose replacing the Miracle Coin requirement for task changes with an alternative currency, such as gold or Crimson Corundum. This change would make the Battle Pass more accessible and appealing to players, especially those on low-population servers. Proposed Solution: 1. Task Change Currency: Allow players to change tasks using gold or Crimson Corundum instead of Miracle Coins. - Suggested cost: 1,000 gold or 10 Crimson Corundum per task change. - If this cost is deemed too low, developers could implement a scaling penalty for multiple task changes within a single Battle Pass cycle (e.g., increasing the cost incrementally with each subsequent change). 2. Benefits: - For Players: This change would reduce unnecessary spending of premium currency (Miracle Coins) and make the Battle Pass more achievable, increasing its perceived value. - For Developers: By making the Battle Pass more accessible, more players would be incentivized to purchase it, potentially increasing overall revenue. The profit generated from increased Battle Pass sales would likely outweigh the minimal loss from players using gold or Crimson Corundum for task changes. 3. Long-Term Impact: - Players would feel more confident in purchasing the Battle Pass, knowing that they can adapt tasks to their server conditions without excessive reliance on RNG or premium currency. - This change would foster a more positive player experience, encouraging long-term engagement and loyalty to the game. Implementing this change would create a win-win scenario for both players and developers. Players would benefit from a more flexible and achievable Battle Pass system, while developers would see increased Battle Pass sales and player satisfaction. Given the current limitations on low-population servers, this adjustment is a necessary step toward ensuring the Battle Pass remains a valuable and attractive feature for all players. Thank you for considering this proposal. I believe this change would significantly enhance the overall experience for warspear player base.
А догадки можно строить любьіе
я сам даже не помню что єто. Отошел в лучший мир где за рисование платят деньги как на реальной работе. Жду на форуме конкурс рисовалок. Нету никак А там совокупность факторов. Да и вопрос риторический скорее. Не в нашу сторону он бьіл адресован
экономика игры на текущий момент рассчитана на присутствие ботоводов, на публике, конечно, это всё запрещено и порицается, но... ты задумался, это хорошо. думаю, ты сможешь найти правильный ответ (подсказку я уже дал) таких вещей не пиши, мнение тех, кто не играет, с недавних пор не учитывается (это не я придумал ес чо) а вообще тебя не хватает, ты классный контент делал на ютуб канале, песня "я робот-д..." в видео про ботов это было гениально ящитаю.
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